How to restrict ALL memory allocation to one NUMA node - numa

I am new to NUMA-aware multithreaded programming. I am writing my code such that all the threads and their memory allocation are restricted to one node. At the beginning of the program, I make the following calls:
struct bitmask *bm = numa_parse_nodestring("0");
if (bm == 0) {
My understanding is that a call to numa_bind in this way would bind all threads and all memory allocation to node 0.
Furthermore, when I start pthreads from this code, I bind them to specific CPUs using:
However, when I look at /proc//numa_maps, I can still see that certain libraries (e.g., libc) are bound to the memory on node 1. How can I make sure that all the memory required by the process is bound to node 0?

Shared libraries like libc can't be bound to a memory bank specified by your process/application. Please see shared-library-numa

Code would tend to get cached in the local processor's L3 cache. Since it's read-only it's unlikely to generate any traffic once it's been loaded into cache. I wouldn't bother with it too much, unless you have profiling information showing it does pose a problem.


cuda unified memory: memory transfer behaviour

I am learning cuda, but currently don't access to a cuda device yet and am curious about some unified memory behaviour. As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
1 Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
2 Additionally I would be grateful if you could clarify something else related to the memory transfer behaviour. It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer? for example if I had 2 arrays of the same UM pointers (the data in the pointer is currently on the gpu and the following code is executed from the cpu) and were to slice the first array, maybe to delete an element, would the iterating step over the pointers being placed into a new array so access the data to do a cudamem transfer? surely not.
As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
The first part is correct: when the CPU tries to access a page that resides in device memory, it is transferred in main memory transparently. What happens to the page in device memory is probably an implementation detail, but I imagine it may not be cleared. After all, its contents only need to be refreshed if the CPU writes to the page and if it is accessed by the device again. Better ask someone from NVIDIA, I suppose.
Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
Before CUDA 8, no, you could not allocate more (oversubscribe) than what could fit on the device. Since CUDA 8, it is possible: pages are faulted in and out of device memory (probably using an LRU policy, but I am not sure whether that is specified anywhere), which allows one to process datasets that would not otherwise fit on the device and require manual streaming.
It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer?
It works exactly the same. It makes no difference whether you're dereferencing the pointer that was returned by cudaMalloc (or even malloc), or some pointer within that data. The driver handles it identically.


In the book OpenCl By Action I read this:
CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR: The memory object will access the memory region specified by the host
CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR: The memory object will set the memory region specified by the host pointer.
CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR: A region in host-accessible memory will be allocated for use in data transfer.
I am utterly confused o these three flags.
I would like to know at least how are the first two different.
1-In CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR Memory Object will access the memory region while in CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR Memory Object will set the memory region (specified by host in both cases). How is this setting and accessing different ?
Then the third one is again confusing me a lot.
2- Are all of these pinned memory allocation?
CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR simply copies the values at a time of creation of the buffer.
CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR maintains a reference to that memory area and depending on the implementation it might access it directly while kernels are executing or it might cache it. You must use mapbuffer to provide synchronization points if you want to write cross platform code using this.
CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR is the only one that is often pinned memory. As an example on AMD this one allocates a pinned memory area. Often if you use CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR it will simply memcpy internally to a pinned memory area and use that. By using ALLOC_HOST_PTR you will avoid that. But yet again this depends on the implementation and you must read the manufacturers documentation on if this will provide you with pinned memory or not.

