Sudden major permalink issues with wordpress - wordpress

To preface this, all of this functionality was working until a few weeks ago. I have a wordpress site with postname permalinks. Have had this since day 1 and its worked out well until recently.
It's related to portfolios and wordpress (3.4.2).
Suddenly (perhaps after some recent plugin update or change in wind direction:) ) I started getting 404s on all my portfolio 'items'.
Portfolio list (page) works ok. Such as
I switched permalinks to default (numeric). And suddenly portfolio items like the below started showing:
But portfolio category doesn't show:
Switching back to postname as permalink basically reverts back to the original issue that portfolio items don't show up. I had heard that permalinks may need a refresh but this hasn't helped me. I've refreshed a dozen times, restarted the server, checked and double checked .htaccess to no avail.
Again, all of this was working perfectly until a couple of weeks ago so really not sure what happened. Is there something I can debug or try? I've tried WP_DEBUG but for some reason the debug.log file is never created so not sure what's going on there. (Yes, I've tried wp_debug_log parameter also).
No errors relating to this in the apache error log.
Appreciate any help on this.
I have been running this on a ubuntu 11.10 box, with apache2 and varnish cache as a front end. Nothing has changed in terms of infrastructure since day 1 when it worked.

first of all category link you mentioned is not the correct category link, it must be as
which is by default.
2nd go to the permalink structure and use the default structure and save them check if is it working correct ?
if yes then again select the %postname% and save,
last you can also try by deactivating all your plugins then check if all the things working fine, after deactivation of plugins then try to reactivate plugins 1 by 1 , so that you can find, if there is any bug in any of the plugins that is making conflict with the permalinks.

Have you checked it after deactivation of all your plugins ? if it works then there may be a bug in any of the plugins.
then reactivate them 1 by 1, so that you can find the exact faulty plugin,


Auto re-Installation of two plugins on wordpress

I am using Astra theme. I'm facing a wondrous problem. I installed new wordpress 1 or 2 weeks back. So, you can say it's a fresh installation. I am the only user who is managing it. One day i found a plugin named "Presto Player", i thought i might mistakenly installed it. So i deleted it with another plugin "WP forms" (which is usually pre-installed). But 1 day later i realised that both of the deleted plugins were re-installed and activated. I repeated it 2,3 times but from no where they are reappearing in my plugins.
I've no clue the root cause. I've tried different virus/malware scans but it's showing all clean.
My hosting provider A2hosting also said they didn't get any log file of the reinstallation of plugin, and everything else related to the security seems good.
Now, i don't know what should i do to get rid of it. I'll really appreciate if someone can help me :-(
Thanks in advance.
I've tried, deletion of those plugins, security scan checks but unable to spot any issue. I am expecting to get rid of them permanently.

Strange Permalink Issue

I've been dealing with a really strange Permalink Issue on my WordPress site which runs Sage 8.5.1, previously setup by another developer.
Yesterday, I made a new homepage live on my site within Settings > Reading, and after doing this the permalinks within my site seemed to stop working completely. I was using the setup: /%postname%/, when switching to the generic: ?p=123, all my links worked again.
I did quite a lot of testing, checking .htaccess file, deactiving plugins, going back a code version and other things.
This morning, the last thing I tested was activating the generic WordPress theme and then testing my permalinks (/%postname%/), and they worked. I then reactivated by original theme built on Sage 8.5.1, and all my links worked again with the original permalinks setup.
Has anyone come across this before? Its very strange, and I can't see why deactivating the theme, and then activating it would fix the problem.
Turns out it was something to do with a custom post type I setup. I removed the custom post type, and created a new one based on the WordPress codex and that solved the problem.

