Add drop down menu on button click - windows 8 - button

I want to display a drop down menu when a user clicks a button. Something like comboBox but instead of the comboBox its a button. How can I do it??

I solved it using PopupMenu. Here is the code for other's reference.
public static Rect GetElementRect(FrameworkElement element)
GeneralTransform buttonTransform = element.TransformToVisual(null);
Point point = buttonTransform.TransformPoint(new Point());
return new Rect(point, new Size(element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight));
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var menu = new PopupMenu();
menu.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Label", (command) =>
//do work
// We don't want to obscure content, so pass in a rectangle representing the sender of the context menu event.
// We registered command callbacks; no need to handle the menu completion event
var chosenCommand = await menu.ShowForSelectionAsync(GetElementRect((FrameworkElement)sender));
if (chosenCommand == null) // The command is null if no command was invoked.

You'll need to create a custom control or a user control that combines a button and a popup. You could also just implement this in-place with a button and popup. I suggest you look at Callisto's Menu control and start from there to implement your dropdown menu:
Callisto controls (includes a Menu)


JavaFX Events for Mouse Interactions are not triggered if Key is pressed

JavaFX does not execute events like the ActionEvent for Button or CheckBox, if a modifier key like CTRL or SHIFT is pressed. As far as I understand this behavior is implemented in ButtonBehavior (e.g. note the expression ! keyDown in the following method from that class):
#Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
// if armed by a mouse press instead of key press, then fire!
final ButtonBase button = getControl();
if (! keyDown && button.isArmed()) {;
First of all, I do not really understand the reason for this. What is the purpose of not firing a button if a key is pressed?
This is my use-case: I want to implement a checkbox that can be checked/unchecked as normal. It will toggle some state in a model. But it should have an additional feature: if the user presses some key like CTRL while checking/unchecking with the mouse, an additional flag called "locked" or "protected" should be set in the model, which will prevent that the state can be overwritten by some other logic of the application.
This should give an idea about the use-case, but if not it doesn't really matter for my actual question: How can I make it possible that a CheckBox can still be toggled (or a Button be pressed) even though the user presses a modifier key?
Thanks for your help!
That is odd you can implement it yourself like so
public class Main extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{
VBox vBox = new VBox();
CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();
checkBox.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
if(event.isControlDown()) {
System.out.print("Control down click ");
System.out.print("Normal click ");
System.out.println("Checked Status:"+checkBox.isSelected());
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
System.out.println("Control down click");
System.out.println("Normal click");
vBox.getChildren().addAll(new Label("Click the box"),checkBox,button);
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(vBox));;
public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
The output for CheckBox:
Normal click Checked Status:true
Normal click Checked Status:false
Control down click Checked Status:true
Control down click Checked Status:false
The output for Button:
Normal click
Control down click

How to handle multiple tapping on toolbar item in xamarin forms?

I want to implement enable/disable property of toolbar item.
Here is the scenario,
On toolbar item activation I want to open dialog box.
When I tapped the toolbar item multiple times then it call multiple times dialog box. Please give some solution to handle the multiple calling of dialog box.
To prevent the multiple clicks, you can use a variable, to prevent calling the Dialog while waiting for the result confirmation.
first, in your class declare a variable canTap;
private bool _canTap = true;
Assuming your method when tapping the toolbar is like this:
private void ItemTapped(object sender, EventArgs args)
_canTap= false;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => {
var response = await
UserDialogs.Instance.ConfirmAsync(new ConfirmConfig { Message = "Are you sure you want to logout from this app?", Title = "Logout", OkText = "YES", CancelText = "NO" );
_canTap = true;)};

How to make all buttons having ActionEvent handler handle Enter key in JavaFX?

I have about 50 buttons in my application. For all buttons I created handler this way:
protected void handleFooButtonActionEvent(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
This way user can press buttons using mouse left button or Space key. However, it is normal practice (as I know) to allow user press button using Enter key. Is it possible to make all buttons having ActionEvent handler (see above) handle also Enter key in JavaFX, for example if we have reference to Stage stage, Scene scene or Parent root?
You can configure the Scene to do it:
KeyCombination.valueOf("Enter"), () -> {
Node focusOwner = scene.getFocusOwner();
if (focusOwner instanceof Button) {
((Button) focusOwner).fire();
You can also do it with an event handler:
scene.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, e -> {
if (e.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) {
Node focusOwner = scene.getFocusOwner();
if (focusOwner instanceof Button) {
((Button) focusOwner).fire();
Normally I’d agree with James_D that changing the standard behavior of buttons is not a good idea, but I’m finding that all GTK applications allow Enter to trigger a button press, as does Firefox as you’ve mentioned.

