Disable output caching on individual web part (MOSS 2007) - asp.net

We run our external website on Sharepoint 2007, and all the content is pulled from list data and generated using C# web parts.
Here is my problem: I have a web part on the home page that displays a random header banner on every page load. Unfortunately, Sharepoint seems to be caching this header and showing the same image every time, rather than randomizing it. I know this because the web part works properly for logged in users, and we've told SP to disable output caching for logged in users.
I would like to keep output caching enabled for anonymous users, but somehow tell sharepoint not to cache this particular web part. I know there's a way to do this, but it seems like there are so many different ways to approach caching and I don't know which one will work. I should note, I've tried using the PartCacheInvalidate method within the web part code, with no luck. Any ideas?


Make ASP.Net (C#) Web App Available Offline

I have been tasked with making my company's Web App available offline. Before I move to the actual development phase, I want to be sure that my current strategy will not turn out to be a bust.
I first thought about using html5 app cache but after doing some tests I found that it seems to not cache the server side operations but the actual html that is rendered (Please correct me if I'm wrong). This will not work because the rendered html depends upon who is currently logged in. From my tests, it always rendered the html as if the last person that logged in (online) is logging in.
My current strategy is this:
I cache only the login page and an offline (.html) page to correspond to each aspx page that will need to be available offline. Every successful login (online) results in creating or updating Web SQL Database or IndexDB (depending on browser) with all data needed for that person to operate offline including a table that will be used for login credentials. In this way the only requirement for logging in offline is logging in with your login credentials at least one time.
My concern is that I am overcomplicating it. In order to make this work, I will need to create an html page for each current page (a lot of pages) and I will have to rewrite everything that is currently being done on the server in JavaScript including validation, database calls, populating controls such as dropdown lists and data grids, etc. Also everything that I change in the future will require a subsequent offline change.
Is there an established best practice for what I am trying to do that I am overlooking or am I venturing into new ground?
Please refer to these links, which gives you some insight on what is to be achieved. I'm not sure these are best practices, but these will be good starting point.

ASP.NET MVC full offline website

I made an ASP.NET MVC application which allows user to create dynamic websites. I need to add feature which will allow to download from server off-line version of choosen website as static html files with menu, hyperlinks, images, documents etc. It should work similar to applications such as Teleport Pro, but I have to choose from Admin Panel which content should be export.
Client wants to burn static website on CD, save on pendrive.
Do you have any ideas how to begin? Please help.
I currently have implemented that in a current project...
User is able to change anything in the frontend and at the end he can publish and download the offline files... the site subscribe users and show all prizes, winners and more information about that campaign.
All was done in ASP.NET MVC3 under .NET4 and hosted in AppHarbor.
It's composed at several applications but for what you want, you develop the Backend and the Frontend, and to generate the static files, simple use the Frontend to grab the full HTML
As an example, I can show what 2 users did...
Callme.dk did http://callme.julekal.info and
Sony Nordic did http://sony.julekal.info
plus, you can simply point custom domains to it as well like http://sonynordicxmas.net/
To publish and generate all files:
one part of the editing:
So I give the users, offline access (through the .zip file), online access (through the frontend application) and the ability of using custom domains...
I think the only way this might be possible is if you go to every single page and then use your browser to "Save" the web page script and all.
However this causes several issues;
You never quite get everything and you need to massage the HTML produced, dowload all the images etc to get the page to look right
Each html file now has an associated folder with the same name and each time you do this you will get another html file with a folder. You can combine all the folders into a single one but that leads me to item 3.
You will need to edit each html file to clear up any pathing issues if you want to share a single source folder.
Data is no longer dynamic!
You need to, if you want to link all the pages to each other, edit every single html file and resolver the anchor tags.
This is too much work and I think it actually breaks the true requirement.
Don't do it! :)

Is there anyway to load up a asp.net page object and render its contents to string from a console application?