How to set memory limit to a process in Golang

I use syscall prlimit to set resource limit to process, it works for limit CPU time but when test memory usage, I come with the problem.
package sandbox
import (
func prLimit(pid int, limit uintptr, rlimit *syscall.Rlimit) error {
_, _, errno := syscall.RawSyscall6(syscall.SYS_PRLIMIT64, uintptr(pid), limit, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rlimit)), 0, 0, 0)
var err error
if errno != 0 {
err = errno
return err
} else {
return nil
and it's my test.
func TestMemoryLimit(t *testing.T) {
proc, err := os.StartProcess("test/memo", []string{"memo"}, &os.ProcAttr{})
if err != nil {
defer proc.Kill()
var rlimit syscall.Rlimit
rlimit.Cur = 10
rlimit.Max = 10 + 1024
prLimit(proc.Pid, syscall.RLIMIT_DATA, &rlimit)
status, err := proc.Wait()
if status.Success() {
t.Fatal("memory test failed")
this is memo:
package main
func main() {
var a [10000][]int
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
a[i] = make([]int, 1024)
I make a large amount of memory and set only 10 bytes for the memory , but it won't signal segment fault signal any way.
RLIMIT_DATA describes the maximum size of a processes data segment. Traditionally, programs that allocate memory enlarge the data segment with calls to brk() to allocate memory from the operating system.
Go doesn't use this approach. Instead, it uses a variant of the mmap() system call to request regions of memory anywhere in the address space. This is much more flexible than a brk() based approach as you can deallocate arbitrary memory regions with munmap(), whereas a brk() based approach can only deallocate memory from the end of the data segment.
The result of this is that RLIMIT_DATA is inneffective in controlling the amount of memory a process uses. Try using RLIMIT_AS instead, but beware that this limit also incorporates the address space you use for file mappings, especially in the case of shared libraries.
There is one proposal Soft memory limit, it may be released after go 1.18
This option comes in two flavors: a new runtime/debug function called SetMemoryLimit and a GOMEMLIMIT environment variable. In sum, the runtime will try to maintain this memory limit by limiting the size of the heap, and by returning memory to the underlying platform more aggressively. This includes with a mechanism to help mitigate garbage collection death spirals. Finally, by setting GOGC=off, the Go runtime will always grow the heap to the full memory limit.
This new option gives applications better control over their resource economy. It empowers users to:
Better utilize the memory that they already have,
Confidently decrease their memory limits, knowing Go will respect them,
Avoid unsupported forms of garbage collection tuning.
This feature will be released in Go 1.19
The runtime now includes support for a soft memory limit. This memory limit includes the Go heap and all other memory managed by the runtime, and excludes external memory sources such as mappings of the binary itself, memory managed in other languages, and memory held by the operating system on behalf of the Go program.
This limit may be managed via runtime/debug.SetMemoryLimit or the equivalent GOMEMLIMIT environment variable.
The limit works in conjunction with runtime/debug.SetGCPercent / GOGC, and will be respected even if GOGC=off, allowing Go programs to always make maximal use of their memory limit, improving resource efficiency in some cases.
Here are some suggestions about the memory limit usage per A Guide to the Go Garbage Collector
While the memory limit is a powerful tool, and the Go runtime takes steps to mitigate the worst behaviors from misuse, it's still important to use it thoughtfully. Below is a collection of tidbits of advice about where the memory limit is most useful and applicable, and where it might cause more harm than good.
Do take advantage of the memory limit when the execution environment of your Go program is entirely within your control, and the Go program is the only program with access to some set of resources (i.e. some kind of memory reservation, like a container memory limit).
A good example is the deployment of a web service into containers with a fixed amount of available memory.
In this case, a good rule of thumb is to leave an additional 5-10% of headroom to account for memory sources the Go runtime is unaware of.
Do feel free to adjust the memory limit in real time to adapt to changing conditions.
A good example is a cgo program where C libraries temporarily need to use substantially more memory.
Don't set GOGC to off with a memory limit if the Go program might share some of its limited memory with other programs, and those programs are generally decoupled from the Go program. Instead, keep the memory limit since it may help to curb undesirable transient behavior, but set GOGC to some smaller, reasonable value for the average case.
While it may be tempting to try and "reserve" memory for co-tenant programs, unless the programs are fully synchronized (e.g. the Go program calls some subprocess and blocks while its callee executes), the result will be less reliable as inevitably both programs will need more memory. Letting the Go program use less memory when it doesn't need it will generate a more reliable result overall. This advice also applies to overcommit situations, where the sum of memory limits of containers running on one machine may exceed the actual physical memory available to the machine.
Don't use the memory limit when deploying to an execution environment you don't control, especially when your program's memory use is proportional to its inputs.
A good example is a CLI tool or a desktop application. Baking a memory limit into the program when it's unclear what kind of inputs it might be fed, or how much memory might be available on the system can lead to confusing crashes and poor performance. Plus, an advanced end-user can always set a memory limit if they wish.
Don't set a memory limit to avoid out-of-memory conditions when a program is already close to its environment's memory limits.
This effectively replaces an out-of-memory risk with a risk of severe application slowdown, which is often not a favorable trade, even with the efforts Go makes to mitigate thrashing. In such a case, it would be much more effective to either increase the environment's memory limits (and then potentially set a memory limit) or decrease GOGC (which provides a much cleaner trade-off than thrashing-mitigation does).

