Finding dimensional index in a multi-dimensional array in R - r

Am looking at say 3-dimensional array M: M<-dim(3,3,3)
I want to find an efficient way to populate M with the following rule:
M[i,j,k] = i/10 + j^2 + sqrt(k),
ideally without having to write a loop with a for statemenet.
For clarification, there is a simple way to accomplishing this if M were 2-dimensional. If i wanted to have
M[i,j] = i/10 + j^2,
then i could just do
M<-row(M)/10 + col(M)*col(M)
Is there something equivalent for 3-or-higher dimensional arrays?

#James's answer is better, but I think the narrow answer to your question (multidimensional equivalent of row()/col()) is slice.index ...
M<- array(dim=c(3,3,3))
It would be a good idea if someone (I or someone else) posted a suggestion on the r-devel list to make slice.index a "See also" entry on ?row/?col ...
Alternatively (similar to #flodel's new answer):
d <-,lapply(dim(M),seq)) ## create data.frame of indices
v <- with(d,Var1/10+Var2^2+sqrt(Var3)) ## default names Var1, ... Varn
dim(v) <- dim(M) ## reshape into array

How about using nested outers?
, , 1
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 2.1 5.1 10.1
[2,] 2.2 5.2 10.2
[3,] 2.3 5.3 10.3
, , 2
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 2.514214 5.514214 10.51421
[2,] 2.614214 5.614214 10.61421
[3,] 2.714214 5.714214 10.71421
, , 3
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 2.832051 5.832051 10.83205
[2,] 2.932051 5.932051 10.93205
[3,] 3.032051 6.032051 11.03205

You can also use arrayInd:
M <- array(dim = c(3, 3, 3))
foo <- function(dim1, dim2, dim3) dim1/10 + dim2^2 + sqrt(dim3)
idx <- arrayInd(seq_along(M), dim(M), useNames = TRUE)
M[] <-,
I feel this approach has potential for less typing as the number of dimensions increases.

Doing it from the "ground up" so to speak.
i <- rep(1:3, times=3*3)
j <- rep(1:3 , times= 3, each=3)
k <- rep(1:3 , each= 3*3)
M <- array( i/10 + j^2 + sqrt(k), c(3, 3, 3))


How to create random vectors of another vector?

I am performing calculations with constants and vectors (approximate length = 100) for which I need to simulate normal distributions N (with rnorm). For constants (K, with standard deviation = KU) I use rnorm() in the standard way:
K <- 2
KU <- 0.2
KN <- rnorm(n = 3, mean = K, sd = KU)
what provides a vector of length 3 (KN):
[1] 1.887905 1.953965 2.311742
Now, I need to do the same thing with a vector (V, standard deviation VU). My first guess is to use:
V <- c(1, 2, 3)
VU <- 0.1 * V
VN <- rnorm(3, V, VU)
but only a vector of 3 elements is produced, one for each vector element:
[1] 0.9439524 1.9539645 3.4676125
This is actually the first simulation of the vector, but I need 3 times this vector. One solution is to create 9 numbers, but VN is a vector of 9 elements:
[1] 0.9439524 1.9539645 3.4676125 1.0070508 2.0258575 3.5145195 1.0460916 1.7469878 2.7939441
not 3 vectors of 3 elements. What I want is VN =
[1] 0.9439524 1.0070508 1.0460916
[2] 1.9539645 2.0258575 1.7469878
[3] 3.4676125 3.5145195 2.7939441
so, VN are 3 vectors which I can subsequently use in other calculations, such as KN * VN. The solution that I have found is:
VN <- * length(V), V, VU), nrow = length(V))))
but in my opinion this is a rather cumbersome expression (which I need to repeat several times in different places with rather long variable names). Is there a simpler way in base R to produce random vectors? I would like to see something like:
VN <- rnorm.vector(3, V, VU)
We can use replicate
replicate(3, rnorm(3, V, VU))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] 0.9439524 1.007051 1.046092
#[2,] 1.9539645 2.025858 1.746988
#[3,] 3.4676125 3.514519 2.793944
Or it could be
mapply(rnorm, n = 3, mean = V, sd = VU)
In addition to #akrun's great options, you may also use something slightly simpler than your approach:
matrix(rnorm(n * length(V), V, VU), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.9439524 1.953965 3.467612
# [2,] 1.0070508 2.025858 3.514519
# [3,] 1.0460916 1.746988 2.793944
or also the MASS package with mvrnorm letting to sample from a multivariate normal distribution:
mvrnorm(n, VU, diag(VU))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.6650715 0.37923044 0.05590089
# [2,] 0.2574341 0.24949882 0.97045721
# [3,] -0.5218990 -0.04857971 0.49707815
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.1 0.0 0.0
# [2,] 0.0 0.2 0.0
# [3,] 0.0 0.0 0.3
The latter option is the way to go in case you want the variance-covariance matrix not to be diagonal.