Wordpress Dashboard broken, displays “flashbacks” of comments/plugins/updates

I’m using the latest version of Wordpress (4.7.4).
I have something very weird going on in my Dashboard. Not sure when this started.
Can’t say for sure it started with the latest version of Wordpress or not.
My Dashboard became completely useless.
It’s like it’s showing me a flashback of a Dashboard from a few days or hours ago:
Comments I’ve deleted in the Dashboard (hitting “trash”) are suddenly back there, awaiting my moderation.
Plugins I’ve deactivated or even deleted are all back there and according to Dashboard still running (while in my FTP folder they’re certainly gone).
The plugin page cannot be trusted anymore as it shows some plugins are activated that aren’t and vice versa. I have to check on my actual website to confirm which ones are running.
Updates aren’t shown correctly. Once I’ve updated a plugin, a few minutes later it shows me again that there’s a new update.
As you can tell it’s all pretty much the same phenomenon.
It’s as if I’m seeing an older version of my Dashboard.
Not sure what else is broken.
The only other thing I noticed is that even on my actual blog I still see a comment. Blog post says “1 comment”, but the actual comment doesn’t show up.
At first, this all sounds like a “cache problem”.
But I’ve already turned off all caching:
No caching plugin installed
Turned off server caching via htaccess
Disabled leverage browser caching
Emptied my own browser cache
Other things I tested:
Turn off all plugins.
Switch to the standard Wordpress theme “Twenty Twelve”
I tried WP_DEBUG, but nothing related shows up.
I researched the internet, but nobody has described a similar problem, so I suppose this is not a common Wordpress issue.
The issue remains.
Unfortunately I’m not a developer and don’t know too much about the Wordpress codex etc.
But to me it sounds that the mistake is definitely not in the plugin or theme folder.
The problem is that I’ve reached the point where I really cannot turn off plugins via Dashboard properly anymore. It’s so annyoing!
My questions are:
Is it safe to assume that this is related to the Wordpress core
What files exactly are in “charge of” the Dashboard?
Should I just try to re-download the newest Wordpress version and replace a few files (if so which ones)?
Should I do a clean Wordpress re-install or would that be too drastic?
Any other suggestions?
Additionally I tried now:
I manually downloaded the newest version of Wordpress and did just as
described on the website. I manually replaced wp-admin,
wp-include folders and all root files. The issue remains...
The way my Dashboard is right now, I really can’t use it.
Please advice!
I contacted my host service again.
They just gave me the same line to insert into my .htaccess file and I told them I already tried it and it didn't work.
I then showed them my .htaccess file and they deleted the whole part that concerned their server caching.
Now server caching is completely off and everything works again.
Still not sure why this previously never caused issues.
In the end, it had nothing to do with Wordpress.
I hope this answer will help people who run into similar problems.

WordPress MultiSite Permalink Issue

A little context before I get into the issue. I am building a new multisite with three sites (/, /workshops, /conference). I had permalinks set up across all three sites to be /%category%/%postname%/, and everything has been working flawlessly until today.
I know that you have to set permalinks in the Settings > Permalinks (which will forcibly add /blog before the permalink) and then go Edit it under Network Admin > Sites to remove the "/blog" portion of the URL. Things have been running smoothly for about a month, until today when I had some issues integrating DoubleClick ads. One of the trouble shooting steps is to resave permalinks, so I figured that I could just remove /blog again after attempting to save permalinks. As soon as I did this, literally everything broke. I can barely get anywhere on the site, and get 404 errors everywhere. If I add /blog/category/categoryname manually, then it will find the correct archive page / post about half the time. My next guess is that my Yoast was somehow jacking everything up, so I simply disabled it for the time being and went back and resaved everything (making sure that removing /blog was the last step in the process) but they are still broken, even with Yoast disabled.
Finally, I figured that I would just go grab the "Network Setup" htaccess instructions again, just in case they got corrupted somehow, but still having no luck.
The preview is currently at:, however I have it currently using the /blog url so I can continue to work on it until I figure this out.

Permalinks no longer working

I have a nightmare scenario where -- just getting ready to launch a site -- permalinks are suddenly not working and it breaks CSS and can't find PHP templates. I have the permalink structure set to "" but when I click on a post the permalink only calls postname, for example:
My host provider checked the htaccess file and can't find any problem. I can't see one either. I have searched around and see many Wordpress users having permalink problems but they all seem to have different solutions. I am at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Click update permalinks after moving worspress. Should fix you issue :) Usually in the database the old structure is saved and the new one doesn't work, even if your htacess is ok you should still hit the update permalinks button :)
If that doesn't work try debugging with
I am curios why is the css broken. That doesn't depend on whether your permalinks are broken or not. :-S
Have you installed any plugins before it failed?