I am trying to use aspx pages as an email templates. There will likely be a bunch of objects on the page which will be used as replacements in the html. Because it's an aspx page I'll be able to use databinding, repeaters, etc. At run time, I want to be able to instantiate the aspx page from its path, pass in a bunch of properties, and then get the rendered result of the page and email it. This seems pretty straightforward from a asp.net website (maybe using BuildManager or Server.Execute.) However, I want to be able to use the same templates via a console application by just loading up a page object from its filepath. Is this possible?
You could host your own webserver. Like the Cassini webserver.
In my own application (a Windows-based Desktop-CMS), I include a web server, too (non-Cassini). It works very well, also it does not serve ASP.NET but plain, HTML.
As I did some research back then, I first wanted to use the Cassini, too, but at some point, I found out that too much user privileges were required to run it successfully; this may not be an issue to you, but keeping this in mind and try to run it early with the permissions of the later user, might be a good idea.

Can someone give me an overview of ASP.net and how it's different from technologies such as php?

I've been doing the html and css for a site, sending it off to a guy to implement in a web server. I get a call from the designer freaking out about the progress, saying the clients aren't happy. He wants me to personally integrate my css with what's on the site. The site is done in ASP.net, time is short, and I'm a little in over my head. I have an understanding of how php works, but have never worked extensively with it.
Looking at the stuff on the ftp, I can't even find equivalent of the index.html file (I know that when I go to the site itself, there is nothing after the base url, i.e., www.site.com/ brings me to the homepage.)
Can anyone give me a few tips or links as to what I am to do with this, or where to even being navigating this site?
EDIT: It's -not- a .Net Web Application, from the looks of it.
ASP.Net can be run in a compiled or a scripted environment. It is important to understand which environment your client has. If it is completely scripted, then you are likely looking for the default.aspx file and it's contents. If it is a compiled environment, you may be in for a ride. A compiled site may incorporate "master pages" as a templating engine, and then you'll need to apply your html/css modifications in several places.
You should start with the default.aspx page if there is one. Look for master page directives (it'll be named something like masterpage.master). If there isn't one, then you're in luck you'll just need to implement your changes on a page by page basis. The aspx page will be in a templated xml format so avoid touching tags that involve touching
If you are making changes to divs and structures of that nature, you may need to modify the CssClass attribute of the controls. I would recommend however that you make a back up, give it a shot, and under no circumstances attempt to do something that you aren't really ready to do. You will only anger the client and ruin your rep. It may actually be prudent to contact an actual ASP.Net developer to analyze the files separately and determine what you need to do.
I suggest that you read the Wikipedia article about ASP.NET to get familiarized with it as it summarizes the basic building structures.
Then, just to get you started: take a look at the more recent ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) paradigm. There's also development in what is called ASP.NET WebForms.
For example: when you go to www.site.com/ (known as friendly URLs) it may be redirecting you to an action method inside a controller. It's called routing. There's also URL rewrite.
In the MVC world a Controller can send/redirect the user to a specific View/Page.
A View (.aspx form/page) that contais HTML markup and CSS on the server side is basically an HTML page (.htm) page that'll be rendered on the client side.

How to restrict ASP.NET permissions per page or per directory (code access security per page or per directory)

This is the scenario:
-Hosted web application.
-Application trust level is full trust, because of external components.
-Customer should be able to customize some web pages.
I thought about using an html template that they can modify. But it is not flexible enough.
For example if there is logic things get messy and difficult: if user is logged in render this way, if we are in that page render this part differently, etc, etc. I end up creating a new scripting language, customers won’t like it.
I would like to use an aspx page that they can modify. The problem is that they can write any code in the aspx page, access the file system, etc.
-Is there a way in ASP.NET to restrict certain directory or web page permissions (i.e. code access security per page or per directory)?
-Any other suggestions for implementing secure customizable web pages?
Do not do this.
No matter what you do, there will be security issues. Give them a template only, and you process that yourself. As far as I'm concerned, a wiki markup like Markdown is quite acceptable.
