I am using ASIHTTPREquest I am geeting some issue in MAc OSx xcode 3.1 - asihttprequest

I am using ASIHTTPRequest classes from uploading a image on sever using cocoa with a php, But i have reference all the classes that requires in for ASIHTTpRequest,but i am still getting some error,I am newbie to cocoa so not able to understand what the issue please provide me idea for all these errors.
-SCDYNAMICSTORECopyProxies", refernec from
[ASIHttpRequest configureProxies] in ASIHttpRequest.o
InflateInit2_", refernce from
[ASIDataDecompressor setupStream] in ASIDATADecOmpressor.o
"-inflate", reference from
-[ASIDataDecompressor uncompressBytes:length:error] in ASIDataDecompressed.o
"-inflatedEnd", refernce from:
-[ASIDataCompressor setupStream] in ASIDataDecopressed.o
"-deflateInit2-", refernced from:
-[ASIDataDecompressed compressedBytes:length:error:shouldfinish:in ASIDataCompressor.o
"-deflateEnd", refernce from
-[ASIDataCompressor closeStream] in ASIDataCompressor.o
symbol(s) not found
collect2: id returned 1 exit status
Thanks in advance

Everyone I faced this problem, because i am using it in Xcode 3.1,if u use in 3.2.3 code then you able to solve this problem.What you need to do include CoreService and libz.dylib library in your framework then you able to solve this problem> have solved my problem.


multiple version of spark on CDH5.10 is failing to launch spark-submit

I have installed spark with 2.0 on CDH5.10 By following the link https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/spark2/latest/topics/spark2_installing.html
after all configuration when I hit spark2-submit --version it gives me correct version which is 2.0
however when I submit a spark job . First it says
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataInputStream
This is clearly indicating that hadoop libs are not in classpath. My question is it something wrong with my installation of spark 2. ? also once we add jars with sparkExtralibCLasspath for driver and core then it says SPARK_HADOOP_CONF Is not set.
How can I verify my installation is correct ?
I am also trying to understand where are my spark2 conf dirs
I saw few previous question on stackoverflow like https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Cloudera-Manager-Installation/CHD-5-7-spark-shell-java-lang-ClassNotFoundException-org-apache/td-p/42209 and NoClassDefFoundError com.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream when execute spark-shell but this doesnt help
I am using spark2-shell and spark2-submit command
some more investigation with https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Cloudera-Manager-Installation/CDH-5-5-pyspark-java-lang-NoClassDefFoundError-org-apache-hadoop/td-p/34424 shows might be If I can correctly set SPARK_EXTRA_LIB_PATH for spark2 then I can fix this issue. can somebody guide me please. Thanks

Neo4j spatial server plugin fails on withinDistance and closest java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I know that the plugin is being loaded properly, as other methods work such as spatial.procedures and spatial.addNode etc.
The error results after a call like this:
CALL spatial.withinDistance('profile_geo', [43.524, 96.7341], 500)
and the error that results is this:
Failed to invoke procedure `spatial.withinDistance`: Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/neo4j/cypher/internal/compiler/v3_0/commands/expressions/GeographicPoint
The same error appears when trying to use the closest function as well. Any help would be appreciated.
It looks that you are missing required Jar for GeographicalPoint class.
Please make sure you have this class in your Jars. I know this class exists in neo4j-cypher-compiler-3.0-3.0.3.jar but it is not going to work for you as it is residing in different namespace. If you will not be able to pinpoint the corresponding Jar in your environment please have a look at Maven repository and try to find it there.
short answer: upgrade to 3.0.3 (both neo4j and plugin)
long answer:
I ran into the exact same issue today. I was running version 3.0.2 with server plugin version 3.0.2 and ran the cypher query:
CALL spatial.withinDistance("spatial_records",{lon:20.0,lat:50.0},100000000)
Joran mentioned in the comments above that the REST API was a working alternative. So I tried that out and found he was indeed correct.
I tested this using httpie, with the following command:
cat tmp.json | http :7474/db/data/ext/SpatialPlugin/graphdb/findGeometriesWithinDistance
where tmp.json looks like:
{"layer" : "spatial_records","pointX" :3.9706,"pointY" : 46.7907,"distanceInKm" :10000000000}
While this works, using CYPHER with stored procedures would be nice. So upon further investigation, I noticed that a recent commit contained the following changes:
- <neo4j.version>3.0.1</neo4j.version>
+ <neo4j.version>3.0.3</neo4j.version>
-import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_0.commands.expressions.GeographicPoint;
+import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_0.GeographicPoint;
So I ended up downloading version 3.0.3 of both neo4j and the spatial plugin. Whatever the issue was before, seems to be fixed in this version. The call to the stored procedure now works as expected!

How to get rid of the "Realm.framework/Realm is not a dylib" warning?

I am using Realm for our Objective-C iOS app, installed via CocoaPods. However I wasn't able to get rid of the following warning message:
ld: warning: Auto-Linking supplied '/{App_Directory}/Realm.framework/Realm', framework linker option at /{App_Directory}/Realm.framework/Realm is not a dylib
Is there any solution about it? Thank you very much!
Taking another look at that, it seems like you'd somewhere in your project a misconfigured build setting, which contained literally {App_Directory}, which won't be substituted as a variable because of the missing leading dollar sign, assuming that you defined yourself App_Directory as a build setting. It might be better to just use $SRCROOT for that purpose, if that's suitable as well.

Error: Cannot find module 'react/lib/invariant'

Not sure if any one of you have ever faced this issue. I have tried checking various sources online but nothing solved my issue.
I am following a tutorial on how to create a Meteor+ionic+react application from this link
when i add the line
inside app.browserify.js and run the application, i get the following error.
Error: Cannot find module 'react/lib/invariant'
I am using following versions
react 0.14.3
cosmos:browserify 0.9.3
meteorhacks:npm 1.5.0
npm-container 1.2.0+
I am surely missing something thing here. Can anyone help.
Sri TejN
I found the solution myself. Just install the ReactRouter that is present in the meteor packages and do not include the line “ReactRouter = require(“react-router”);” in the file “ app.browserify.js”. But you can use the variable ReactRouter anywhere else in the code.
Just to confirm, in my case the solution also worked and added ReactRouter package:
meteor add reactrouter:react-router
Then commenting out line:
//ReactRouter = require("react-router");
In file lib/app.browserify.js and running Meteor again fixed the problem.
Thanks Sri Tej Narala.

trigger.io - Can't create ipa-file anymore

I usually use trigger.io to generate my ipa-Files for iOS. Now when I want to generate the file, I get the following error message:
Failed when running /usr/bin/codesign: codesign_allocate: object: /Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/device-ios.app/Forge malformed object (unknown load command 39)
/Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/device-ios.app: object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
It worked yesterday, but now it doesn't. Any help is very welcome.
This is probably to do with v1.4.16 of our platform, where we switched over to building on Xcode 4.5: I'd recommend upgrading Xcode and make sure the Command-line Tools (Preferences ↦ Downloads) are installed.
