Steps for building a page with active directory authentication -

Need direction and help in active directory authentication
I want to build a web page which is able to identify a person accessing the web page by comparing the active directory email feild to the one in our application contact table and show the necessary functionality.
What are the steps i need to follow to acheive the above

this article on CodeProject helped me a lot


I am trying to create an "undeletable" admin user in WordPress

I am looking for a way to create an undeletable admin user in wordpress. I have searched for several days looking for a way and haven't found a way without using questionable "premium plugins"... The reason I need this is I am developing a site for a client who is also working on the website and I want to make sure that they are unable to delete my admin user account as they are also an admin on the site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Has anybody done this before?
Would one way to achieve this be done by creating a custom user role and just removing the delete user and update wordpress sections from that user's auth?
Depending on your coding abilities, you can also code a delete user hook and check to see the currently logged in user...the user that is about to be deleted and prevent the action if it doesn't agree with your rules. You could put this in the theme's functions.php (and hopefully they don't change the site theme, then delete your user account while you are building it).
Does your client need admin rights to build out the site? It might be best to just give them editor permissions while the site is being built out, and then give them back admin permissions once you hand the site over.
Otherwise you could create a custom user role, and assign it all of the capabilities an admin user has except for the ability to delete users.
So I ended up using a plugin called Custom User Roles (Free Version):
It allowed me to give users access to only certain parts of the admin panel so I could hide the users list from certain (client-admin) users so they were not able to see the page to delete my Admin user.
I always use the to grant me access to my previous projects.

Alfresco community - wiki page access without any authentication

Is it possible to visit alfresco wiki pages without a user name and password?
I don't want my all users to have an account to read my wiki pages.
I have created some consumer users and they must have to log in and read the wiki. I don't want to be like this.
Is there any way creating wiki pages any Guest user can read without authentication?
Below is the link that is use full for understanding how we can create a page in alfresco share.
For solving your issue, find what is the location for the wiki page and update the below thing in XML.
To create a page that can only be accessed by administrators using an authentication level of admin. To create a page that can be accessed by any user, including those who are not logged in, set the authentication level to none.

I have two master pages for admin it is different and user is different but if user copy & paste the URL he can find the page information

I have two master pages in a Three Tier Architecture project.
For admin it is different and for user it is different but if user copy & paste the URL he can find the page information.
Give me a solution please..
You need to keep the user type in session after login. And on the particular page check the user type.
If not matching found redirect to login page.
broader solution is you need to implement Role Management of
Some useful links
Admin role management in ASP.NET website

Easy way to track website user activity

We want to track all visitor activities for logged users so we can get better insight into visitor behavior and gather more data for each individual user.
What options are available for something like this that does not require us to add code to every single website page? Are there some existing libraries for this?
Here are couple different options you can try:
If your website uses one or more master pages you can try adding code only to master pages.
Create custom http module you will later integrate into IIS. Check this article for more details

Adding multiple facebook page tabs from single facebook application using php

I have created a facebook application.
Now i want that using this application i need to add multiple pagetabs in a page.
and all of this i want to do in php
I have completed following steps
1) Logged in to facebook using my php script and got authenticaticationc code for managing pages.
2) Retrieved the list of pages i have in loged in users profile.
Now i don't know how to add a page tab in facebook programmatically.
I know there is a manual option and that is in applications settings to add a page tab
but I want to add it Programmatic using php.
Any help will be very appreciated.
Applications are allowed to have one Page Tab. So if you need to have multiple tabs for same app on single page where is no way to achieve this.
If you desire to add tabs for other applications you just need to issue POST with page access_token (from accounts connection of user who is admin of that page) request to:
You need either repeat that step for every APPLICATION_ID you want to be added as tab or Batch requests. Read more on page tabs creation in documentation for page object
