How to check if multiple rows have been selected in a grid - grid

How can I check if multiple rows have been selected in a grid?
In Dynamics Ax, there a multiselect property that disable button if multiple records have been selected, does the "opposite" exists?
Meaning activating a button only if multiple records have been selected, how can I do this through code?

Unless that kind of property exists, it seems you have two things here :
check if multiple rows are selected
check it every time the selection changes
Checking for multiple selection
Have a look on axaptapedia : Multiple grid selections to count the selected records.
Checking on selection's change
Look at the InventTable's form where buttons are activated depending on the selection being a bom or not.
Form's methods handling buttons activation like setBOMRouteEnabled are called from datasource's method active.
Following this model you can check for multiple selection on selection's change.

The best way to detect this would be like this:
FormDataSource fds = salesTable.dataSource();
if (fds.recordsMarked().lastIndex() > 1)
info("Multiple records selected");
info("1 or 0 records selected");


Appmaker multiple filters on one page

I have a page where I need to display projects from one table according to there status - I need To Do, In Progress, Done like on kanban board. I tried to filter each panel according to status but I guess because I filter the same datasource I end up with the same data in all three panels. Any advice? Thanks!
At least two options come to mind:
Use one datasource, but 3 tables, for each table, bind the Table Row's visible property to the item's status like: #datasource.item.status === "Done", etc. And then for the other two tables do the same but with a different status value, this will basically just hide the rows that don't match your desired status.
Use 3 datasources, and either have a query that loads a specific status, or let the user filter within that status using query filters (#datasource.query.filters.type._equals = "Done"). This way each table is its own datasource and set of records that does not overlap.

Javafx table view multiple selection sometimes skips one of the items

I have created a table view in javafx for my custom object. I have enabled multiple selection in the code by doing:
Randomly I observe that when I select all the items by pressing Ctrl+A, one of the items is returned as null among all the selected items. Not sure why this happens.
I use below line to fetch all items:
ObservableList<MyObj> selectedItems = table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems();
Any suggestions?
Apparently it's a bug, already fixed for version 9 (and also 8u112, if I understand correctly):
A workaround for now is to use getSelectedIndices(), then get the items corresponding to these instances from table.getItems()

infopath: hide control if all choices are filtered away

In infopath, I have a choice box that gives a choice of values from a secondary data source that is filtered.
How can I make the control hide if there is nothing matching the filter?
You can you use the count function to set a field to the value of the count of the filter, then hide the control if that field reads 0.

VFP Grid with multiselect

I'm trying to implement multiple record selection feature on a grid.
It is very similar to
It adds an extra column with check boxes. I want those check boxes!!
But it depends on a extra logical field in the underlying table. It need to create a class clscheck which inherits CHECKBOX. I'm not sure why this CLICK procedure is needed for the checkbox.
When I removed it, row selection did not work correctly as expected. Why this?
Here is my requirement:
1) I don't want to add an extra logical field in the underlying table.
2) To work with controls in the grid, I think AllowCellSelection must be .T. I want AllowCellSelection = .F. because I don't need to work with any control in the grid except the check boxes. I need to work only with check boxes. The other columns will be read-only.
3) Can I have selected list without the logical field in the underlying table?
4) Can I remove the usage of KEYBOARD '{DNARROW}'?
In fact, I have a grid which is AllowCellSelection = .F., but it only provides single selection.
I need to enhance it with multiple selection, thus, I just want to add an extra column with check boxes so that user can know he can select multiple records.
No need Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click which is not familiar with idiot users.
I have found this -
It also depends on an extra logical field and it depends Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click.
What you are seeing is quite common for multi-select grids. I've used them SIMILAR to this in the past. However, you are afraid of the extra column in the underlying table. That may/not be true. You don't always have to update the ORIGINAL table, but a temporary CURSOR you are presenting to the user. Ex: If you want to display a list of employees in a table. No, you don't want to keep adding this column to the original employee table as then anyone else trying to do multi-select could falsely get your selection. However, if you pulled into your own local cursor and presented to the user, then no problem. Example...
Thisform.YourGrid.RecordSource = "Employees"
(bound directly to your employee table -- not necessarily the right thing)
use in select( "C_MultiPickEmployees" )
select ;
.F. as IsChosen, ;
E.* ;
from ;
Employees E;
into ;
cursor C_MultiPickEmployees READWRITE
Thisform.YourGrid.RecordSource = "C_MultiPickEmployees"
NOW, you have your extra column without dealing with issues to the underlying table. If you wanted to further filter what you were showing -- such as employees for a certain division/department, then just add that to a WHERE clause, add an Order By if so needed and you are good to go.
As for the "Allow Cell Selection", I've never had to deal with that. I just add a "checkbox" to the first column and set
Thisform.YourGrid.Column[1].CurrentControl = "CheckBoxControl"
(based on the name it is added to the column).
Then, set the column 1's "ControlSource" = "C_MultiPickEmployees.IsChosen" and you should mostly be done.
As for the "CLICK" event trying to force the down arrow. This is more for automatically scrolling to the next record so you can just click, click, click for multiple entries.
Hope this helps clarify things for you.

ASP.NET DropDownList - How do I handle missing values?

I have a list of values in a SQL Table which are used to popluate a DropDownList, having a unique Integer as the value of each item and a String as the visible text (via SqlDataSource). There is also a third field in the database which is a flag to indicate whether the list item is active or not (inactive items are not shown in the DropDownList)
Selections made in the dropdown are stored in the database as their integer value (as part of a dataset making up the overall record), not the text value.
Over time, the items in the DropDownList may be removed by marking the items as inactive. However, there is still a need to open old records which may have had a now-inactive item as part of it's data...
My question is, what's the best way to ensure that the missing value included in the dropdown for the old record?
The two methods that spring to mind are to either:
Populate DropDownList with only the currently active items and, when loading a record, catch when the app tries to select a value that doesn't exist, go back to the db to see what it should be (the text value) and manually add it into the dropdown.
Populate DropDownList with all list items (both active and inactive), load the record and then programatically remove all the inactive items (execpt for any that are now selected).
Neither of these seem particularly efficient, so I was wondering whether there is a best practice for this kind of thing?
there are so many optimum ways to do that sort of things, i am defining here a couple of them, use any of following if your Drop down list items count is less than 200 , lets say drop down list is of Products
i) Load all Products records in drop down list and hide the inactive ones by setting visible=false
i) When you load a user record than look for its drop down list value if its visible than select it and enjoy, if its not visible than make it visible by setting its property visible=true and select it and also set its index or id in a flag to change its visibility(visible=false) again after your/users required operation performed.
i) load only active Product records in drop down list ii) while loading a user record also load its product details(name, id, inactive_status) using Joins in sql.
iii) check in that user record if item is inactive then add its record in drop down list as you have all its details now with user details record else just select it.
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you drop down list has items in millions than use ADVANCE SEARCH techniques
The first thing I would do is question your business logic - should you be able to make an item inactive if it is being used as a foreign key in an active row elsewhere? If you make it inactive should it not remove all foreign keys as well?
To answer your question though I would go with a variation on the second idea but filtering in the page like that is probably slower than doing directly with SQL so I guess you have something like this at the moment to populate the dropdown
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Active = 1
You should already have your record and the foreign key value so I would change it to this
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Active = 1 OR PrimaryKey = [YourForeignKey]
Then you will always have the selected item but should also be fairly efficient.