Why does System V shared memory have separate get and attach functions?

Using System V shared memory IPC requires calls to the following two functions:
int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg);
void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg);
Why are they designed to be separate, instead of having a single function that accepts these arguments, performs both functions and simply returns the address?
We can consider files as an analogy. open on a string (the file path) gives us a file descriptor, and we use that to read/write from the file. We close on the file descriptor when we're done. This design seems natural, we don't have to open with a string to get a descriptor, and then attach to the descriptor.
As an example of what I have in mind, take a look at the FreeBSD sendmail shared memory implementation.
This kind of separation (shm_open and mmap) also exists with POSIX shared memory, but the reason was that mmap existed before shm_open was implemented and could be reused, and mmap requires a descriptor (source: UNIX Network Programming Vol. 2, R. Stevens, chapter 13, page 326).
Shared memory is probably one of the fastest ways of allowing for IPC as data need not be copied, the problem associated with it though is synchronizing access between multiple threads. You could do this using semaphores or record locks , we end up using the later in unix fro shared memory even though they are not as efficient as they are simple, the system cleans up well, and you don't need some of the bling that semaphores bring along.
Lets look into how these work to understand why they are implemented as such.
In comes the shmid_ds used by the linux kernel (
the shm_nattch is the unsigned int counter for current attaches. shmget gets you an shm id and sets stuff like the ipc_perm , dates, pid, atime ctime, request of the segment size (shm_segsz)
next the shmctl kicks in and does stuff for ipc using IPC_STAT, IPC_RMID, IPC_SET like setting perms, getting or removing shm_id for a segment or even locking or unlocking it.
Once the segment is ready shmat is used by a process to attach to its address space, depending on the flags and address parameters. Once it attaches the kernel increments the shm_nattch. When detaching we call shmdt to detach . Removal of the identifier and the associated data structure is not automated some process has to do this calling shmctl with the IPC_RMID and depending on shm_perm
As you can see this is all very similar to how one would use semaphores and the implementation makes sense.
One possible reason I could think of is this:
(From the manpage of shmget)
After a fork(2) the child inherits the attached shared memory segments.
After an execve(2) all attached shared memory segments are detached from the process.
Upon _exit(2) all attached shared memory segments are detached from the process.
Well, technically attaching and detaching is basic reference counting on the shared memory segment that is reserved during shmget.
The functionalities of allocating the shared memory segment, via shmget and reference counting them (up or down, via shmat and shmdt respectively), are separate so that, code can be reused during fork and exec.
If they were both packed into the same function, you would anyways need a separate function, which just does reference counting (to be invoked during fork/exec). So, I think this design is simply to promote code reuse, and avoid code duplication.

