Cannot access configuration page in drupal 7 site - drupal

I am currently building a website using drupal 7.x. Unfortunately I cannot seem to enter the admin/config page. Every time I click on the configuration tab on the administration menu, I only get a blank page. Then I created another sample site. It also has the same problem and I am using WAMP server. I cleared cache and finds no difference. I have searched for similar issues, but could find none. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

A number of things can cause the White Screen of Death, but the most common things to check:
As suggested above, memory limit may need to be increased.
Have you enabled any modules other than those in Drupal core? Try disabling contributed modules and enable individually until you experience the error, to help you identify which module is causing trouble. If you can't access the modules admin page, you can disable them in the database - the system table has a 'status' field. 1 means enable, 0 is disabled.
Could it be a permissions issue? Check admin access permissions or try logging in as the superuser (user ID 1).
Lots more and discussion here and here.

Finally I got the answer. Increase the max_execution_time in php.ini file. It solves the issue.

A few things to try...
Check your php error log for clues.
Create a simple file that calls phpinfo() and see what your memory_limit is. It may need to be increased.
Try tweaking your php.ini to get it to display an error message instead of a blank page.

I tracked this very issue to l10_update module, once I enable it, admin/config shows the WSOD. Once I disabled it, everything's fine. So:
- unchecking the localization_update module in the "modules" list
- de-installing it from the modules list
- deleting directory sites/all/modules/l10n_update
- and re-installing the module (from the same tar.gz file)


Drupal - White Screen of Death after updates (and login page returning 403 error)

I have just updated a site that is using Drupal and have now experienced the horrible WSOD.
I have searched through Google looking for any sort of solution/error log to help me find and fix the issue but nothing has worked. I have tried adding in the 'display errors' code in the index.php file and looked at the error_log file in the public directory and nothing.
I can not login to the admin page and check any modules as the login page for this is returning a 403 error.
Any suggestions?
Please go to Apache Error log. You will exact error messages there.
The log file's location is different for different OS and versions.
e.g httpd/log/error.log
Maybe your Drupal registry is broken.
Fix this using the registry_rebuild script (this is no module!)
There are times in Drupal 7 when the registry gets hopelessly hosed and you need to rebuild the registry (a list of PHP classes and the files they go with). Sometimes, though, you can't do this regular cache-clear activity because some class is required when the system is trying to bootstrap.
You might get something like:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'EntityAPIControllerExportable' not found in ...sites/all/modules/rules/includes/ on line 11
If this happens when you're trying to run update.php, and happens when you're trying to clear your cache, well, you have some trouble. That's what Registry Rebuild is for.
It also may happen that you've moved some module that Drupal requires to bootstrap, and you get a horrible error. Registry Rebuild will also rebuild the system table to get the modules in the right place so you can bootstrap.
You will need PHP-CLI or drush to run this.

"Error saving media attachment." in Media Library

After uploading a normal jpg or png (anything) to the media library, we get the above error.
I've seen many posts on this topic and tried everything but still stuck.
I'm not the regular user, but I see dozens of other pictures have been uploaded, and suddenly we're getting this error.
I checked the server, there is disk space, the permissions for Uploads and Images folders are writable (777) and I've confirmed that I can upload through the Plex control panel. I also tried deactivating all the plugins.
There are a couple things I'm also curious about, but I'm not sure if they are related:
1) One said to make sure "Always use HTTPS" is checked, but I do not have that option which is talked about here:
2) If I go to wp-admin/network/settings.php I get the WordPress message "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page," even though I have a user with the Administrator role.
Is there another hidden user with greater permissions? Still not sure if that would help though, since everything was fine until recently.
I found the cause, however I don't know why it happened or how to prevent it from happening in the future. The user for the 2013 folder, and a subdirectory for this month only, was set to Apache instead of ourusername like all the other folders. I don't know why this happened or how to prevent it from happening. I copied the folder and the user was by default set to ourusername which prevents the issue for now, but still wondering how to avoid this problem popping up again.
To get over this uploading an image error, you must make sure the permissions to this folder wp-content are set correctly.
ANSWER: The IUSR account should have read and write access. (Works for Plesk IIS and others)
Do not create the folders yourself in the WordPress area!

