How can I change the WordPress archive URL pattern? - wordpress

I have an archives section in the right sidebar. You can check here. By default, the archive section gives the /blog/2012/08/ URL pattern.
But I want the /blog/archive/2012/08/ pattern without changing the Permalink pattern as the main posts using blog/post_name, and it should not be changed. How can I get this done?
I am new to WordPress.

Tonight I come to this question with no answer. Although it's quite late to answer, but I try to answer it for future reference.
You can add following code snippet to functions.php file.
function change_archive_links() {
global $wp_rewrite;
// add 'archive'
$wp_rewrite->date_structure ='blog/archive/%year%/%monthnum%/';
Don't forget to flush WordPress rewrite rules after adding the snippet. To do that, go to WP Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and press Save Changes button.


Dashicons in wordpress (frontend) won't display

I'm creating a website in WordPress. I'm using dashicons for rating (manually) holidays.
It used to work, but after update the dashicons won't be visible for non-logged in users. Only, if you login, you can see the star ratings.
The star rating should be visible on the left top of each holiday deal.
Who knows a solution?
Website url is
Dashicons is the official icon font of the WordPress admin as of 3.8..
To load Dashicons for non logged in users:
Open directory {your-website-folder/wp-content/themes/}
Go into the folder of your active child theme ( if you don't have active child theme, open the folder of your active parent theme )
Find there functions.php file and add the provided code at the end of it (
make sure, there isn't ?> php closing tag at the end of file. if so, just remove it ):
function ww_load_dashicons(){
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ww_load_dashicons');
Save changes. Dashicons will loads on your website for all users.
EDIT: there may be some plugin/code, which removed Dashicons from pages. Try to change your code with this one:
function ww_load_dashicons(){
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ww_load_dashicons', 999);
Try this:
<span class="bx-next dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2"></span>
'dashicons-arrow-right-alt2' is the class of the icon.
You can find them here:
This has to go to your functions.php file:
function load_dashicons(){
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'load_dashicons');
For me the problem was simply that my browser blocker addons weren't allowing the source of dashicons.css
If you're using the plug-in "Asset CleanUp", you can navigate to "BULK CHANGES" and easily use "Remove site-wide rule" at the line, where the url for "dashicon" is listed.
Many of the icons on the official list were appearing blank for me when defined as a value of the menu-item property in the register_post_type function.
If you open wp-includes/css/dashicons.css you will see a complete list of icons available, many of which have different names, for example dashicons-quote is actually dashicons-editor-quote.
Using these values solved the problem for me. I also found this cheat sheet to be helpful if you don't want to go digging through your source files.
Solved for me— For some reason, dashicons was only not rendering when I wasn't accessing the https:// version of the site.

Can I edit my .htaccess to write some WorldPress URL's (custom rewrites)?

So here's the problem: We don't like the fact that WordPress doesn't allow duplicate slugs, even for sub categories meaning we cannot have urls like:
That's very annoying! One solution we are considering is setting up our slugs like this:
But in our htaccess - can we use it to pick up such urls and rewrite them as prettier urls which have the product name removed from the sub folder? We don't mind hard coding these as we'll only ever have 5-10 products on the site.
This would keep the WordPress install happy with unique slugs, but the SEO tick in the box with better looking urls.
I just need a hand with the syntax please?
After looking at the WordPress Rewrite API, I'm failing to get anywhere with what I think is a really simple test. I have the following code in my functions.php which is running as I tested an echo, but no rewriting is taking place?
add_action( 'init', 'productRewrites' );
function productRewrites() {
Nothing happens when I hit:
Edit 2:
Cool I realise I now have to click save each time. The problem I now have is the following does not work not when I use $matches[1] - it only works if I hard code the author_name value (to jwilson for example):
function productRewrites() {
When I use $matches[1] it just returns everything! So clearly isn't using ([^/]+) in the url?!
you have to reset permalink structure
in order to do that, move to Settings -> Permalinks and press Save changes button

Custom Plugin for wordpress with hierarchy of SEF pages

Here's my issue. My company needs a vendor database added to our wordpress website. None of the existing plugins will even come close to what we need, and we already have a mysql database with all of our information, so we need to create a plugin or something to do what we need.
These urls need to be direct-accessible and have SEF urls. So, for example:
And, the custom content needs to appear inside the wordpress template.
There are really 2 options:
1) Find a way to write our application outside of wordpress, but find a way to bootstrap wordpress to show the header, footer, and sidebar.
2) Run the app from inside wordpress.
So I went for option #2. I created a new template file named "vendor.php", and began working. I added this code to my functions.php of my theme:
add_filter( 'template_include', 'xyz_template_check' );
function xyz_template_check() {
global $template;
$rqst = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$ra = split("/", $rqst);
if ($ra[1] == "vendors") {
$template_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/vendors.php';
return $template_file;
return $template;
So what the above code does, if it sees the word "vendors" as the first part of the url after the site name, it sends you to vendor.php. This works PERFECTLY....
Wordpress believes that the page is not found. It returns a 404 header, and NOT FOUND into the page title and breadcrumb.
Adding a PAGE called "Vendor Database" with the permalink "/vendors/" fixes the main page. But there will be literally hundreds of vendors and different categories. I cant be creating a custom page for each one. This needs to be dynamic.
So, how do I make wordpress give a 200, and supply an acceptable page title, breadcrumb, etc.
Don't even get me started on the danged wp_title filter. This did NOT work as documented. Although, it just occurred to me that this might be an issue with Wordpress SEO (the wp_title filter issue).
Anyone got an idea on this?
Ok got this. The solution was to use the rewrite api, as mentioned above, to look for the pattern /vendors/, letting it know that it was a valid URL. Coupled with my existing template override, this is what I needed.

Rewrite category wordpress

Is it possible to rewrite only one category ?
I have a category "Photos" and just for this category.
I just want to rewrite it from /category/photos to /photos
You can do it with WP Rewrite API.
Add this to functions.php
add_action('init', 'register_rewrites');
function register_rewrites() {
add_rewrite_rule('^photos$', 'index.php?category_name=photos','top');
Remember to reload your rewrite settings: go to Settings -> Permalinks and click on Save button - no changes needed.
The Yoast SEO plugin has this function build in, I recommend this plugin in general.
no-category-base-wpml only does this
If you don't want to install a plugin for this. Around the web there are many tutorials which do this:
Too enable this for just one category I would advise the following:
create a page called photos.
create a theme template page for this photo page
In is set up a new query_posts* getting the category 'photos'
Include the category.php file.
assign that template to the photo page.
Not tested but should work. Because the page has the correct URL and should include the category. Questions, aks.
*query_posts is bad for performance if you want to do it totally correct use the pre_get_posts filter. It's requires more knowledge.

Wordpress Custom Post type page display

Hi I am reading Building wordpress themes from scratch in order to understand theme development.I got to a point in the book where it explains how to create the custom post type pages.And the author mentions that this function is required in order to display the page:
add_action('init' , 'director_rewrite');
function director_rewrite(){
global $wp_rewrite;
$wp_rewrite->add_permastruct('typename','typename/%year%%postname%/' , true , 1);
add_rewrite_rule('typename/([0-9]{4})/(.+)/?$','index.php?typename=$matches[2]', 'top');
I have deleted the function and the page still display corectly without it.That leads me to belive that I do not understand wha this actualy does.
So is this function required to properly display custom post type pages?If so what does it do?
It adds rewrite rule for the permalinks structure of your page. If you remove it, the page still show correctly, but link towards your page is different!