Outer function R - maintain coordinate subtraction

I have two matrices, call them A (n x 2) and B (q x 2). I'd like to get an n x q x 2 array C, such that C[1,5,] represents the difference between the first row of A and the fifth row of B, taking the subtraction of the first element in the first row of A with the first element in the fifth row of B and the second element similarly subtracted.
I'm trying to perform this function via the outer function, but it also gives me the "non-diagonal" subtractions; i.e. it will also subtract A[1,1] - B[5,2] and A[1,2] - B[5,1] which I am not interested in. Does anyone have a fast, easy way to do this?
Current code
>diffs <- outer(A,B,FUN ='-')
[,1] [,2]
[1,] **-0.3808701** 0.7591052
[2,] 0.2629293 **1.4029046**
I've added the stars to indicate what I actually want.
Thanks for any help in advance
Here's a simpler case for illustrative purposes
> A <- matrix(1:10, nrow = 5, ncol = 2)
> B <- matrix(4:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 2)
> A
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 6
[2,] 2 7
[3,] 3 8
[4,] 4 9
[5,] 5 10
> B
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 4 7
[2,] 5 8
[3,] 6 9
>diffs <- outer(A,B,FUN ='-')
>diffs[1,,3,] == (A[1,] - B[3,])
[,1] [,2]
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -5 -8
[2,] 0 -3
Before worrying about the shape of the output I think we should make sure we're getting the correct values.
A <- matrix(1:10, nrow=5, ncol=2)
B <- matrix(4:9, nrow=3, ncol=2)
# long-winded method
dia_long <- c(
c(A[1,] - B[1,]),
c(A[1,] - B[2,]),
c(A[1,] - B[3,]),
c(A[2,] - B[1,]),
c(A[2,] - B[2,]),
c(A[2,] - B[3,]),
c(A[3,] - B[1,]),
c(A[3,] - B[2,]),
c(A[3,] - B[3,]),
c(A[4,] - B[1,]),
c(A[4,] - B[2,]),
c(A[4,] - B[3,]),
c(A[5,] - B[1,]),
c(A[5,] - B[2,]),
c(A[5,] - B[3,]))
# loop method
comb <- expand.grid(1:nrow(A), 1:nrow(B))
dia_loop <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(comb)) {
dia_loop[[i]] <- A[comb[i, 1], ] - B[comb[i, 2], ]
dia_loop <- unlist(dia_loop)
# outer/apply method
dia_outer <- apply(outer(A, B, FUN='-'), c(3, 1), diag)
# they all return the same values
all.identical <- function(l) {
all(sapply(2:length(l), FUN=function(x) identical(l[1], l[x])))
all.identical(lapply(list(dia_long, dia_loop, dia_outer), sort))
# dia_long
# -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
# 1 2 4 5 6 5 4 2 1
Are these the values you are looking for?
My solution: use nested lapply and sapply functions to extract the diagonals. I then needed to do some post-processing (not related to this specific problem), before I then turned it into an array. Should be noted that this is a q x 2 x n array, which turned out to be better for my purposes - this could be permuted with aperm from here though to solve the original question.
A <- matrix(1:10, nrow = 5, ncol = 2)
B <- matrix(4:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 2)
diffs <- outer(A,B, FUN = '-')
diffs <- lapply(X = 1:nrow(A),FUN = function(y){
t(sapply(1:ncol(B), FUN = function(x) diag(diffs[y,,x,])))})
diffs <- array(unlist(lapply(diffs, FUN = t)), dim = c(nrow(B),2,nrow(A)))

How to combine subsequent list elements into a new list in R?

