Connecting and running esp8266 - arduino

I am trying to connect my ESP8266 to my computer to program it. However, I cannot even get passed the first step. Do not get the ready message to pop up.
Currently I have the 5v of the Arduino connected through a 1K ohm and then a 2k Ohm resistor to the VCC, the CH_PD and the reset pins on the ESP. The GPIO pin 0 is grounded and the ground is as well. The TX of the Arduino is connected to the RX of the ESP and the RX the Arduino is connected to the TX of the ESP through a 1K ohm and then a 2K ohm resistor.
I tried Arduino IDE, I've tried Putty, and even flashing it. Nothing works.
When running the Arduino IDE and you run the serial port, then type AT, nothing shows up in the box.
When using the method print to serial it prints AT but nothing is returned.
When using a flashing program it either says failed or cannot connect to device.
Right now there is a blue light and a red light on at all times.

You cannot power up es8266 using voltage divider, whenever you connect VCC to CH_PD, your VCC will pull down to very low voltage. You need to power your esp8266 using 3.3v, not 5V, nor voltage divider. You can connect 3.3V of your Arduino to esp8266.


Connection problems of esp8266

As soon as I am connecting 3.3 v from Arduino to ch_pd and vcc of esp8266, the port connected to Arduino becomes unavailable. Can you let me know how to proceed. I am using pin 2 of Arduino to tx of esp8266 and pin 3 to rx.
ESP8266 require much current. Maybe regulator of arduino is not capable of powering much current and thatswhy its output voltage drops when you connect ch_pd and vcc.
Try using another power source.

Power on a Raspberry Pi with Arduino

I am working on a project which involves to power on/off a Raspberry Pi with an Arduino. In fact the project contains several sensors like a motion sensor and the Arduino will be supplied with a 10kmA battery.
The motion sensor is connected on the Arduino device.
Once the sensor detects a movement, the Arduino will receive the instruction to deliver the 5V to the Raspberry Pi.
How can I supply the Raspberry Pi with the Arduino? GPIO? USB?
I have already seen solutions to power an Arduino with a Raspberry Pi, but never the opposite.
Powering on is easy: just use a small relay that you control with your Arduino, and which switches the 5v from the battery to the RPi.
Shutting down the Pi should be done in two steps:
Setting a GPIO connection to the GPIO header of the Pi, that "sends" the signal to shut down. The RPi must receive this signal as an interrupt on the GPIO and can execute a shutdown-script
The second step should be to wait until the RPi has completely shut down. Maybe you can observe that with the help of the RPi LEDs or something like that (otherwhise, an unclean solution would be to wait XX seconds). After you know that the Pi is shut down, you can open the 5V relay again.

Unable to communicate with ESP8266 via Arduino Uno

I recently bought an ESP8266 (ESP-01, 1M) yet I have been unsuccessful in making it respond at all.
I have attempted to communicate with it using an Arduino Uno running the built-in BareMinimum script (and also the script described here) to work like an FTDI.
However, when any AT commands are sent to it via the Serial Monitor there is no response whatsoever using either approach.
The red power LED is on, yet the blue LED is always off.
My wiring:
VCC - 3v3
CH_PD - 3v3
I would love some clues as to how to solve this error,
Okay, seems like the same problem I spent hours.
Your Arduino TX has a high level of 5V. If you send a message to your ESP with this voltage you will (surely) destroy it. And I think thats happend to you.
So you have to buy a new ESP.
For the next try:
If you use a baudrate of 9600 you can just use two 10kOhm resistors to half your TX voltage. (I did this already and it worked without problems)
For sending a message to your Arduino 3.3V from your ESP are enought.
For higher baudrates you can use a logic level converter:

Arduino Relay not Powering

I recently bought this Arduino Relay module ( and it hasn't been working. I have tested it with batteries, and connecting it directly to the battery does function. However, when I connect to the Arduino Leonardo board, the indicator lights come on for both the In pin and the VCC pin, but the electromagnet does not function and the circuit does not complete. There is no click when connected to Arduino. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
While this is not the right place to post about electronics, It appears that your relay only triggers at 12V, Arduino supplies 3.3V and 5V, not enough to trigger your relay.

Arduino Mega 2560 connection with a CAN bus shield (SparkFun)

I am trying to connect an Arduino Mega2560 with the CAN bus shield from SparkFun and communicate. How do I go about it?
You connect the CAN device to your shield (connecting the CAN-Low and CAN-High signals correctly) and put at least one resistor of 120 ohm between the CAN low and CAN high signals (they are sometimes called terminating resistors, but they primarily act as pull-together resistors (similar to pull-up resistors for open-collector/open-drain)).