.NET 4.0 DataGridCombobox SelectionChanged issue

I have a requirement in my program that the object bound (from ViewModel) in a Combobox is updated as soon as an item is selected in the combobox. Currently, the object only updates once the edit is committed by either pressing Enter or leaving the cell. The user does not want the extra step.
My thought would be to have the act of selecting an item in the combobox trigger the CommitEdit() method and then CancelEdit(). However, I cannot seem to find a way to hook into the SelectionChanged event for the DataGridComboBoxColumn as it is not available.
Other suggestions have been to listen in the viewmodel for a property change event but the property is not changed until the Cell Edit is finished.
Can anyone think of a way to cause the selection of a new item (index) in a DataGridCombobox to close the edit of the cell as if the user pressed Enter or left the cell?
NOTE: I cannot use .NET 4.5 due to customer limitations.
I've had similar issue but i just found out the solution using attached property, This may not exactly fix your problem but it will help in datagrid selection changed issue.
Below is the attached property and handler methods
public static readonly DependencyProperty ComboBoxSelectionChangedProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ComboBoxSelectionChangedCommand",
new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(AttachOrRemoveDataGridEvent)));
public static void AttachOrRemoveDataGridEvent(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
DataGrid dataGrid = obj as DataGrid;
if (dataGrid != null)
if (args.Property == ComboBoxSelectionChangedProperty)
dataGrid.SelectionChanged += OnComboBoxSelectionChanged;
else if (args.OldValue != null && args.NewValue == null)
{ if (args.Property == ComboBoxSelectionChangedProperty)
dataGrid.SelectionChanged -= OnComboBoxSelectionChanged;
private static void OnComboBoxSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
DependencyObject obj = sender as DependencyObject;
ICommand cmd = (ICommand)obj.GetValue(ComboBoxSelectionChangedProperty);
DataGrid grid = sender as DataGrid;
if (args.OriginalSource is ComboBox)
if (grid.CurrentCell.Item != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
//grid.CommitEdit(DataGridEditingUnit.Row, true);
ExecuteCommand(cmd, grid.CurrentCell.Item);
SpDataGrid is the custom control that i inherited from data grid.
I added below style in generic.xaml as i use the resourcedictionary for style (you can certainly add inside the datagrid).
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Custom:SpDataGrid}">
<Setter Property="Custom:SpDataGrid.ComboBoxSelectionChangedCommand" Value="{Binding ComboBoxSelectionChanged}"/>
ComboBoxSelectionChanged is the command in my viewmodel. OnComboBoxSelectionChanged i commented the commitedit because in my case the values were already updated.
Let me know if anything is not clear or any questions. Hope this helps.

How to add a button to a dialog and create a method for the click event

In Axapta, How to add a button to a dialog and intercept the click event?
Option 1;
This line is needed in dialog run()
The you can overload the click event;
public void MyButton_clicked()
Option 2;
Put your button action code in a separate class, and create a menu option, the add a menu item button to execute your code;
Which you use depends upon what you are trying to achieve really.
If you are outside the RunBaseBatch Framework, you can do it the following way:
Note this way doesn't require a dummy menu item button either.
Dialog creation:
private void dialog()
Dialog dlg = new Dialog();
DialogGroup dlgGroup;
FormBuildGroupControl buttonGroup;
FormBuildButtonControl buttonControl;
dlgGroup = dlg.addGroup('ButtonGroup');
buttonGroup = dlg.formBuildDesign().control(dlgGroup.formBuildGroup().id());
buttonControl = buttonGroup.addControl(FormControlType::Button, 'A Button');
buttonControl.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormButtonControl, clicked),
methodStr(MyClass, myClickedMethod),
Method for override click:
private void myClickedMethod(FormButtonControl _formButtonControl)
info('hello world');
