QT: ssl https craches my dll, throws IniterrorSystem.DllNotFoundException - qt

I've created a simple dll in qt which starts up a new thread and handles different network request with the QNetworkAccessManager. Working with ordinary HTTP requests works fine but I've gotten some problems when trying to start using HTTPS instead.
I've installed openssl and configured qt to use it with:
-openssl -I C:\OpenSSL\include -L C:\OpenSSL\lib
I can compile the dll but when I try to access the dll from my application I get a IniterrorSystem.DllNotFoundException.
This error appears as soon as I try to use the QSslSocket class, for example I'm just trying to initiate a variable.
QSslSocket socket;
With this initiation the dll crashes with the above error.
//QSslSocket socket;
removing the init will let the dll continue but the https request doesn't work and I don't get any error message from the QNetworkAccessManager. I tried connecting to the sslError signal but that never happens as well.
I've put the dlls "libeay32.dll", "libssl32.dll" & "ssleay32.dll" in the same folder as my dll and have OpenSSL successfully installed.
Anyone have any Idea what I'm missing?

Do you have the Visual C++ Runtime Libraries installed? OpenSSL depends on the msvcr dll on Windows.


Not able torun greeter_client helloworld sample project on QNX

I have cross-compiled the code successfully for QNX ARM 7.0, and able to generate the binaries.
Very first thing I am going to do is to run the helloworld code on the target. So I built the helloworld code available in cpp folder(since I am using cpp). I copied only two files greeter_server and greeter_client in target machine.
I am able to start server using greeter_server successfully.
But when I run greeter_client in another window, I get failure message.
14: DNS resolution failed
Greeter received: RPC failed
Here is the logs after enabling GRPC_TRACE=ALL, GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG.
Please help me know the issue.
We do not have DNS server, I tried using GRPC_DNS_RESOLVER=native, but did not helped.
Let me know if anyone knows to configure the DNS in QNX.

Mono.ZeroConf Windows

Hello i started off with a tutorial from Mono ZeroConf
When my code reahes the line
ServiceBrowser browser = new ServiceBrowser ();
i get a SystemException
System.Exception: No Zeroconf providers could be found or initialized. Necessary daemon may not be running.
So how do i run the necessary deamon or provider (on windows)?
You need to download and install Bonjour for Windows. On completing the setup the deamon should start automatically. Many of the available Mono.Zeroconf binaries are out of date and contain bugs. However, you can download and compile the latest version from github.

Is loading a built exe from QT Creator different from loading the exe from file system? [webkit issue]

I'm writing a desktop app that connects to my company's intranet. The page I'm trying to load is HTTP, but it will redirect to a login site that uses HTTPS. The app loads the page well when launched from QT Creator (both redirection and authentication succeeded, and the page is shown correctly), but when I run the app from file system (all DLLs are put into the folder correctly), the loading fails (QWebView's loadFinished(bool) signal is emitted with a false, which is a rare case as I learned online). I can catch the first 302 redirection status from QNetworkManager's SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), but when the second time the signal is captured, the status becomes invalid. From QNetworkReply's documentation I read that "If the connection was not HTTP-based, this attribute will not be present." I don't know why. In addition, not SSL error signal is emitted. Since the app runs well from QT Creator. I believe it should be due to some difference in environment when launching. Anyone have a clue? Thanks!
No experience with QTCreator, but check for permission issues?

Why am I getting a Sending failed Error in AMFPHP/Flex

I am using remote object in flex to call a method in amfphp. I have project setup properly with a services-config.xml in d src, d end point uri pointing to the gateway.php. After testing on my localhost everything works fine but when I copied my files to a remote server repoint the uri in d servies-config and then recompiling the application gives a sending failed error. Can someone help please?
because of an error or warning on server side. php send's back to you that message, and amfphp don't know how cast it to amf format. so the problem is in your server side, that's for sure
one more thing, use zendamf, instead of amfphp, it's done by same developer and you don't need to install entire zend framework, only zendamf lib, it's small and doest the job perfectly :)
download and install charles proxy - helps you debug your application and get the exact error message from the server.

Support for https using QNetworkAccessManager. Hitting SslErrors at runtime

I am performing a https get operation with QNetworkAccessManager. I am hitting SSLErrors at runtime.
After researching for a while I was able to get my program running after installing OpenSSL. I required two dlls: libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. Is it to say that I cannot perform https "get" operation using QNetworkAccessManager without OpenSSL ?? Doesn't Qt support native https support using QNetworkAccessManager.
De Costo.
Had to install the following dll's found at the following website to my machine:
The encryption is guarded closely by the nationality. So, More info at:
