Presenting user editable fields from Wordpress Database - wordpress

I'm currently in the process of writing my first Wordpress Plugin, which is extending WPmembers. Essentially, the logic flows as follows.
User logs in
Database is referenced to see if this is their first login, if true..
The user is presented with an information verification screen... once verified
Information goes to Salesforce via POST.
My issue is with step three, while I understand displaying fields from the database, I'm unsure of how to make those fields editable by the user.
Any tips? I'm sure this has been done before but after several days of googling I've been unable to find a use case that's similar enough to mine to be put to use.

This should help:
Adding and using custom user profile fields
Published by Justin Tadlock on September 10, 2009


Place order button to automatically download

I'm new here and was directed to try this forum for my quandary with WooCommerce.
I’ve created downloadable products that are free. – I’m using Storefront WooCommerce Theme for WordPress.
– Before the download is available I would like the users information ie: email, name. I’m using the checkout page (place order) for this and bypassing the cart. So instead of collecting payment I’m collecting contact info. I have customized that page and buttons to only gather the information required for download.
– Once they enter the information they are able to download the file, but only from a different page (another click). I’d like download to automatically download on the place order button click.(I've changed the text to read: download specifications)
In summary:
– I would like to have the file download automatically without the place order summary page more of a thank you for your interest page.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you again for any help you can give me.
I'm not sure why the negative votes, I thought this was a place to share and find answers.
I did a work-around which works for now. I may revisit this later. There are still 3 clicks but the flow is a lot nicer.
• I copied the woo thank you php check out template to my child theme and made some custom changes to eliminate the extra order information
• changed button title for smoother flow while still gather the user information in my order information.
• I can trim the template even more but that will take a while because the download function is attached to the order table which is actually the information I want to record.
• Then, I thought about attaching a form to the button at the single product page to capture the user info but that opens another can of worms in record keeping since it won’t populate the order table.
What I wanted to do requires lots of heavy lifting which will take some time for me to figure. If I come up with the answer to my original question I will share with the forum.

Salesforce & WordPress with Ninja Forms?

Bit of a complicated questions, and I'm not sure where to start so thought I'd ask the community...
Basically, we've been using Ninja Forms on our WordPress website for a while. It works great in the fact that our enquiries are sent straight to SalesForce.
Now, I'd like users to be able to fill in a form on our WordPress site which will then push more complicated information through to Salesforce e.g. they could fill in details such as their medical history which would then be pushed through to Salesforce and held in their customer profile.
I'm not sure if Ninja Forms will be able to handle this though... how will it know where to put the information? Currently, our form submissions setup a new record. But instead of setting up a new record/customer, it would need to edit a currently setup customer, and fill their profile with information which they've submitted through the form.
Has anyone ever done anything like this before?
You should read this for start , and prior to use your custom objects your must read this , this guide gives you the heads up on how to map the fields and how to use custom objects, of course this is mainly a salesforce work.

I need plugin which can make my each unique employee upload his work

I need plugin which can make my each unique employee upload his work like only media or client can submit job requirement with only 3 field title ,media,description without login into wordpress dashboard like this & each client is redirected to dat work without login into dashboard
This is very broad topic to be discussed here. Be more specific if you are facing any particular issues.
Or you can use Upwork for posting this job to hire someone to complete it up.
try (visual form builder)
with this plugin you can create field with file upload field
but this is not Exactly what you want

Create moderation for form data

I want to add moderation logic for a form which has name, mail and comment. Now when anyone fills the form and clicks "submit" it should directly be posted to the page. I want to send the content to "admin" and to be published after the content is reviewed. How can I achieve this in Drupal? I'm using Drupal 7.2.
There are many ways to achieve what you want. I guess you are looking for a site-builder approach.
Then you may have a look at the Webform module. Webform lets you build forms and define e-mail addresses to where the submitted data should be send to.
Then there is the Rules module with which you can define a rule that on every form submission automatically a (initially unpublished) node is being created populated with the form values.
And finally you may provide a list of all unpublished nodes built with Views. Maybe you already provide a button "publish" next to each node in the list that triggers the node publication.
Alternatively you may also have a look at moderation modules like Workbench Moderation.
Or have a look at the Flag module which is pretty useful for flagging content according some logic and/or button clicks. For example you can add a flag: approved.

User Blog difficulty Wordpress

I have have a client that wants to create a Wordpress site with the following features.
Private Messaging
User profile
Friend Groups
The ability for a user to create one or many "journals" which are essentially a blog, which only their friends can see.
The last item is the one that I am puzzling over. It seems that it might be best to create a multisite where users can create their own blogs. But I'm not sure how I would manage who can see the blogs, or how I would display the blogs on the user's profile page.
Does anyone know any projects similar to this or have any ideas about where to start with a project like this?
Update for anyone who sees this.
Buddypress solves first three problems more or less out of the box.
I decided to customize the groups feature a bit to fit the bill for a user created journal. The user can create a group (groups are renamed 'journals' by means of the translation file for BP) and he is the only one allowed to post to it. I have updated some of the group meta fields so the user can add a bit more information about his journal, as well.
