Chained CSS classes for one html element not working in old IE versions - css

I ran into a problem that is not supposed to happen (which is why I'm puzzled): on THIS page, the first item of the left side navigation menu has 2 chained classes attached - one for specific formatting as the first item and the other to show the active state. Everything is fine in standard compliant browsers, but the active state is missing in old IE versions, including IE8.
That is especially annoying since IE8 is supposed to support multiple/chained CSS classes (as mentioned in this fine article.)
Can anyone give me a hand with this please? Thank you!

make sure that when in IE, the document mode is "standardds" and not "quirks"

Ok maybe it's not the solution, but at least try to add !important; to your active links.


Why is Chrome breaking this layout?

This used to work fine in Chrome and works fine in all other browsers (afaik). Now, for some reason, Chrome is hiding most of the left column (apart from the bear). If you look on a different browser, there is a panel with the branding and a menu in it under the bear.
I can't figure out at all why it's doing this. Any ideas?
The reason it breaks is because of the bear. Or rather, it is because of the way you relatively positions the image of the bear outside the bounds of every single one of it's parent elements except the body.
This makes chromes rendering engine choke on your layout somehow.
You can test this very easily by just deleting the image of the bear from the source code, and see how everything else suddenly pops into place.
I checked it in Chrome 9.0.597.98 and I had the same problem. The solution that I found, is to add position:absolute; for the #header.
I don't see anything wrong in Chrome. I see the menu and the branding.

Website not working well on IE 7

I have this website, Now I tried many times to make it work on IE 7 (possibly IE6 too didn't check) but for some reason the middle frame on the right doesn't show content.
If you compare it to Firefox or Chrome (or even IE8) it works ok.
I need to fix this but I'm not sure what's causing the problem..
I checked with IE7 and the pages don't show content
(the main content DIV content_outer)..
The content shows below the sidebar. Either IE7 enters quirks mode or you trigger some sort of bug that causes IE7 to misbehave.
Double check your doctype, tags and most importantly, get rid of those nested tables. Nested tables are EVIL and I'd bet they're your culprit. Use CSS grids (here's one that's really good: instead.
Dunno if this solves your problem, hopefully so.

How can I display one style in Safari and a different style in Chrome?

My client is starting to get any help would be greatly appreciated. I am having issues with my secondary page header images shifting. It is displaying correctly in Firefox, I haven't been able to check in IE yet w/out access to a PC. It was displaying correctly in Chrome, but shifting in Safari.
I added the "webkit hack" to write a specific css style for Safari, but once I did started shifting in Chrome. What can I do to fix this issue??
There's some problem with the way you're using your .clearfix class that I'm not sure of. If you add a clear:both; to your .page_line class it will fix your problem.
You could parse the user agent and pass a different CSS file based on the result. However, it seems like a weird issue that shouldn't happen with proper CSS; can you post the specific bit that doesn't work?
By the way, you should read up on animation queue in jQuery! Hover many times on your menu and it'll keep flashing for a while.
The repositioning of .page_about is pretty odd. Why don't you just use .custom_title for the entire header? That wouldn't require such odd re-positioning.

CSS rendering on IE help needed

I am pulling my hair trying to find a fix for this problem. If you go to this site you will see that (under IE) the slider and the menu on the top is broken. Works fine under all modern browsers.
Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.
Edit: Want to add that the original site design works fine under IE. I did a massive amount of editing under the hood and somewhere along the line this one was broken that I can't seem to find a fix for. Since I did a lot of customization, I think it seems unfair to ask the original author for a fix (and he is not very responsive either).
The document invalid. In particular, there is a <style> element before the Doctype. This triggers Quirks mode and causes browsers to become very inconsistent (e.g. IE emulates a log of bugs from IE 5.5).
Always work in standards mode and perform basic automated QA.
I can't check it for you, since I've not got access to IE right now, but I've often found that adding position:relative to misbehaving elements is something of an IE magic bullet.
No fix but a lead: the issue with the menu bar is one of IE's mysterious float positioning bugs, as can be demonstrated by putting <div style="clear: both">xxx</div> after the navbar ul. (Note that it won't work if the div has no content!)
stuff about box model deleted: as David Dorward mentions this is caused by quirks mode, and moving the style down past the doctype causes the slider to behave sensibly.

Site-specific: Firefox vs. IE CSS peculiarities

I'm trying to learn CSS. I've taken great pains to get everything right. My pages all validate and they look correct on Firefox and mostly correct on Chrome. However IE is all over the place. In relation to Firefox, the following is wrong in IE (in order of importance):
the main body box is pushed below where the left boxes end
the upper-right drop-down stuff (mouse over "Settings") is totally off in the weeds (it's off in Chrome also but in a different way)
"Recipes" tab is supposed to have no visible bottom border
search button is askew in relation to search box
logged out version: the upper-right login elements are askew
Logged in,
Logged out,
Links, functionality, etc. are not guaranteed to work on these pages. It's just static snapshots to show layout.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for whatever I'm doing wrong?
You need to Reset your CSS (Dean, above recommends Eric Meyer's Reset CSS). I prefer Yui Reset CSS (I actually like their own Reset / Fonts / Grids CSS). As part of doing this you also need to use Standards Mode.
Finally, you need to be aware that some things will differ in browsers no matter what. So if you run into this situation, it's either work around it, or live with it.
What version of IE are you running? Sounds like most of your issues may be caused by the IE Box Model Bug.
I never start a new website design in css without putting Eric Meyer's Reset CSS in first.
It resets all the differences in all the browsers, so that you've got a even playing field to start from.
From there-out, everything should be the same in all browsers.
