Not able torun greeter_client helloworld sample project on QNX - grpc

I have cross-compiled the code successfully for QNX ARM 7.0, and able to generate the binaries.
Very first thing I am going to do is to run the helloworld code on the target. So I built the helloworld code available in cpp folder(since I am using cpp). I copied only two files greeter_server and greeter_client in target machine.
I am able to start server using greeter_server successfully.
But when I run greeter_client in another window, I get failure message.
14: DNS resolution failed
Greeter received: RPC failed
Here is the logs after enabling GRPC_TRACE=ALL, GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG.
Please help me know the issue.
We do not have DNS server, I tried using GRPC_DNS_RESOLVER=native, but did not helped.
Let me know if anyone knows to configure the DNS in QNX.


Why does WebAssembly fail to build on fresh Uno Platform template

When I attempt to build and run my Uno WebAssembly on Ubuntu 20.04, it fails. The error cites a file or directory that doesn't exist.
Steps to reproduce:
Open Ubuntu 20.04 platform
Install .NET Core SDK 3.1.403
Follow the "Getting Started on VSCode" tutorial here
When you attempt to start the app with the .NET Core Launch configuration, note that the build fails.
Error Details:
/home/<user>/.nuget/packages/uno.wasm.bootstrap/1.3.4/build/Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap.targets(126,2): error : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory [/home/<user>/Projects/uapp/uapp.Wasm/uapp.Wasm.csproj]
What I've tried
My knowledge of Uno Platform is approximately 1 day old. I'm not sure I understand enough about it to even know what to try, but I have done these things:
Run dotnet run from within the uapp.Skia.Gtk, which successfully opened the window I expected to see.
Run dotnet run from within uapp.Wasm, which resulted in the error described above.
Look on the documentation for clues on why the file might not be found on a fresh template that's not been modified (I could not find anything)
What should I be doing differently to get the Web Assembly to build and display the app correctly?
EDIT: The file in the error does exist, precisely in the path in the error.
You're hitting an error that may happen when building with some native components, like SQLite or Skia.
To fix this, you'll need to execute the installation script which is not yet run automatically.
This script installs .NET Core, mono and ninja, on ubuntu-alike systems.

I try to deploy my process and I have wrong rest endpoint

I try to deploy my process and I have wrong rest endpoint,I can't press the deploy button
what is my problem?
Well there are two basic problems that come to my mind.
You didn't start camunda. If you are connecting to camunda through an app make sure that it's running. Try deploying again after your app is running successfully.
You are using the wrong port. Make sure that camunda is running on port 8081 as you stated on your endpoint. You can check whether the port is used or not by entering the netstat -an command to windows cmd. Something with :8081 should show up if it's used.
If you using an unmodified recent Camunda version then your REST endpoint URL is:
Of course the server needs to be started / have started without errors.
Please also see:
How to deploy a Camunda modeled diagram into Camunda Tomcat

how can I find out what ODBC error is causing a timeout

I am using the AdvancedInstaller program to build an installer, and it works on some Windows 2008 R2 servers and it doesn't on other servers running the same OS.
The ones that it works on have been recently built, the ones it doesn't have been around for some time and have had programs installed and uninstalled.
What happens is the user starts the install and they get an ODBC timeout error and the install stops.
I have verbose logging turned on for the AdvancedInstaller project and this is the error I am getting:
MSI (c) (A4:74) [10:37:48:995]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\ADMINI~1.DOM\AppData\Local\Temp\3\MSICCB.tmp, Entrypoint: OnSqlFetch
Action ended 10:37:49: SqlQueryAction. Return value 3.
MSI (c) (A4:04) [10:37:49:073]: Doing action: FatalError
Action 10:37:49: FatalError.
Action start 10:37:49: FatalError.
Action ended 10:37:59: FatalError. Return value 1.
Is there some other logging options / file / registry / error report I can see that can tell me more about the ODBC timeout error that is happening?
The log snippet you attached indicates the SQL queries you added from the SQL Scripts page were not executed successfully. This indeed can be a consequence of an ODBC timeout error.
Since it works on some machines most likely this is not an installer-configuration related issue.
You can try to test the connection parameters to make sure. The following thread shows how to do it outside the installer:
Simplest Way to Test ODBC on WIndows
You can even configure this from the Advanced Installer project so the built installer can perform the test at install time before actually connecting to the server. Here is how:
How to test SQL connection parameters?

client communication error on Virtual Machine running on cloudstack

I want to use terminal/console of ubuntu 14 installed on virtual machine running on cloudstack 4.6. I am able to use ubuntu 14 desktop normally but whenever I try to use the terminal from it, i get "Client communication error please retry later". Following is the screen shot of the error.
I am using college network behind a proxy server, could that be a problem ?
any suggestions ? Does anybody know where I am going wrong ?
Quickest way to troubleshoot this - on the browser window that houses the broken terminal, do a view source. In there you'll find a URL direct to your console proxy server. Copy and paste that URL into a new window and see if you can hit it directly. I'm guessing a firewall issue...

QT: ssl https craches my dll, throws IniterrorSystem.DllNotFoundException

I've created a simple dll in qt which starts up a new thread and handles different network request with the QNetworkAccessManager. Working with ordinary HTTP requests works fine but I've gotten some problems when trying to start using HTTPS instead.
I've installed openssl and configured qt to use it with:
-openssl -I C:\OpenSSL\include -L C:\OpenSSL\lib
I can compile the dll but when I try to access the dll from my application I get a IniterrorSystem.DllNotFoundException.
This error appears as soon as I try to use the QSslSocket class, for example I'm just trying to initiate a variable.
QSslSocket socket;
With this initiation the dll crashes with the above error.
//QSslSocket socket;
removing the init will let the dll continue but the https request doesn't work and I don't get any error message from the QNetworkAccessManager. I tried connecting to the sslError signal but that never happens as well.
I've put the dlls "libeay32.dll", "libssl32.dll" & "ssleay32.dll" in the same folder as my dll and have OpenSSL successfully installed.
Anyone have any Idea what I'm missing?
Do you have the Visual C++ Runtime Libraries installed? OpenSSL depends on the msvcr dll on Windows.
