Make ASP.Net (C#) Web App Available Offline -

I have been tasked with making my company's Web App available offline. Before I move to the actual development phase, I want to be sure that my current strategy will not turn out to be a bust.
I first thought about using html5 app cache but after doing some tests I found that it seems to not cache the server side operations but the actual html that is rendered (Please correct me if I'm wrong). This will not work because the rendered html depends upon who is currently logged in. From my tests, it always rendered the html as if the last person that logged in (online) is logging in.
My current strategy is this:
I cache only the login page and an offline (.html) page to correspond to each aspx page that will need to be available offline. Every successful login (online) results in creating or updating Web SQL Database or IndexDB (depending on browser) with all data needed for that person to operate offline including a table that will be used for login credentials. In this way the only requirement for logging in offline is logging in with your login credentials at least one time.
My concern is that I am overcomplicating it. In order to make this work, I will need to create an html page for each current page (a lot of pages) and I will have to rewrite everything that is currently being done on the server in JavaScript including validation, database calls, populating controls such as dropdown lists and data grids, etc. Also everything that I change in the future will require a subsequent offline change.
Is there an established best practice for what I am trying to do that I am overlooking or am I venturing into new ground?

Please refer to these links, which gives you some insight on what is to be achieved. I'm not sure these are best practices, but these will be good starting point.


How to Donut caching in Core 2?

I want to create a quick page load response in ASP.NET MVC .
If I use [outputCache] then it saves the whole page with the dynamic parts and then a new client will see previous client information.
What is the Best Practice to Do It?
I saw that there is a Cache Tag Helper but will it be faster?
Because I still have to go into the Action and and rendering the page except for the section of the Cache Tag Helper.
Many thanks to those who have an optimal and fast solution.
In the docs for response caching, Microsoft has a prominent warning:
Disable caching for content that contains information for
authenticated clients. Caching should only be enabled for content that
doesn't change based on a user's identity or whether a user is signed
As you indicate, your scenario involves dynamic authenticated content. Thus you should avoid caching the rendered output as a whole, and maybe consider caching specific data or elements within a page only if you're very careful and performance requires it. Otherwise, safer to leave defaults. ASP.NET Core is very fast -- it's unlikely the rendering is the bottleneck in most cases.

Meteor.js - Template Permissions

This has been asked in similar forms here and here but it seems pretty important, and the framework is under rapid development, so I'm going to raise it again:
Assuming your login page needs to face the public internet, how do you prevent Meteor from sending all of the authenticated user templates to a non-authenticated client?
Example use case: You have some really unique analytics / performance indicators that you want to keep secret. You've built templates to visualize each one. Simply by visiting the login page, Meteor will send any rando the templates which, even unpopulated, disclose a ton of proprietary information.
I've seen two suggestions:
Break admin into a separate app. This doesn't address the issue assuming admin login faces the public internet, unless I'm missing something.
Put the templates in the public folder or equivalent and load them dynamically. This doesn't help either, since the file names will be visible from other templates which will be sent to the client.
The only thing I can think of is to store the template strings in the server folder and have the client call a Meteor.method after login to retrieve and render them. And if you want them to behave like normal client templates, you'd have to muck around with the internal API (e.g., Meteor._def_template).
Is there any more elegant way to do this?
I asked a similar question here:
Segmented Meteor App(s) - loading only half the client or two apps sharing a database
Seems to be a common concern, and I certainly think it's something that should be addressed sometime.
Until then, I'm planning on making a smaller "public" app and sharing the DB with an admin app (possibly in Meteor, possibly in something else, depending on size/data for my admin)
These 2 packages try to address this issue:
It uses an iron-router plug-in to load your specific files on every route.
The main drawback I see here is that you must change your app structure, as the protected files need to be stored in /public or /private folder.
Also you are supposed to use iron-router.

Disable output caching on individual web part (MOSS 2007)

We run our external website on Sharepoint 2007, and all the content is pulled from list data and generated using C# web parts.
Here is my problem: I have a web part on the home page that displays a random header banner on every page load. Unfortunately, Sharepoint seems to be caching this header and showing the same image every time, rather than randomizing it. I know this because the web part works properly for logged in users, and we've told SP to disable output caching for logged in users.
I would like to keep output caching enabled for anonymous users, but somehow tell sharepoint not to cache this particular web part. I know there's a way to do this, but it seems like there are so many different ways to approach caching and I don't know which one will work. I should note, I've tried using the PartCacheInvalidate method within the web part code, with no luck. Any ideas?

ASP3 And ASP.NET session sharing

Is there a way to share the session between ASP3 And ASP.NET?
Despite all of Microsoft's best efforts to make ASP and ASP.NET coexist effortlessly, one area remains a stumbling block... session state. Fortunately the advantages of ASP.NET's upgraded session state management far outweigh the inconvenience of not being able to pass "Classic" session information to .NET. Unfortunately there is no simple solution; the most I can offer is an easy to implement workaround.
In trying to find a suitable resolution, I've come across two good options that are worth mentioning. The first involves parsing the session information out to hidden form fields on a "Classic" intermediate page and then submitting the page to a .NET intermediate page that loads the form fields into the session state. This is a good, simple solution, however it doesn't work both ways. In .NET you cannot specify the page that you submit to. Each page has to PostBack to itself.
The second option is probably closer to an actual solution than to a workaround. Billy Yuen at Microsoft has developed an effective solution. The code is elegant, the integration appears to be seamless, but I couldn't get it to work on my system (remember I said that there was no simple solution, not that there was no solution at all). If this solution works for you, great! You won't need my code and you'll be happily passing session information from "Classic" to .NET like it's going out of vogue, thanks for stopping by.
Ok, if you're still reading let me briefly describe the workaround I've created. It requires a database, but it is not important which type of database (though the code is written for SQL Server). When a page (source page) wants to redirect to another page (destination page) that uses a different version of ASP, it calls an intermediate page. The source intermediate page takes each session variable and adds it to the database along with a Globally Unique ID (GUID). Since "Classic" and .NET use different SessionID formats it is not possible to use SessionID, hence the use of a GUID. The source intermediate page then passes the GUID to the destination intermediate page through a Querystring variable. The destination intermediate page retrieves the session information from the database, cleans up after itself, and then redirects to the destination page. It's similar to the first workaround, but supports transferring state in both directions.
Code Usage
Run the SQL Query in "ASPSessionState.sql" on the database which will hold the temporary Session information.
Copy the .asp and .aspx.* (SessionTransfer.aspx and SessionTransfer.aspx.cs) files to a folder on your website.
Update connection object information in the "SessionTransfer.asp" and "SessionTransfer.aspx.cs" files. It is located in three places in each file (sorry about not consolidating the connection info).
Compile the aspx files.
The .asp and .aspx.* files must all reside in the same folder to work.
For use in a Hyperlink (Anchor Tag) or a Response.Redirect, set the destination URL to be one of the following:
From a ASP "Classic" page:
From an ASP.NET page:
The code will transfer the Session information and Redirect the user to the url specified by or .
You can download the code from here: (4.6 KB).
Could take a look at NSession it allows sharing session state between Classic ASP and ASP.Net using State server. Pretty easy to setup just configure App to use State Server for session and register a couple of dll files.

need to copy files on client system, is thr any possible way?

I m developin an Online Examination System in and want to copy files on client machine as soon as exam starts, so that even if internet gets disconnected examinee can continue with test
You may wish to consider a client server solution, such as WPF or winforms as this is more suited to this type of development. You can use one click deployment to have this still launched from the web and updated on every run.
If you do decied to use this will result in a very javascript heavy site with a very slow load in the first page.
To do this you would load all your test qustions into a javascript datastructure on the first page, when every the user when to the next page you would need to, using javascript, collect all the answers and store in javascript. then rereender the entire page using your definitions of the test in javascript with no trip back to the server. then once the test was complete you would need to send your results back to the server, the internet must be active once you've compleated the test.
You'll have to create a download package and provide a link for the user to click to request the files. You can't force a download.
If your exam in all in one web page, you don't need to do anything. Once the page appears in the users browser, it has already been "copied locally".
