How do I change the approval email a user receives in yetanotherforum? - yetanotherforum

How do I change the email a user receives once I approve them for forum use in yetanotherforum? I'm not sure which file to alter.
Instead of "you've been approved ....", etc., I'd like to have my own custom msg. Any help would be appreciated!

This can be accomplished by opening up your forum, and then the languages folder. Within the languages folder, choose the particular .xml language file you'd like to alter.
Once selected, search for
<Resource tag="VERIFYEMAIL_TEXT">
Underneath that is your message that's sent to users awaiting forum approval. There, you may edit the text to your own liking. Repeat the steps for any other language files you wish to alter.
I hope this can help somebody!


Customizing "The Events Calendar" "RSVP" form

Thanks in advance.
After learning "How to customize templates files" in the knowledgebase in, I'm trying to find where to change the form for the RSVP: RSVP FORM.
The goal is to add a select with options (non-dynamicals) for the user to record.
The problem occurred when I tried to locate within the plugin where this information was found.
I went to wp-content> plugins> event-tickets> src> views> registration But I couldn't locate where to make the change, so I suspect it is not there. And that's my request: Could someone help me locate where to make the change?
Any idea to include this selection and that it appears reflected in the backend where the Attendees are reflected will be welcome.
You can use additional fields extension which will allow you to add many different form fields which get saved under the attendee's list.
You can see info on this here:

Drupal 7 : get user profile picture at registration

I am using Drupal 7.
I follow this link to enable profile picture of user.
Now i want to get profile picture from user at the time of registration.
How can i get this?
Any help will be appreciated.
Ideal module to do this is Reg-With-Pic
You will be given a check box at admin/config/people/accounts named "Enable user pictures on registration" and weight selection.
If you are using Content Profile module, File field would be an option.
Here is the Helper function to add default user account fields to user registration and edit form.
You might also want to use the Gravatar module to take some of the pain out of what you are suggesting. It's enough trouble to set up a profile on yet another site that you might not want to force them to configure their profile at the time of registration, especially with such things as a "user picture", unless you really want to put a damper on registrations.
Depending on the type of site you are working on, the Gravatar module might be ideal. Anyone who already has a Gravatar will have it automatically set as their user picture.

Comment module: allowing anonymous users to reply to comments

I have the permissions set to allow anon users to comment and that works just fine. What I also want is the anon user to have access to the "reply" link for existing comments.
Any idea on how to accomplish it?
I've tried to debug/trace this with no luck. I do know that the comment module's comment_link() returns an array containing the comment_reply permission, but I'm relatively new to Drupal and I don't understand what happens to the $links array between comment_link() and the page rendering.
For what it's worth, if I cut and paste the value of $links['comment_reply']['href'] from comment_link() (according to devel) into the address bar, I (as anon user) can access the reply form, so I believe it's just a matter of getting the link to render properly on the node page and not a permissions issue.
If you see $links['comment_reply'] coming from comment_link(), then it has to be a module or theme altering and removing that link, or the theme not displaying comment links properly. I would first just try and switch to the Garland theme temporarily to see if it's theme related. Otherwise, you'll have to narrow down to which module is responsible via process of elimination.

How to create a 'blog settings' tab in drupal to move all blog related edit forms to one place

I dont know if im asking the impossible, but i want to have a tab in my user edit area that houses all blog related items (ie blog theme, blog info, user blogroll) as opposed to them being inside the user/%/edit and user/%/edit profile.
Im putting together a multi-user site and this is crucial for user-friendliness.
Thanks for any ideas!
Nothing is impossible with Drupal, but doing this would be a challenge.
With hook_form_alter you can alter any form you want. The code for this would have to go to a custom module. Then you would have to recreate the form, with a page callback, and handle the validation and submission. You can probably recreate the code from the modules that create the forms in the first place.
Alternative, you can just leave the settings at user/%/edit and other places, and just create a special form with all blog relevant info. That way the users choose where to edit their info. It will probably be a better choice, since the "blog settings" that's location at user/%/edit, will be more tied to the user, than to the blog. So when a user wants to edit some of his personal details, that's when he would want to edit those blog settings as well.
Your specific might be different, but the default setup is usually a very good default.

How can I set WordPress roles such that once a Contributor's post is scheduled to be published, they can no longer edit it?

At least for my purposes, it is absolutely essential that a Contributor be unable to edit his posts once they've been scheduled to be published, as well as actually published.
This seems like it should be simple because otherwise in a system with a lot of users a malicious user could slip under the radar with a sketchy post by first submitting an innocuous one and then right before it is scheduled to be published, edit it.
None of the role-editing plugins I've tried seem to have this functionality.
You need to create a filter function add hook it.
You may want to read "WordPress tip: Allow contributors to upload files" at to get an idea.
The filter hook you'll need is the "format_to_edit" hook. Please refer to for details.
That filter hook isn't what you want. Let me think about it.
