Arduino Mega 2560 connection with a CAN bus shield (SparkFun) - arduino

I am trying to connect an Arduino Mega2560 with the CAN bus shield from SparkFun and communicate. How do I go about it?

You connect the CAN device to your shield (connecting the CAN-Low and CAN-High signals correctly) and put at least one resistor of 120 ohm between the CAN low and CAN high signals (they are sometimes called terminating resistors, but they primarily act as pull-together resistors (similar to pull-up resistors for open-collector/open-drain)).


Connection problems of esp8266

As soon as I am connecting 3.3 v from Arduino to ch_pd and vcc of esp8266, the port connected to Arduino becomes unavailable. Can you let me know how to proceed. I am using pin 2 of Arduino to tx of esp8266 and pin 3 to rx.
ESP8266 require much current. Maybe regulator of arduino is not capable of powering much current and thatswhy its output voltage drops when you connect ch_pd and vcc.
Try using another power source.

Connecting and running esp8266

I am trying to connect my ESP8266 to my computer to program it. However, I cannot even get passed the first step. Do not get the ready message to pop up.
Currently I have the 5v of the Arduino connected through a 1K ohm and then a 2k Ohm resistor to the VCC, the CH_PD and the reset pins on the ESP. The GPIO pin 0 is grounded and the ground is as well. The TX of the Arduino is connected to the RX of the ESP and the RX the Arduino is connected to the TX of the ESP through a 1K ohm and then a 2K ohm resistor.
I tried Arduino IDE, I've tried Putty, and even flashing it. Nothing works.
When running the Arduino IDE and you run the serial port, then type AT, nothing shows up in the box.
When using the method print to serial it prints AT but nothing is returned.
When using a flashing program it either says failed or cannot connect to device.
Right now there is a blue light and a red light on at all times.
You cannot power up es8266 using voltage divider, whenever you connect VCC to CH_PD, your VCC will pull down to very low voltage. You need to power your esp8266 using 3.3v, not 5V, nor voltage divider. You can connect 3.3V of your Arduino to esp8266.

Arduino Leonardo serial communication

The USB port on my Arduino Leonardo broke off and I don't have a USB-to-serial adapter. Is it possible to wire a USB cable to the TX, RX, Vin, and GND pins so that I can use serial communication between it and my computer?
(It already has my sketch on it.)
Yes, you can solder a USB cable (just cut the type B end off of a standard A-B cable) onto the exposed pads where the port used to be.
Unlike other Arduinos, the Leonardo does not have a built-in USB-to-serial converter the drives the USB port. The microcontroller firmware provides USB device-mode support directly. It also has serial I/O pins.

GSM shiled and Ethernet shild compatibility

I have an Arduino Uno Rev. 3 and have bought a GSM Shield
and an Ethernet Shield.
If I use the Arduino and GSM shield or the ethernet shield all works well. However, I want to use the Arduino with both the GSM shield and the ethernet shield.
I have searched the Internet and have read that I have a conflict on pin 4. The GSM shield uses pin 4 for the SD Card and the ethernet shield uses pin 4 for TX.
Can i fix this error? Is it possible to change this pin.
In a shield, hardware is managed in such a way that it will always connect to the particular pins. you can understood this in this way that if you place your Ethernet shield upon the Arduino then Ethernet's Tx pin will always connect to Arduino's pin 4.
So there is only one method to overcome this problem, don't place Ethernet shield directly to Ardunio. connect this with the jumpers externally and change Tx pin 4 to another pin in the programming which is free.
I don't know which pins are free in your code but lets assume Arduino's pin 6 is free so declare this as Ethernet TX pin (you will find out this in program) and connect this to Ethernet's pin 4.
You can use only one shield directly, now choose which one you want to use directly and change the pin configuration for the shield which is used externally.

Project using Arduino microcontroller board

I want to start a project using arduino microcontroller board. In this project I will use a Mini Thermal Receipt Printer, barcode scanner and the arduino ethernet shield to transfer data to my pc and from my pc. my question is, what arduino board should I buy for such project? is the arduino uno is enough?
The choice of a right Arduino depends on the sort of peripherals you need for example if your barcode reader is SPI enabled and you can't bit-bang SPI then this counts for Hardware SPI usage and as such will take the SPI pins on the UNO which has support for only 1 SPI hardware connection but if you want more SPI connections go for a MEGA ,similarly UART, two wire etc are communication protocols that may be needed by you based on the chipssets you use in your project, also GPIO's are there which just turn on and off.
I will suggest starting off with an Arduino UNO which DIP ATmega328P and get a spare Bootloader acquipped ATmega328P chip standalone in case as a newbie you magic-smoke the chip on the board.
