ASP pages hanging in IE6 - asp-classic

No this isn't a post from the previous century.
We are stuck with IE6 and some old ASP code using FRAMESETs
The problem:
An ASP page sets up a load of values in a form and then submits it to another ASP page
This second page is a FRAMESET with a map and other associated stuff, the first thing it does is read all the values to setup the layout.
All works well most of the time but sometimes it all goes horribly wrong.
The first page calls the second but the Request.Form.Count is 0 and it all falls over
Once this happens it never works again until I close IE6 and restart it.
Then when I submit Request.Form.Count = 29 which it should be.
Any ideas as to what might be going on in IE?
For some reason calling the initial ASP page from a link on another page causes it to go wrong much more often that just pasting the URL into the address bar.
I've tried all possible methods of linking and redirecting and they all cause the problem more often than not.
Also, it works fine in every other browser I've tried but IE6 is the one we have to target.
Forgot to say that trying to debug with Fiddler doesn't help since it never goes wrong then


'</div' injected in Classic ASP html response, page continues to load

So, this is weird.
We have a 2008 R2 server and Win 7x64 dev workstations running Classic ASP.
One page in the site, at exactly carat position 98301, a </div is being inserted into the source. Notice it's not a fully closing div (</div>) tag. Just </div .
So, all sorts of things are breaking since it moves around, based on other things that modify the page (user permissions, querystring values, etc). But always exactly at position 98301 in the code. And always only on this one page.
I've never seen this before and have no idea where to figure out what's doing it. We have many other pages with hundreds of thousands of characters that are fine. We have shorter pages, too. All the IIS settings are the same for all pages and include a 4Mb response buffer and both static and dynamic compression enabled (which I togged both ways without change). We also have 3 source control branches and this is happening in them all, only on this one page.
We are using 2 Win7x64 dev workstations, 1 Win2008R2 local test server and 1 Win2008R2 prod server, and they all do exactly the same thing.
I've moved around the code some, cut out functions, added new code in there to loop Hello World, and no matter what I do, it always inserts just </div at exactly carat position 98301.
I can't think of anything else to test. All suggestions are welcome! Thank you!
Turns out it was the combination of htmlEncode() and htmlDecode() being on the page, and was only a problem in Chrome (currently v39.x). Firefox and IE worked fine. On our page we had about a 600 line script block, and htmlEncode() and htmlDecode() were close to the top of the block. By moving them to immediately before the </script> tag everything worked and </div was not being injected. While I was not the author of that page, I can see the htmlEncode() and htmlDecode() functions were sourced from here: HTML-encoding lost when attribute read from input field
Additionally, we have both Prototype (1.7.1) and jQuery (1.11.x) loaded, and jQuery loading as var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); before Prototype. Changing return $('<div/>').... to return $j('<div/>').... and even return jQuery('<div/>').... had absolutely no affect on the situation.
I still do not know WHY this was happening, but it has been resolved (for now, anyway) by moving the functions to the bottom of the script tag.

Classic ASP and Internet Explorer 7

I have a page that produces more than 50,000 lines of code after it runs.
Although hard to believe (sarcasm), IE7 chokes up on it (gives me slow script warning), and of course IE6 is worse. I get errors on the page - but depending on what information I load the line number can be anything from the ASP to HTML to jQuery. I've separated these three and it just comes down to the size of the loops.
I tried using response.buffer/ response.flush throughout the page but that has not helped. It could be I'm using it wrong, but as far as I know response.buffer just needs to equal true- and response.flush just needs to be anywhere you need to not hold on information too long (i did both inside and outside of all loops- perhaps this is a no no?).
Short of splitting up the page into several web pages, is there anything else I could try?
I have to develop for IE7 so no way around it unfortunately.

Web page behaves strangely

Have a look at the following site
The whole page has been built with CSS Page Builder Magic 2 (
Every button is a link to a different .html page.
However, I do not know why every button press creates a flash effect in the page, the background changes instantly color and generally it gives an impression of abnormal operation. I have not met any site with such behavior except some pages inside projectseven site.
Do you have any idea why that happens? Is it something wrong with Page Builder Magic approach?
I am new to Web Development world and I want to know if there is any problem with these guys.
Thank you very much
I checked it out, it doesn't behave abnormally at all for all those effects you have there, I checked out the size of one of the images it is about 250kb, then imagine the other images which I assume are of the same size, and they are all going to be loaded when the page loads, you definitely should expect some effect

strange issue: ASPX page showing javascript content as text

On one user's machine an ASPX page suddenly showed JavaScript code as text on the page. The original contents of the page were also showing half baked and broken. The user was using IE browser. Though I cannot post the contents of the page here, I will try to describe it as accurately as I can. In between the address bar and the actual beginning of the page, there was a cross-section showing some JavaScript text. The text appears to be the automatic JavaScript that is generated by ASP .NET for Validators. The JavaScript text, it seems is of the Validators used inside a User Control that is used on this page.
This issue has happened just one-off. Now the page is showing OK to the same user.
Though I am sure this must have been a bandwidth issue I have no evidence to prove this and nor able to regenerate the issue. And 'someone' claims that this might have been a hacking attempt.
Has anyone faced similar issue ? Is there anyway to conclusively prove that this to be a bandwidth issue and has nothing to do with code or anything on the server ?

browser, navigation issues

This is basically a continuation of a question of mine from yesterday,
"Foregoing intialization on a page"
(And btw, kudos to all who give selflessly in this forum to help others - need to do more of that myself.)
So anyway, I was told about HistoryManager, BrowserManager and SharedObject, and so quickly ascertained that its no problem to store a few data items in a shared object so a flex page restores the previous configuration when the browser navigates back to it.
But my real concern would be speed of loading. Its a 15mb page and it only takes 2 seconds to load, but that's still not instantaneous. If it were in a tabbed browser and I just clicked on another tab containing my page, my page would then appear instantaneously. Is there any way to achieve that behavior when my page is navigated back to (via the browser back button for example.) Would that mean that the entire 15mb flex web page would have to be stored in memory.
Here's what I'm thinking, you're going the wrong way about this,(unless I missed the boad on what you want to acheive) what you need to do is work with javascript to interact with the browsers url. Thjis is assuming that you want to be able to go back on a page without reloading content.
Basicaly a java script would override the reloading, and when you hit back, the page doesn't reload, but the javascript notifies the flash what change in has occurred.
Have a look at the gaya framework for how they do it
or lookat
