wordpress preview demo plugin - wordpress

I've started seeing on wordpress theme sites with the ability to preview a theme on the same page, I've tried searching for the plugin but I can't find any - I'm assuming its an iframe but I could be mistaken. Has anyone come across this before and whats the solution as I want to be able to create this for myself?
many thanks

Check out the Theme Test Drive plugin.
Once activated, you should be able to combine the preview URLs (http://www.myblog.com/?theme=Default) with iframes and/or whatever lightbox solution you prefer.


Wordpress Display Issues

I am trying to use the widget 'Super Store Finder' with no luck. Well I had some luckas I can get it to work on the page it is supposed to be on, however it shows up above the header on my home page too. Thinking it had something to do with the Goodlayers theme and page builder I am using, I tried building a standalone site with WPBakery and Elementor with less luck. Keep in mind with my first theme, all I had to do was activate the theme and it started showing up. Didn't add it to a page or anything at all. I don't want to get in to the complexities of fixing the plugin. I more or less am interested in a workaround.
I am using all the latest versions of everything btw.
My big question is simply...How can I stop this plugin from showing up on my homepage?
Continuing my search, I came across a plugin called 'freesoil Deactivate Plugins' and you can choose which page you do not want a plugin to show up on. Easy peasy finally....

WP disable plugin on specific page(s)

I would like to know how to disable the Easy-Fancybox plugin from opening the images on a specific page. The images on the page below are instead using a filmstrip lightbox from a purchased plugin called 'Photo Gallery'. I require the Easy-Fancybox plugin elsewhere around the website though.
Okay I found another plugin called 'Plugin Organizer' which lets you select an action per plugin. It worked perfectly. I hope this is useful to some other people out there.
Try this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-optimize-it/ it will let you disable specific plugins on specific pages

Drupal gallery in Wordpress

I have been asked to advise on a gallery on their Old site and recreate it in WordPress. I dont know what gallery plugin they used, but do you know where I can find a tutorial or another plugin that looks identical to it? Any suggestions will help.
Yup Sure You can search a gallery plugin at the site Wordpress plugin here is one plugin as per you need fro your site.
This site has some handmade effects. I uses the Fisheye plugin and the jQuery Lightbox module ubt it also use them manually. If you inspect the source of the page you will find out the functionality.

Wordpress Galleries Crash

I am using TN3Gallery on my wordpress. As soon as I enable Nivo Slider TN3Gallery stops working. I couldn't find any solution for this problem. I don't think wordpress lets you disable specific plugins on a page basis. How can I fix this issue ?
TN3Gallery Page; http://goo.gl/UZpza
You need to use wordpress Conditional Tags in your theme if you want to disable plugin at certain pages/posts. following link may be helpful to you -
Link For Conditional tags
Discussion Board Link
Simple Example

WordPress - Preview of latest wordpress blog post in iframe

I have a website and a blog. I want to insert an iframe into the website, displaying the latest post from the blog.
So I need just the post content inside the iframe, without wordpress headers and sidebars.
Whats the best approach to achieve this?
Thanks for help.
If the site and the blog are on the same domain, you may be best off querying the latest post using the Wordpress API itself, making it unnecessary to fiddle with an iframe.
How to do that is described in Integrating WordPress with Your Website on the WordPress Codex.
If you need to do this using an iframe, I guess it's easiest to set up a new theme that doesn't display anything but the post itself. That would be some work though.
I recently put together a video tutorial of how I did this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GuocgQlCmw
I didn't get rid of the WordPress sidebar, but the tutorial shows how I used Firebug to get rid of parts of the header and the same technique should work for the sidebar. There are links in the youtube description to all the reference material I used including a link to a blog entry I wrote describing the process.
This doesn't really answer the question but why don't you use Wordpress for all of your website if you use templates you can make it look like a website and also have a blog. Have a look at this site i made using just Wordpress http://www.smkrc.co.uk. By doing this you would have access to the posts and would not need to use iframes.