How to Fix Irreversible damage due to a module in Drupal

This has been extremely frustrating. I installed a module Finder in Drupal installation. I was tweaking some settings in it and then after changing some settings it started showing off some Ajax errors and then there was the White Screen, showing this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function views_include() in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/ on line 9
Using Drush, I disabled the Finder module and cleared the cache. But nothing happened. Then I disabled the Views module. The White Screen was now gone.
And now I am stuck. I had some pretty good work done in this site and when I re-enable the Views, White Screen reappears. It seems to me like the Finder module made some irreversible changes somewhere in Views. I mean how come my Views is not working when I've cleared the cache and Finder is disabled?
Has anybody ever come across such a thing in Drupal? How did you solve it?
I just found that the developer of the "Finder" module is claiming it to be a bug in Views. See here: As suggested, commenting out that particular line 9 in of Views module does work. However, I'm still skeptical to accept to be a bug in Views.
It's not Finder; it's either Drush botching an update or perhaps you relocating the module, causing the registry to become out-of-date. Check that views.module actually exists, Views is enabled in the system table and then rebuild the registry as nmc suggested.
That should fix it but, at worst, you can comment out the views_include('base'); call at the top of as a quick hack to recover your site.
I just got this error too. Funny enough it was also while playing around with settings in the finder module. Playing with the ajax settings to be precise.
Anyway, to get your site back when you get the error and white screen, close your browser and reopen it a a page other than your site and clear all the browser cache. You should then be able to see your site again.
It happen to me after setting 'Ajax' to 'yes' under the form heading on the edit finder page.
After you have reopened your browser and cleared the browser cache, go straight to the edit page for the finder that is the culprit and set 'ajax' to 'no'.
Perhaps the Registry Rebuild module may help you.
When would you need Registry Rebuild?
You might get something like:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'EntityAPIControllerExportable' not found in
...sites/all/modules/rules/includes/ on line 11
If this happens when you're trying to run update.php, and happens when
you're trying to clear your cache, well, you have some trouble. That's
what Registry Rebuild is for.
I've never used it myself so I recommend that you look into the code before running it but I hope it helps you.
See and
For me, rebuilding the registry with drush rr didn't work. Disabling the module, uninstalling ad reinstalling didn't help also. The only thing which worked was to clear the sessions table.

upload image displays an error under drupal 6

A site have run ok for some time. But recently, when I upload a image, it is always raising this error:
An unrecoverable error occurred. This form was missing from the server cache. Try reloading the page and submitting again.
The first time i uploaded the image is ok. but when I create the second article and upload a image, it shows the above error. And the upload button disappeared.
Does anyone konw how to correct it and what's the reason of this error emergence ?
Apparently the problem is not Drupal. Most likely a setting on the server. If you use hosting services. please contact support, they may be something advise. Also recommend looking into the FAQ page the module loads the image coordinates.
Also, to test this problem, try to move the website to your local kompyuter and test does not appear whether this problem. Good luck. And update all the modules before actual sosoyaniya. Poeksprimentiruyte module load module dev.
Some other users have had the same sort of issue. See this thread on and this question at Drupal Answers.
Try to disabling caching under admin/settings/performance and set minimum lifetime to none. Also try clearing the caches on your site and in your browser and try again.
The problem is in cache_get() function inside includes/ file.
At line no. 42, there is a check :
if (isset($user->cache) && $user->cache > $cache->created)
Time of user cache, is always coming as bigger than cache's creation time. That is why, this function returning zero and file is not uploaded.
However I could not find the solution yet.

How can I disable Theme Info module in Drupal when it takes up too much memory to access the admin>>modules page?

I'm TEN pages from finishing Using Drupal and I'm stuck. I turned on the Theme Info module to aid in theme customization. However, I can no longer access the admin>>modules page to turn on/off modules (including the Theme Info module). It brings up this white error page that says it tried to access about twice as much memory as is allowed. I could reinstall Drupal, but it'd be pretty lame if that's the only solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Two options.
Remove the 'Devel' module from your modules directory entirely. Reload the page. Voila! No Theme Info module. Downside: If you drag the module back in, it will still be enabled.
Open PHPMyAdmin (if you're using MAMP, WAMP, or a server that has it installed) and run the following query: UPDATE system SET status = 0 WHERE name = 'devel_themer';
Those should work to disable any module "in a pinch." You can also edit the php.ini file in your MAMP/WAMP configuration to give it more memory temporarily, though that trick won't work if you're running on a shared host that doesn't recognize php.ini changes.
First apply Eaton's suggestion (I prefer the second one).
Then increase memory_limit in your php.ini config (usually /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini). A WSOD for just that module means you really don't have enough RAM per script for anything serious: most configurations these days needs 32M at least.
