on MVVMLight can I have 1 project for both WP7 and WP8 - mvvm-light

I'm confused from the package of the latest MVVM Light V4.1 ( as in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Laurent Bugnion (GalaSoft)\Mvvm Light Toolkit\Binaries
there are different directories for WP7 and WP8.
My understanding was that the same app can work on WP7 and WP8, so I was not planning to have two different projects.
The question is how can I have a single project for both platforms?
Is it possible?
Which library should I link to the project?
thank you,

Though WP7 application will run on WP8 and it's is quite possible to maintain a single project for both but quirk mode has some disadvantages.
Read about it here:-
and then decide.
IMO you should maintain two projects.


Is there any why to merge CEF runtime resources file together?

I used CEFSharp for my application for a while. I noticed there are some commercial solutions packaged all CEF runtime resources into few dll files, some C++ base solution also can do it.
So, I just want to know CefSharp can merge/package/combine all CEF runtime resources together? In that ways, develop an application can be just reference the CefSharp dlls and run, it will make works more simple and more easier to redistribution.

Is there any disadvantage in a long term to develop .Net core app which targets Net461?

I am trying to generate Well formatted Excel files from .Net Core and found ClosedXML library which runs only on .Net 4.61
I already tested the following libraries which work on .Net Core
OpenXML - Too many codes for a simple task and difficult for me to use
SyncFusion - Public / Government Organisation cannot use for free.
I changed the target to Net461, do the dotnet restore and all my codes are still running as usual and I could generate the Excel file with ClosedXML too.
What I would like to know is, is it a good approach? This is not a one-off small project and I am likely to maintain this website for another 3-4 years at least.
Is there any potential to lose the new functionalities and not able to use new Libraries from .Net Core in the future?
Or should I create another separate website running on Net461 and call that URL from my .Net Core app? So, I don't need to worry about losing new .Net Core functionalities in the future.
There is obviously no way to know the future, but the biggest thing you get with .Net Core over the full framework is the ability to run the app cross platform. So if cross platform isn't a concern, then going with the full framwork shouldn't be an issue. There is no question that the full framework will be fully supported for the 3-4 year time horizon you mentioned, in fact I think most developers would feel comfortable using the full framework even for a project with a much longer time horizon.
With regard to missing out on new .Net Core features, many of the features can be accessed even from libraries compiled for the full framework. For example I use the new encryption libraries found in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography (that are part of .Net Core) from my full framework class library. The net .Net Core libraries are just Nuget packages and as such can be referenced from non .Net Core projects.

Does MEF support UWP projects?

i have been searching on whether UWP projects can be implemented with Managed Extensibility Framework.
On the GitHub depository
of Prism, it says
MEF is supported with WPF for compatibility with previous versions.
It will not be added to Windows 10 UWP or Xamarin Forms.
(It is for Prism.Mef. But, can it not be for MEF generally?)
on Microsoft Developer Network it is said:
MEF is an integral part of the .NET Framework 4, and is available wherever the .NET Framework is used. You can use MEF in your client applications, whether they use Windows Forms, WPF, or any other technology, or in server applications that use ASP.NET.
Is UWP included in "any other technology" part or with the "in server applications that use ASP.NET" part?
I know .NET Core is used for UWP applications, but that ASP.NET part confuses me.
Briefly,is it possible to write UWP applications with MEF? Answers with sources will be appreciated. Thanks.
It is for Prism.Mef. But, can it not be for MEF generally?
For Prism.Mef only
Is UWP included in "any other technology" part or with the "in server applications that use ASP.NET" part?
UWP is included in "any other technology" part
Briefly,is it possible to write UWP applications with MEF?
Yes, by using the Microsoft.Composition NuGet package, we can easily integrate MEF in UWP app.
Here is an article for Windows Store app(8.1), it is similar with UWP app.
And this is a UWP MEF sample: Link

Can we compile an asp.net 5 application by .net native?

The role of .net native in .net ecosystem is confusing for me. I heard it is just for universal windows applications, but also heard that it is part of CoreFX. I think having the option to compile to .net native can have many advantages (including performance).
Is it possible to compile my asp.net application (specially asp.net 5) to .net native?
No, you cannot. Right now, .NET Native is not for ASP.NET. I believe it's only for Universal Windows Applications. That doesn't mean that one day it won't be available, but right now it's not planned.
See related GitHub issue where ASP.NET team confirms this.
Edit 11/27/2015
Since this was posted, Microsoft has made further announcements regarding .NET Native and .NET Core. I suggest you check out Scott Hanselman's part of the keynote from the Microsoft Connect 2015 event. At the 11:22 minute mark of this excerpt video Scott shows compiling an .NET app to native code and then running it. He says it's "future work" so it appears it's not quite ready yet (I believe one of the Q&A videos from the event explained that it's in one of the dev branches on GitHub, but I'm too lazy to rewatch all the videos for you at the moment). It was unclear if this is only working for console apps at the moment or if it will run ASP.NET.
As Thomas says in comments, this should be possible once LLILC is out. It targets .NET Core which is what ASP.NET 5 runs on. I am not sure if the resulting runtime can be called .NET Native per say but LLILC do has plans to natively compile IL (e.g. output by Roslyn) ahead-of-time.
Another option is ASP.NET running on CoreRT by using RyuJIT as AOT compiler. This looks closer to reality today than LLILC. Have seen some experiments in compiling ASP.NET project on CoreRT but nothing that actually works.
[.NET Native makes use of UTC compiler which compiles to run on some C++ runtime (MRT - either minimal runtime or managed runtime, cant remember, also known as Native runtime). Currently the .NET Native UWP apps are windows specific. Though .NET Native and UWP are advertised under .NET Core, this could be misleading as only in debug mode UWP targets CoreCLR, in release mode it targets native runtime which is Windows specific. LLILC/CoreRT should change that.]

How can I deploy SQLite in WinRT devices with an ARM CPU?

I'm developing a C# Window8 / WinRT app and I'm using SQLite-NET with the sqlite3.dll linked at the bottom of the documentation at
My project works fine on my computer, but since sqlite is a non-managed DLL, I wonder what's going to happen when I deploy my app to the app store and someone with an ARM cpu tries to run it. Is it going work? If not, how can I make it work?
No, it's not going to work. You cannot choose a neutral architecture (Any CPU) when there is a C++ component involved. You will have to compile your SQLite DLL into ARM in order for you to have an ARM version. If you have a native component, you will submit multiple versions for the Store and the customer will download the correct version for their architecture.
Good blog post on Windows on the ARM architecture.
The only thing I know is that Microsoft is working with guys from SQLLite and is now officially supported