For example: I have a list of matrices, and I would like to evaluate their differences, sort of a 3-D diff. So if I have:
m1 <- matrix(1:4, ncol=2)
m2 <- matrix(5:8, ncol=2)
m3 <- matrix(9:12, ncol=2)
mat.list <- list(m1,m2,m3)
I want to obtain
mat.diff <- list(m2-m1, m3-m2)
The solution I found is the following:
mat.diff <- mapply(function (A,B) B-A, mat.list[-length(mat.list)], mat.list[-1])
Is there a nicer/built-in way to do this?
You can do this with just lapply or other ways of looping:
mat.diff <- lapply( tail( seq_along(mat.list), -1 ),
function(i) mat.list[[i]] - mat.list[[ i-1 ]] )
You can use combn to generate the indexes of matrix and apply a function on each combination.
if(diff(x) == 1) ## apply just for consecutive index
simplify = FALSE) ## to get a list
Using #Arun data, I get :
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 4 4
[2,] 4 4
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 4 4
[2,] 4 4

How to apply a function to a multidimensional array based on its indices

I have a 4 dimensional array and I want to fill in the slots with values which are a function of the inputs. Through searching the forums here I found that the function "outer" is helpful for 2x2 matrices but cannot be applied to general multidimensional arrays. Is there anything which can achieve this in R more efficiently than the following code ?
K <- array(0,dim=c(2,2,2,2)) #dimensions will be much larger
for(x1 in 1:2)
for(y1 in 1:2)
for(x2 in 1:2)
for(y2 in 1:2)
K[x1,y1,x2,y2] <- x1*y2 - sin(x2*y1) #this is just a dummy function.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Edit; Here's what I think will be an even faster solution. It assumes that you have predefined K as you offered. It uses the K[] <- construct to insert values calculated on a dataframe environment. Using the square-brackets on the LHS of the assignment preserves K's structure, and I think it is both vectorized and self-documenting:
dfm <- expand.grid(x1=1:2,x2=1:2,y1=1:2,y2=1:2)
K[] <- with(dfm, x1*y2 - sin(x2*y1 ) )
First solution offered:
If you can create a data.frame or matrix that has the indices x1,x2,y1,y2 and the values you can use the: K[cbind(index-vectors)] <- values construction:
mtx<- data.matrix( expand.grid(x1=1:2,x2=1:2,y1=1:2,y2=1:2) )
K[mtx] <- apply(mtx, 1, function(x) x["x1"]*x["y2"] - sin(x['x2']*x['y1']) )
> K
, , 1, 1
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.158529 0.09070257
[2,] 1.158529 1.09070257
, , 2, 1
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.09070257 1.756802
[2,] 1.09070257 2.756802
, , 1, 2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.158529 1.090703
[2,] 3.158529 3.090703
, , 2, 2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.090703 2.756802
[2,] 3.090703 4.756802

replace diagonal elements in an array

Does anyone know a neat/efficient way to replace diagonal elements in array, similar to the use of diag(x) <- value for a matrix? In other words something like this:
> m<-array(1:27,c(3,3,3))
> for(k in 1:3){
+ diag(m[,,k])<-5
+ }
> m
, , 1
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 5 4 7
[2,] 2 5 8
[3,] 3 6 5
, , 2
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 5 13 16
[2,] 11 5 17
[3,] 12 15 5
, , 3
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 5 22 25
[2,] 20 5 26
[3,] 21 24 5
but without the use of a for loop (my arrays are pretty large and this manipulation will already be within a loop).
Many thanks.
Try this:
with(expand.grid(a = 1:3, b = 1:3), replace(m, cbind(a, a, b), 5))
The question asked for neat/efficient but, of course, those are not the same thing. The one liner here is compact and loop-free but if you are looking for speed I think you will find that the loop in the question is actually the fastest of all the answers.
You can use the following function for that, provided you have only 3 dimensions in your array. You can generalize to more dimensions based on this code, but I'm too lazy to do that for you ;-)
`arraydiag<-` <- function(x,value){
dims <- dim(x)
id <- seq_len(dims[1]) +
id <- outer(id,(seq_len(dims[3])-1)*prod(dims[1:2]),`+`)
x[id] <- value
dim(x) <- dims
This works like :
Note that, contrary to the diag() function, this function cannot deal with matrices that are not square. You can look at the source code of diag() to find out how to adapt this code in order it does so.
diagArr <-
function (dim)
n <- dim[2]
if(dim[1] != n) stop("expecting first two dimensions to be equal")
d <- seq(1, n*n, by=n+1)
as.vector(outer(d, seq(0, by=n*n, length=prod(dim[-1:-2])), "+"))
m[diagArr(dim(m))] <- 5
This is written with the intention that it works for dimensions higher than 3 but I haven't tested it in that case. Should be okay though.
