how can I make google +1 button hover message be transparent - css

How can I edit the styling of these part of google +1 button? kinda hard for me to explain the detail in english. so I make this picture
I know it's located inside an iframe, some says that we couldn't edit the styles inside an iframe which sourced from other domain. but apparently, I have successfully styled my facebook like button to be looking good (transparent on the border). And also, I saw some other sites which have a nice looking google +1 button (without those blocking solid white background)

Edit: possible solution:
Looking at the markup and css on the page below it looks like somewhere in your css you must be setting the background-color of the div that the bubble is contained in to white or #fff. Try something like:-
.pls-container {background-color:transparent}
Do you have a link to this page, or a site that has a +1 button which has the same rollover so people can experiment? It would be easier to give a definite solution then...
Edit: just had a look here at the +1 buttons (at the top of the post and in the sidebar at the right) these both appear to be transparent borders - so there must be something different about your page. You could try looking at that page as an example and see where you've gone wrong, but without the code to your page it will be very difficult to give a solution to your problem directly.


Set the Popup box to a fixed position

I'm fairly new to HTML and CSS work but have been very proud of how far I've come with the help of forums like this one. So first and foremost, thank you!
My question: I am using a Colorbox on my website that displays a popup on top of the current page. The problem is, if I scroll with the mouse wheel and the pointer is resting in the grayed out area (the original page I opened the colorbox from), the original page scrolls down...thus eventually moving the colorbox off the screen.
What I want is for the colorbox to always be visible in the middle of the screen, regardless of how a user scrolls. The only way to get rid of it would be to close it.
I've read a lot about using the position:fixed attribute, and have attempted to do that but had no success (tried surrounding the colorbox with a simple div with a "position: fixed" setting). Plus in looking through various comments is seems like the fixed position is something that should be used sparingly, if at all.
Does anyone have a suggestion on a div I can create to keep the colorbox positioned on the screen at all times? Or maybe an alternative idea, like preventing the ability for a user to scroll down the grayed out area of the original page?
Here's a link to the page that displays the issue. If you click on one of the dozens of sample story links, you'll see the colorbox appear. When it does, start scrolling down the original page and you'll see the box eventually goes off the screen.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated everyone. Thank you!
The problem is that the Colorbox Javascript appends inline style to the box which will override external or internal CSS. Give your property values !important to prioritize.
#colorbox {
outline: 0 none;
position: fixed !important;
top: 10% !important;

Firebug/Console style hover effect

Think I know the answer to this one, but just thought there may be some genius out there whos know of a way to do this...
Basically I am making a site editor kind of thing and it would be amazingly handy if I could replicate the way Firebug and the Chrome console highlights elements when you hover over their code in the html/elements tabs of those inspectors...
Its not something I can do with background effects because that does not highlight the whole Div (the contents show above the highlight) and I don't think there is anyway of making a div overlay over the top of all the content but have it not block mouseovers on underlying elements...
Anyone any ideas? Is there any browser specific code that achieves this kind of thing?
In general, Firefox extensions are mostly JavaScript. Since Firebug is BSD licensed, you can browse its source code on its project site. Maybe you'll find the relevant code and get an idea how to solve your specific task.
You could add an outline in CSS on mouseover - that would highlight the element without changing its position, as outline does not effect layout. A box-shadow would also work similarly.
In fact, it looks to me like Firebug adds a dark bluish box-shadow to elements to highlight them.

Can't style FB like button

I've been trying to follow all the advice I found here, but I just can't seem to style the Facebook like button. Here's the website:
At this point I'm just trying to stop the comment box from coming up as the easiest solution to the problem. I've tried the obvious of adding .fb_edge_comment_widget {display: none !important;} to my css, but it just won't read it. What am I doing wrong?
the short answer is that it's not possible to style the FB like button. It's in an iframe and you have no real access to the style in there.
More than that, Facebook policy forbid you from modifying their widget look and feel.
d. You must not obscure or cover elements of our social plugins, such
as the Like button or Like box plugin.
From Facebook policy
And, if you don't care about the warning, well you can "hide" the comment pop-up of the like button by wrapping it into an element (div or span), setting size on this wrapper and add the overflow: hidden CSS prop. This will somewhat work, but it's going to be unmaintainable if you have to manage internationalization as like button will change size.
So, the best, don't modify it, else, you have a little hack.

Changing transparency of Facebook share box

What CSS property should I change at this page to disable transparency of a share iframe which appears when Like button is clicked?
When you hover on that Facebook box after clicking Like button, it becomes partially transparent and if you move your cursor away from it, it becomes solid white. I want it to be completely opaque all the time.
Well, I see no transparency on that box, only for the fade-in effect when it opens, but once it's fully opened it's not transparent.
To answer your question, you can see for yourself using firebug (firefox) or the development tools (chrome/safari) which css rules apply to what element.
From what I've seen now, you can use the use these: fb_edge_comment_widget fb_iframe_widget which are the classes of the span containing the iframe, or you can use the iframe itself.
The thing is though, is that you should not hack that. Why? Since then you'll have to always check for updates facebook are making, changes that they do not update you about (API changes they update on the blog), if you fail to be aware of these changes it can "break" your code/style.
I was also having the exact same problem.
I am using an AddThis widget set, and I don't know if this was the case for you or not (it looks like you may have chosen a different solution as I can't see the Like button on your site).
I ended up using
.addthis_button_facebook_like {
opacity:1 !important;
but you would use whatever selector that wrapped your like button. if using the standard embed from Facebook, it would probably be
.fb-like {
opacity:1 !important;
Someone else was having a similar problem with a Send button, which got me on the right track.
See it working like it ought to here. I'm sure it had something to do with some conflict from other styles, or possibly AddThis, but it's working now!

Grid Hover Over... Thing?

I really like what History has done with their show pages. Anyone know where I can find resources (or a name so I can google it) like what they have?
Example: where it says Full Episodes, History Pop Shop, etc.
You just need to make the image be visibility:hidden (with css) so that it maintains its space, and make it visibility:visible on hover of the container.
demo code:
You can put the detail popup inside the hover trigger, hide it, and show it in a CSS rule targeting a.Trigger:hover div.DetailPopup.