Asynchronous MPI with SysV shared memory

We have a large Fortran/MPI code-base which makes use of system-V shared memory segments on a node. We run on fat nodes with 32 processors, but only 2 or 4 NICs, and relatively little memory per CPU; so the idea is that we set up a shared memory segment, on which each CPU performs its calculation (in its block of the SMP array). MPI is then used to handle inter-node communications, but only on the master in the SMP group. The procedure is double-buffered, and has worked nicely for us.
The problem came when we decided to switch to asynchronous comms, for a bit of latency hiding. Since only a couple of CPUs on the node communicate over MPI, but all of the CPUs see the received array (via shared memory), a CPU doesn't know when the communicating CPU has finished, unless we enact some kind of barrier, and then why do asynchronous comms?
The ideal, hypothetical solution would be to put the request tags in an SMP segment and run mpi_request_get_status on the CPU which needs to know. Of course, the request tag is only registered on the communicating CPU, so it doesn't work! Another proposed possibility was to branch a thread off on the communicating thread and use it to run mpi_request_get_status in a loop, with the flag argument in a shared memory segment, so all the other images can see. Unfortunately, that's not an option either, since we are constrained not to use threading libraries.
The only viable option we've come up with seems to work, but feels like a dirty hack. We put an impossible value in the upper-bound address of the receive buffer, that way once the mpi_irecv has completed, the value has changed and hence every CPU knows when it can safely use the buffer. Is that ok? It seems that it would only work reliably if the MPI implementation can be guaranteed to transfer data consecutively. That almost sounds convincing, since we've written this thing in Fortran and so our arrays are contiguous; I would imagine that the access would be also.
Any thoughts?
Here's a pseudo-code template of the kind of thing I'm doing. Haven't got the code as a reference at home, so I hope I haven't forgotten anything crucial, but I'll make sure when I'm back to the office...
pseudo(array_arg1(:,:), array_arg2(:,:)...)
integer, parameter : num_buffers=2
Complex64bit, smp : buffer(:,:,num_buffers)
integer : prev_node, next_node
integer : send_tag(num_buffers), recv_tag(num_buffers)
integer : current, next
integer : num_nodes
boolean : do_comms
boolean, smp : safe(num_buffers)
boolean, smp : calc_complete(num_cores_on_node,num_buffers)
current = 1
next = mod(current,num_buffers)+1
do i=1,num_nodes
check_all_tags_and_set_safe_flags(send_tag, recv_tag, safe) # just in case anything else has finished.
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)
end if
calc_complete(my_rank,current)=calculate_stuff(array_arg1,array_arg2..., buffer(current), bounds_on_process)
if(not calc_complete(my_rank,current)) error("fail!")
check_all_tags_and_set_safe(send_tag, recv_tag, safe)
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(next, send_tag, recv_tag)
recv(prev_node, buffer(next), recv_tag(next))
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)
send(next_node, buffer(current), send_tag(current))
end if
end do
end pseudo
So ideally, I would have liked to have run "check_all_tags_and_set_safe_flags" in a loop in another thread on the communicating process, or even better: do away with "safe flags" and make the handle to the sends / receives available on the slaves, then I could run: "check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)" (mpi_wait) before the calculation on the slaves instead of "wait_until_true(safe(current))".
"...unless we enact some kind of barrier, and then why do asynchronous comms?"
That sentence is a bit confused. The purpose of asynchrononous communications is to overlap communications and computations; that you can hopefully get some real work done while the communications is going on. But this means you now have two tasks occuring which eventually have to be synchronized, so there has to be something which blocks the tasks at the end of the first communications phase before they go onto the second computation phase (or whatever).
The question of what to do in this case to implement things nicely (it seems like what you've got now works but you're rightly concerned about the fragility of the result) depends on how you're doing the implementation. You use the word threads, but (a) you're using sysv shared memory segments, which you wouldn't need to do if you had threads, and (b) you're constrained not to be using threading libraries, so presumably you actually mean you're fork()ing processes after MPI_Init() or something?
I agree with Hristo that your best bet is almost certainly to use OpenMP for on-node distribution of computation, and would probably greatly simplify your code. It would help to know more about your constraint to not use threading libraries.
Another approach which would still avoid you having to "roll your own" process-based communication layer that you use in addition to MPI would be to have all the processes on the node be MPI processes, but create a few communicators - one to do the global communications, and one "local" communicator per node. Only a couple of processes per node would be a part of a communicator which actually does off-node communications, and the others do work on the shared memory segment. Then you could use MPI-based methods for synchronization (Wait, or Barrier) for the on-node synchronization. The upcoming MPI3 will actually have some explicit support for using local shared memory segments this way.
Finally, if you're absolutely bound and determined to keep doing things through what's essentially your own local-node-only IPC implementation --- since you're already using SysV shared memory segments, you might as well use SysV semaphores to do the synchronization. You're already using your own (somewhat delicate) semaphore-like mechanism to "flag" when the data is ready for computation; here you could use a more robust, already-written semaphore to let the non-MPI processes know when the data is ready for computation (and a similar mechanism to let the MPI process know when the others are done with the computation).
