Can't style FB like button - css

I've been trying to follow all the advice I found here, but I just can't seem to style the Facebook like button. Here's the website:
At this point I'm just trying to stop the comment box from coming up as the easiest solution to the problem. I've tried the obvious of adding .fb_edge_comment_widget {display: none !important;} to my css, but it just won't read it. What am I doing wrong?

the short answer is that it's not possible to style the FB like button. It's in an iframe and you have no real access to the style in there.
More than that, Facebook policy forbid you from modifying their widget look and feel.
d. You must not obscure or cover elements of our social plugins, such
as the Like button or Like box plugin.
From Facebook policy
And, if you don't care about the warning, well you can "hide" the comment pop-up of the like button by wrapping it into an element (div or span), setting size on this wrapper and add the overflow: hidden CSS prop. This will somewhat work, but it's going to be unmaintainable if you have to manage internationalization as like button will change size.
So, the best, don't modify it, else, you have a little hack.


How does the CSS property "scroll-margin-top" and "scroll-padding-top" really works

At first, it looks simple, and at the end of scroll event, a margin (or padding) will be applied at the top.
This is useful when there is a sticky element at the top. Then when a link is clicked and scroll down to somewhere on the page, it's nice to have this element "skipped" by the scrolling.
This article explains it pretty well:
I could make it work on really simple examples, and that works. However, I am trying to make this work on a normal website, and I can't. I think there is something not clear for me (or in general?) about how it works.
Please have a look here:
When a link is clicked on the right, it scrolls but the scroll-padding-top is completely ignored. I have tried many techniques, moving the CSS property in many different places in the code, but that doesn't do anything.
Do you see what's wrong? Ideally, it would be great to find real the cause and maybe have an explanation why it doesn't work in this case and describes what's that case actually is.
Thanks a lot :)
scroll-margin is not useful if scroll behavior is controlled by JS
Looking at your page source, I found easy-table-of-contents WordPress plugin, which relies on smooth-scroll jQuery script. Also, I don't see scroll-behavior: smooth; in your body either (see this MDN page for reference).
It looks to me that your anchor link is not controlled by CSS but by JavaScript. And, as you'd know, when something is controlled by JavaScript, any relevant style declaration via CSS might be ignored.
What to do?
I honestly don't know. Perhaps you could replace the table of contents plugin with something that gives you a finer control. Perhaps you could refactor the said plugin yourself. In any case, should you need to keep the jQuery dependence and a particular WP plugin, you might have a tough luck for this fix.
I got your point, sorry for a long answer but I am sure this will clear your doubt with the output.
scroll-margin-top and scroll-padding-top define the amount of space to be given from within the element or from outside the element whenever a scroll event occurs.
Sometimes we see some text gets cut from the viewport such that it's half visible.
To avoid that kind of thing scroll-margin-top is helpful.
when no scroll event happens:
when scroll event happens but with scroll-padding-top:20px;
see an example from MDN Web Docs
Now applying this logic to your link example
When we click on the link it takes us to the specified div,
But when the scroll-padding-top is applied the output looks like this it gets stuck to the top of the viewport, even if we specify a certain margin with CSS the output is the same because the padding is applied from within the element:
When we apply scroll-margin-top we get the desired output on the link click event or scroll event:
<section style="height:1000px;"></section>
<div id="down"></div>
<section style="height:1000px;"></section>
See Output
Correct me if I am wrong anywhere.

