Real part of complex number? - r

I'm just learning R, so please forgive what I'm sure is a very elementary question. How do I take the real part of a complex number?

If you read the help file for complex (?complex), you will see a number of functions for performing complex arithmetic. The details clearly state
The functions Re, Im, Mod, Arg and Conj have their usual interpretation as returning the real part, imaginary part, modulus, argument and complex conjugate for complex values.
Use Re:
# 1
For the imaginary part:
# 2
?complex will list other useful functions.

would be the functions you're looking for.
See also


Struggling with building an intuition for recursion

Though I have studied and able am able to understand some programs in recursion, I am still not able to intuitively obtain a solution using recursion as I do easily using Iteration. Is there any course or track available in order to build an intuition for recursion? How can one master the concept of recursion?
if you want to gain a thorough understanding of how recursion works, I highly recommend that you start with understanding mathematical induction, as the two are very closely related, if not arguably identical.
Recursion is a way of breaking down seemingly complicated problems into smaller bits. Consider the trivial example of the factorial function.
def factorial(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)
To calculate factorial(100), for example, all you need is to calculate factorial(99) and multiply 100. This follows from the familiar definition of the factorial.
Here are some tips for coming up with a recursive solution:
Assume you know the result returned by the immediately preceding recursive call (e.g. in calculating factorial(100), assume you already know the value of factorial(99). How do you go from there?)
Consider the base case (i.e. when should the recursion come to a halt?)
The first bullet point might seem rather abstract, but all it means is this: a large portion of the work has already been done. How do you go from there to complete the task? In the case of the factorial, factorial(99) constituted this large portion of work. In many cases, you will find that identifying this portion of work simply amounts to examining the argument to the function (e.g. n in factorial), and assuming that you already have the answer to func(n - 1).
Here's another example for concreteness. Let's say we want to reverse a string without using in-built functions. In using recursion, we might assume that string[:-1], or the substring until the very last character, has already been reversed. Then, all that is needed is to put the last remaining character in the front. Using this inspiration, we might come up with the following recursive solution:
def my_reverse(string):
if not string: # base case: empty string
return string # return empty string, nothing to reverse
return string[-1] + my_reverse(string[:-1])
With all of this said, recursion is built on mathematical induction, and these two are inseparable ideas. In fact, one can easily prove that recursive algorithms work using induction. I highly recommend that you checkout this lecture.

In how many functions maxterm/minterm of n binary variables can be expressed

I have confusion. Semantically we can construct 2^(2^n) boolean functions, but I read in Digital Electronics Morris Mano that we can construct 2^2n combinations of minterm/maxterm. How?
Samsamp, could you point to a specific place in the book or even better provide an exact quote? In the copy I found over the Internet I was not able to find such a claim after a fast glance over. The closest thing I found is:
Since the function can be either I or 0 for each minterm, and since there
are 2^n min terms, one can calculate the possible functions that can be formed with n variables to be 2^2^n.
which looks OK to me.

