wp-ecommerce product links going to the wrong url - wordpress

Hi I recently installed wp-ecommerce on a site i am working on. I had previously tried to change the page that the shop appears on by creating a new page and copying the shortcode from the original 'products-page' to my new page 'our-products'. Pretty pointless i realise now. I decided against this and just used the original page - but now when i go to 'products page' everything including the checkout etc works perfectly except when you click on a product to view it on its own page. it jumps to domain/our-products/... and the page is broken.
I tried to change all the settings in wp-options to the original page but it makes no difference. I went into phpmyadmin and found references to the 'our-products' eg the wrong page in the wp-options table. If i change these to the correct page should it work?
What is also weird though is when I delete the 'our-products' page the entire store stops working.
Here is the site product page: http://www.nuvogadgets.com/products-page/
Here is what happens when you click on a product: http://www.nuvogadgets.com/our-products/product-category/test-product/
Cheers Paul

Take a backup(!) and then install the Store Toolkit from Visser Labs, and relink broken pages from that.


Wordpress how to link a page to blog content

This may seem novice, but I assure its not.
So, I have a site, which displays blog posts by date from new backwards.
Standard stuff. However, what I'm trying to do is create a temporary homepage, lets call it 'yogo'. It displays some ad, or image, with a button link.
What I'd like is a direct link to the actual blog feed which displays in a given theme site's frontpage. Is it just a block?
When Im in Appearance->Reading, I can change homepage to 'yogo' fine. But, say a visitor is on 'yogo', and I want a button they click on to link to what would be the original theme frontpage with blog content, it should technically be 'Home' but is that coded somewhere through the wordpress software like the Reading mentioned above.
Maybe Im missing something, should I shut off permalinks, and dig for it in actual page extension?
Im trying to avoid using Guten. or Elem. to build out a blog page.
Any advice, thanks in advance.
Once add your code in front-page.php or home.php you can use get_the_permalink() function to get the blog page URL and will pass in "a" HTML tag like this -
Your Blog Name
Might be it can help you.
Just a quick update. actually solved this.. In simple terms, it is possible to do this really quickly through the Wpress UI. From your backend, these are the steps in the following order:
(firstly. shout out 2 user 'mirchev' because if u didn't point out templates I would of been way off. actually after about an hour of research after that) So it all takes place in Setting->Reading. From what I've read, Wpress started off as a blog based system anyways, so it was solved a long time back. Basically to start, 1. Create 2 pages, no need to add any content as long as they are 'new' and you make note of the names.
2. Also important -in the template area to the right panel when the new page editor loads up (you don't need to add any texts, images or whatever, including the area on the right just make sure "default template" is selected. 3. Afterwards, these 2 pages are 2 be used in the Setting->reading section.
What you want to do is when you enter this setting of your Wpress site, instead of having your "homepage" radio button be "latest posts" set it to 'static page,' and 4. important - select 1 of the 2 new pages you created as the static page. 5. Now, also important, for the posts page, select the 2nd of the 2 new pages you created. 6. Once this is done, what happens is your website loads the static page, which you may customize however, and then you can go into your Appearance->menus and add the appropriate link to the 2nd of the 2 new pages you created to load the blog, or link to it whichever way you choose. More often than not a menu item should appear if that is the setting you customized.
..And that is all. if fact I was very surprised just how smooth it was.
good luck ! ..--'''~~**

wordpress 4.7.3 reload same page

i'm trying to fix a strange issue of my website.
I use latest wordpress version with woocommerce and wootheme.
I really don't know when it started that problem.
The problem is very simple, when i am in backend often i can't change page, i can click everywhere but reloads the same page.
For example if i am in Posts>Example1 and i want to go to Pages i click on it, i see "?post_type=page" but reloads Example1! is very frustrating because to change page i need to wait many secs or mins.. like a cache problem but i disabled all plugin cache!
If i hold 30 secs and i click the page loads correctly.
Sometimes that same problem appears in website, not only in backend.
For example I tried to add a product to cart, after adding I put it back and the problem recurred, the page is reloaded and the product was always there, I had to clear the cache manually (Ctrl + F5) and then worked.

WordPress: deleted page still showing up

I'm using WordPress 4.6 with Divi theme.
A project page behaved funny so I deleted it.
Now I wanted to build it again with the same slug, but the deleted page still shows up under that slug.
I deleted the trash
I deleted the browser cache
even opened an incognito tab in Chrome
I even changed the slug at the time the old page appeared. Now the deleted page still shows up. But under the NEW slug.
Completely lost here.
What can I do?
Have you actually deleted the page, and not just left it in 'Bin' or 'Trash'?
If you're logged in as Admin, I believe deleted, and draft pages still show as normal so you can preview them.
Try logging out of /wp-admin/ and see if you can still access the page. If it says 'Page not found', then your page is still in Wordpress and hasn't been deleted.
In Appearance > Theme Options > Front Page Section 1 Content you can edit what pages show on that first scrolling screen. This also drove me mad for a while till I figured it out.
I had this kind of problem because an image had the same name as a page.

Wordpress: Posts and pages content not showing but title is

I have a wordpress site which was working all fine but suddenly it got hacked by someone. I immediately deactivate my theme and then after sometime activate it. it got recovered but all contents of pages and posts is not showing up but title is showing. I checked databse tables. It contains all posts, also checked wp-admin. It also contains all data. Also tried by deactivating plugins and then activating it. Dont know what to do. please help me, I badly need it. Pleaseee
here is the link
index page is okay. But go on any menu. it will give the message no post is found.
go to your functions file and see if they messed with your DEFINE posts to remove those parts of the page.

Wordpress permalink slug automatically changing and creating a new page

I've never seen this happen before. I have a page and we can call it overview.
This page has been called overview for 5 years and the slug has always been /overview
Then one day when I go to edit the page I navigate to website.com/overview and click the edit page button. I then see that the permalink slug has changed to /overview-2 and it won't let me change it back. Weird.
So I save it as /overview-2 and all related child pages and images switch to being associated to /overview-2.
Ok, this is the weirdest part. I then navigate to the original page website.com/overview and that page resolves to a new page that was created (new post ID) at the same time stamp as I saved the /overview-2 page.
I was able to recreate this issue when I noticed another page on the website do the same thing. We'll call it /another. This time instead on saving the page as /another-2 I went into the permalink settings and changed them back to default then back to post name. I navigate back to /another and it now has a new post id and the original page and all child pages and images are now associated with /another-2.
All plugs are up to date and core is running the newest 4.9.4 version of wordpress.
Anyone know what gives?