How to style answer box / add a new topic box

I’m designing a wordpress website however I have no experience with html and CSS so when I need to fix bits and bobs of my website, I copy and paste CSS code that I manage to find online and it has been working so far.
The problem I have at the moment is I’m using a forum plugin called wpforo and I would like to edit how the reply / create new topic box looks. It looks very cluttered and unattractive (
What CSS could I add such that I could hide a few buttons? Here are some screenshots of how the answer box is laid out on my website. (divs and classes)
Hiding some buttons would be the quick fix, if possible – what CSS could I add such that I could reveal the hidden buttons with an ‘advanced’ button then unreveal it with a ‘basic button’, here are two screenshots to demonstrate what I mean.
Thank you.
I think the default you have is fine to be honest. If you want some space between elements, then you can use margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right for an element. For example #div-name{margin-bottom: 1rem}. Also, if you want the same amount everywhere then insetad of specifying all top,bottom,left, right, you can just use margin: 1rem which will do it for all.
If you want the background colour to change like in one the examples then background-color: blue on the title div would work.
As for the basic and advance button options, you wont be able to do this with CSS. It would require Javascript/jQuery. There will be many tutorials online for how to hide/show elements using jquery, but I think (I haven't used Wordpress enough to know if this is true) you will need to create some javascript file and then attach it to the page somehow. It's a lot of new stuff for a beginner to learn. I would just stick with what you have.
I would also suggest W3Schools as a quick way to learn some basic CSS, which might give you enough to get what you want.
Remember, CSS is for styling, Javascript is for functionality.

style change to mailchimp form within squarespace

I really appreciate the help.
If you are familiar with Squarespace, they have a mailchimp integration. I would like to make the submit button a little higher, but I don't know where to go to change the css within squarespace....nor what css to you use. I am familiar with css, but not within squarespace....and I'm still a beginner.
Either I would like the button a bit higher or to the side of the e-mail inbox. Whichever is easiest.
This is what it looks like now:
Thank you!!
Find the class or id name of the element you want to change.
Go to "Style mode" in Squarespace.
At the bottom of the left design panel, click "Custom CSS".
Confirm that you know this might break your design. (Hint: It won't if you only target Mailchimp classes/id's)
Write your CSS and hit "save"
Refresh your page to see the changes.
Example code for the input button in your case:
The above code can place your input button to the left. Or you can use
margin-top: 0px;
To reduse the top spacing. I hope that helps! If this doesn't solve it, please provide some code for me to work with.

Firebug/Console style hover effect

Think I know the answer to this one, but just thought there may be some genius out there whos know of a way to do this...
Basically I am making a site editor kind of thing and it would be amazingly handy if I could replicate the way Firebug and the Chrome console highlights elements when you hover over their code in the html/elements tabs of those inspectors...
Its not something I can do with background effects because that does not highlight the whole Div (the contents show above the highlight) and I don't think there is anyway of making a div overlay over the top of all the content but have it not block mouseovers on underlying elements...
Anyone any ideas? Is there any browser specific code that achieves this kind of thing?
In general, Firefox extensions are mostly JavaScript. Since Firebug is BSD licensed, you can browse its source code on its project site. Maybe you'll find the relevant code and get an idea how to solve your specific task.
You could add an outline in CSS on mouseover - that would highlight the element without changing its position, as outline does not effect layout. A box-shadow would also work similarly.
In fact, it looks to me like Firebug adds a dark bluish box-shadow to elements to highlight them.

how can I make google +1 button hover message be transparent

How can I edit the styling of these part of google +1 button? kinda hard for me to explain the detail in english. so I make this picture
I know it's located inside an iframe, some says that we couldn't edit the styles inside an iframe which sourced from other domain. but apparently, I have successfully styled my facebook like button to be looking good (transparent on the border). And also, I saw some other sites which have a nice looking google +1 button (without those blocking solid white background)
Edit: possible solution:
Looking at the markup and css on the page below it looks like somewhere in your css you must be setting the background-color of the div that the bubble is contained in to white or #fff. Try something like:-
.pls-container {background-color:transparent}
Do you have a link to this page, or a site that has a +1 button which has the same rollover so people can experiment? It would be easier to give a definite solution then...
Edit: just had a look here at the +1 buttons (at the top of the post and in the sidebar at the right) these both appear to be transparent borders - so there must be something different about your page. You could try looking at that page as an example and see where you've gone wrong, but without the code to your page it will be very difficult to give a solution to your problem directly.