How to quantitatively measure how simplified a mathematical expression is

I am looking for a simple method to assign a number to a mathematical expression, say between 0 and 1, that conveys how simplified that expression is (being 1 as fully simplified). For example:
eval('x+1') should return 1.
eval('1+x+1+x+x-5') should returns some value less than 1, because it is far from being simple (i.e., it can be further simplified).
The parameter of eval() could be either a string or an abstract syntax tree (AST).
A simple idea that occurred to me was to count the number of operators (?)
EDIT: Let simplified be equivalent to how close a system is to the solution of a problem. E.g., given an algebra problem (i.e. limit, derivative, integral, etc), it should assign a number to tell how close it is to the solution.
The closest metaphor I can come up with it how a maths professor would look at an incomplete problem and mentally assess it in order to tell how close the student is to the solution. Like in a math exam, were the student didn't finished a problem worth 20 points, but the professor assigns 8 out of 20. Why would he come up with 8/20, and can we program such thing?
I'm going to break a stack-overflow rule and post this as an answer instead of a comment, because not only I'm pretty sure the answer is you can't (at least, not the way you imagine), but also because I believe it can be educational up to a certain degree.
Let's assume that a criteria of simplicity can be established (akin to a normal form). It seems to me that you are very close to trying to solve an analogous to entscheidungsproblem or the halting problem. I doubt that in a complex rule system required for typical algebra, you can find a method that gives a correct and definitive answer to the number of steps of a series of term reductions (ipso facto an arbitrary-length computation) without actually performing it. Such answer would imply knowing in advance if such computation could terminate, and so contradict the fact that automatic theorem proving is, for any sufficiently powerful logic capable of representing arithmetic, an undecidable problem.
In the given example, the teacher is actually either performing that computation mentally (going step by step, applying his own sequence of rules), or gives an estimation based on his experience. But, there's no generic algorithm that guarantees his sequence of steps are the simplest possible, nor that his resulting expression is the simplest one (except for trivial expressions), and hence any quantification of "distance" to a solution is meaningless.
Wouldn't all this be true, your problem would be simple: you know the number of steps, you know how many steps you've taken so far, you divide the latter by the former ;-)
Now, returning to the criteria of simplicity, I also advice you to take a look on Hilbert's 24th problem, that specifically looked for a "Criteria of simplicity, or proof of the greatest simplicity of certain proofs.", and the slightly related proof compression. If you are philosophically inclined to further understand these subjects, I would suggest reading the classic Gödel, Escher, Bach.
Further notes: To understand why, consider a well-known mathematical artefact called the Mandelbrot fractal set. Each pixel color is calculated by determining if the solution to the equation z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + c for any specific c is bounded, that is, "a complex number c is part of the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z(0) = 0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of z(n) remains bounded however large n gets." Despite the equation being extremely simple (you know, square a number and sum a constant), there's absolutely no way to know if it will remain bounded or not without actually performing an infinite number of iterations or until a cycle is found (disregarding complex heuristics). In this sense, every fractal out there is a rough approximation that typically usages an escape time algorithm as an heuristic to provide an educated guess whether the solution will be bounded or not.

ternary operators for calculus class

I was wondering about the use ternary operators outside of programming. For example, in those pesky calculus classes that are required for a CS degree. Could a person describe something like a hyperbolic function with a ternary operator like this:
1/x ? 1/x : infinity;
This assumes that x is a positive float and should say that if x != 0 then the function returns 1/x, otherwise it returns infinity. Would this circumvent the whole need for limits?
I'm not entirely certian as to the specific question, but yes, a ternary can answer any question posed as 'if/else' or 'if and only if, else'. Traditionally however, math is not written in a conditional format with any real flow control. 'if' and other flow control mechanisms let code execute in differant ways, but with most math, the flow is the same; just the results differ.
Mathematically, any operator can be equivalently described as a function, as in a + b = add(a,b); note that this is true for programming as well. In either case, binary operators are a common way to describe functions of two arguments because they are easy to read that way.
Ternary operators are more difficult to read, and they are correspondingly less common. But, since mathematical typography is not limited to a one-dimensional text string, many mathematical operators have large arity -- for instance, a definite integral arguably has 4 arguments (start, end, integrand, and differential).
To answer your second question: no, this does not circumvent the need for limits; you could just as easily say that the alternative was 42 instead of infinity.
I will also mention that your 1/x example doesn't really match the programming usage of the ?: ternary operator anyway. Note that 1/x is not a boolean; it looks like you're trying to use ?: to handle an exception-like condition, which would be better suited to a try/catch form.
Also, when you say "This assumes that x is a positive float", how is a reader supposed to know this? You may recall that there is mathematical notation that solves this specific problem by indicating limits from above....

A way to get a math answer in fraction form

I'm trying to write a program that will help someone study for the GRE math. As many of you may know, fractions are a big part of the test, and calculators aren't allowed. Basically what I want to do is generate four random numbers (say, 1-50) and either +-/* them and then accept an answer in fraction format. The random number thing is easy. The problem is, how can I 1) accept a fractional answer and 2) ensure that the answer is reduced all the way?
I am writing in ASP.NET (or jQuery, if that will suffice). I was pretty much wondering if there's some library or something that handles this kind of thing...
have a look at
Since fractions are essentially divisions you can check to see if the answer is partially correct by performing the division on the fraction entries that you're given.
if (answer.contains("/"))
int a = answer.substring(1,answer.instanceof("/"))
int b = answer.substring(answer.instanceof("/"))
if (a/b == expectedAnswer)
if (gcd(a,b) == 1)
Not sufficiently reduced
To find out whether it's reduced all the way, create a GCD function which should evaluate to the value of the denominator that the user supplied as an answer.
Learn Python and try fractions module.
