Link to add ics to Google Calendar stopped working - google-calendar-api

I have a link on a website to let users add an ICS feed to their google Calendar. Using this code:<etc>
It worked for 3-4 years but not anymore. The message Google sends me is:
This email address isn't associated with an active Google Calendar account: https://<etc>
If I enter the ics feed manually things work ok: the feed is parsed as should. No errors.
Any idea where to look to fix this?

I too have this problem. Did you solve it?
My tests show that it works when using URLs with http, like:
But not with https, like:
My workaround for this is to use http in the link, but redirect it to https in the web server. Not very elegant, but it works. The GET won't be encrypted, but at least the answer is.
EDIT: Actually, it can be a huge security risk sending the GET over http instead of https if you don't do any more authentication than via query string parameters, which can be hard for calendar feeds. Anyone who can sniff the GET can send the same request over https themselves.

Right now it works, even with https.

Use webcal protocol for the calendar address:

Ok, so for me, none of the other answers on this page worked. But I figured it out with bits and pieces of others:
Link to my calendar's ics:
The right way to link it to Google Calendar:
The key here is adding it using the webcal protocol instead of the https protocol.
Hope this helps anyone.

They got more strict.
Now you have to use
note the encoding.


Scraping Websites via Google Cached Pages pages has been blocked

I'm trying to create a Service that Scraping websites by using Google Cached Pages.
The Response that I get is the HTML from Google cache, which is an older version of the Nike site.
And it works fine as long as I run it locally on my computer,
but when I deploy to google cloud platform, there I use porxy server
I get a 403 error that I can not access the information through a porxy server
Example of response from proxy server
433. That’s an error.Your client does not have permission to get URL /s
earch?q=cache: from this server. (Client IP address: XX.XXX.XX.XXX)<br
Please see Google's Terms of Service posted at If you believe that you
have received this response in error, please report your
problem. However, please make sure to take a look at our Terms of
Service ( In your email,
please send us the entire code displayed below. Please also
send us any information you may know about how you are performing your
Google searches-- for example, "I' m using the Opera browser on Linux
to do searches from home. My Internet access is through a dial-up
account I have with the FooCorp ISP." or "I'm using the Konqueror
browser on Linux t o search from my job at My machine's IP
address is, but all of myFoo' s web traffic goes through
some kind of proxy server whose IP address is" (If y ou
don't know any information like this, that's OK. But this kind of
information can help us track down problems, so please tell us what
you can.)We will use all this information to diagnose the
problem, and we'll hopefully have you back up and searching with
Google agai n quickly! Please note that although we read all
the email we receive, we are not always able to send a personal
response to each and every email. So don't despair if you don't hear
back from u s! Also note that if you do not send us the
entire code below, we will not be able to help
you.Best wishes,The Google
Article that talks about the problem
How can I solve this problem, and run requests from the cloud as well without being blocked? Add parameters?
Thanks :)
I guess that you should add a property in the header of your http request
for example :
URL u = new URL("");
URLConnection c = u.openConnection();
c.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "MSIE 7.0");
HttpRequest request =HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI("")).header("User-Agent", "MSIE 7.0").GET().build();
// note to change the URI
this two examples are in Java but the same concept is applied in all environments I guess
hope that was helpfull

Website with https, Google Analytics for long time with http... can I change it?

and its URL is 'secured' with SSL (with httpS://
However, I found out that, for a long time, at Google Analytics, I use, ('non-secured') at my property and view's 'Default URL'.
I have two questions:
Did I miss data because I used http instead of https in the property and view's Default URL?
Can I CHANGE the http to httpS (in Google Analytics property/view) without problem, or do I lose historical data because of that? (This probably also depends on answer of Q1...) Or should I ADD a new property and/or view with https Default URL?
you didn't
you don't lose the historical data, feel free to change it.
That "default url" is for your convenience. you can do anything with it. That's just what GA uses to form full URLs from page paths only. Instead of using the hostname dimension there.
Also, GA is gracious enough to warn you whenever you can do significant changes to your core data.

Find Site from HTTP Request

Is there a way to go through a series of request and see what pages they are coming from? I am getting all HTTP requests sent from my PC. I am trying to see if there is a way in which I can just find out the main request. Like if a page has images on it, when the images request is sent, is there a way to see if the images are coming from another page using just HTTP requests. I don't know if I explained this well enough, so please ask any questions. I don't know if there is a way to do this, but I hope there is. Thanks!
If you're using Windows: Fiddler.

Problem with HTTP POST request to HTTPS URL

I am using CakePHP "HttpSocket" class to post information to a Paypal payments server. My code is working fine when the target URL is, I can parse the response as I would like.
However, when I am trying to post data to PayPals payment API URL (on HTTPS) I get no response whatsoever.
I have tried the same code on other HTTPS URLs, again no response.
What is the reason for this problem?
i had the same problem as you... i seem not able to get any response from the Paypal API.
But I found out I just did something wrong. I was actually just doing a POST to, when in fact it should be
I realized this when I checked the $HttpSocket->response attribute of CakePHP, and I found out I've been getting 301 errors. Then I realized--it should not be on the base URL...
I then re-read the IPN Guide, and upon reviewing the sample codes there... voila! I realized my mistake.
Hope other people who uses CakePHP can benefit from this one. Took me long hours before I realized this one.
I realize this is over 2 years old, but I recently came across this issue and here's how I solved it:
You need to specify the port 443 along with the URL like so:
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$httpSocket->get('https://domain:443/sample/path', array('q' => 'example'));
You can also pass the port and the host together in the third param, or use the request() method instead.
Hope this helps someone!

How to determine where a user came from to my site?

I remember having seen somwhere that it is possible to tell where a user came from to a website. More specifically, I want to determine the (Google etc.) search that led to my site. How can I do that?
As far as I know the HTTP protocol, nothing like this is sent to the server in a GET request, so I also wonder how it is done technically.
"Referer" field in the HTTP header
You need to check the Referer header. [sic]
When a user clicks a link in a webpage, the browser sets the referer header of the request for the link's target to the page that contained the link.
If a user came to your site from a Google search, this header will be a url in
However, for privacy reasons, some browsers do not send this header.
Referer was misspelled in the original HTTP implementation, and the mispelling stuck. (It should be spelled Referrer)
What you're looking for is the Referrer. Look up platform specific info to find out how to use it.
sign up for google analytics for free to get those statistics and a whole lot more. Seeing where someone came from is done by checking the http referer header.
The client may set the Referer field as part of the HTTP header to indicate the referring page. However, as with everything else that the client controls this cannot be viewed as anything but an indication. It is not always set and the client may fake the data, so keep that in mind when using client data.
The Referer HTTP Header contains the URL of the site containing the link clicked on. But it is sent by browsers only and in can be suppressed by security settings!
