Strange Permalink Issue - wordpress

I've been dealing with a really strange Permalink Issue on my WordPress site which runs Sage 8.5.1, previously setup by another developer.
Yesterday, I made a new homepage live on my site within Settings > Reading, and after doing this the permalinks within my site seemed to stop working completely. I was using the setup: /%postname%/, when switching to the generic: ?p=123, all my links worked again.
I did quite a lot of testing, checking .htaccess file, deactiving plugins, going back a code version and other things.
This morning, the last thing I tested was activating the generic WordPress theme and then testing my permalinks (/%postname%/), and they worked. I then reactivated by original theme built on Sage 8.5.1, and all my links worked again with the original permalinks setup.
Has anyone come across this before? Its very strange, and I can't see why deactivating the theme, and then activating it would fix the problem.

Turns out it was something to do with a custom post type I setup. I removed the custom post type, and created a new one based on the WordPress codex and that solved the problem.


Wordpress - Theme stuck at loading after migration

I have been recently tasked to migrate a Wordpress page to another hosting services. Task, which should be quite easy, took me last 2 days and I still can't figure out what is wrong. After migrating (tried it with Duplicator plugin, manual copying and changing links in database) pages won't load. I managed to get into backend and after changing theme to any default Wordpress theme (twentysixteen, twentyseveteen etc.) site works fine but when I try use designated theme (Proxima, it just won't load. Page is trying to load but in the end it shows 503 error. Same thing if I want to see the preview of theme in backend, loading animation appears and nothing happened. I tried a lot of things to fix it: changing file permissions, disabling plugins, updating Wordpress, downgrading Wordpress, changing php version, changing MySQL version and nothing works. My theme support has expired and before I renew it I just wanted to ask if anyone had that problem before. Maybe there is super easy fix and I just don't see it.
Thanks in advance for any help
Problem solved with hosting support. Bad media path was the problem.

Issues with Wordpress permalink /index.php/%postname% instead of %postname%

I've tried to change my permalinks from to, but nothing has worked. When I change them in Wordpress, I get 404 errors for I've noticed this is a common issue, but none of the suggested solutions have worked.
Mod_rewrite is enabled on the Apache server. The .htaccess file has been updated. Still nothing. In the meantime, I'm wondering if I could do a redirect that would send anyone with the link to What's the best way to do that?
You generally need to save permalink structure twice. If that doesnt work install wp 2017 theme > delete your theme > reinstall your theme from scratch.
If you have cloned your website - you should go to the original site, back it up and then deploy it! a good plugin to do this is updrafts if you don't know how to do it mannually. Don't use a cloning plugin - some plugins/themes don't work with them.

Wordpress Multisite: Subsites are getting the main site name

My multisite worked fine, but suddenly it does not load the names of the subsites. Instead it displays only the name of the main site.
I tried to disable plugins, reinstall WP etc. Maybe it is caused by 4.6.1?
When I go to /wp-admin/options-general.php of each subsite I see the name of the main site. The blog description is shown properly. When I try to rename the subsite name and save it, it does not change.
Interesting: When I go wp-admin/network/sites.php and look at the settings for each subsite, I can see that the proper names for each subsite.
The problem affects even the get_bloginfo(‘name’); function. It shows the main site name only.
I hope you can help me!
The problem was an outdated version of the WPML plugin. Installed a new one and works now.

Permalinks no longer working

I have a nightmare scenario where -- just getting ready to launch a site -- permalinks are suddenly not working and it breaks CSS and can't find PHP templates. I have the permalink structure set to "" but when I click on a post the permalink only calls postname, for example:
My host provider checked the htaccess file and can't find any problem. I can't see one either. I have searched around and see many Wordpress users having permalink problems but they all seem to have different solutions. I am at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Click update permalinks after moving worspress. Should fix you issue :) Usually in the database the old structure is saved and the new one doesn't work, even if your htacess is ok you should still hit the update permalinks button :)
If that doesn't work try debugging with
I am curios why is the css broken. That doesn't depend on whether your permalinks are broken or not. :-S
Have you installed any plugins before it failed?

Sudden major permalink issues with wordpress

To preface this, all of this functionality was working until a few weeks ago. I have a wordpress site with postname permalinks. Have had this since day 1 and its worked out well until recently.
It's related to portfolios and wordpress (3.4.2).
Suddenly (perhaps after some recent plugin update or change in wind direction:) ) I started getting 404s on all my portfolio 'items'.
Portfolio list (page) works ok. Such as
I switched permalinks to default (numeric). And suddenly portfolio items like the below started showing:
But portfolio category doesn't show:
Switching back to postname as permalink basically reverts back to the original issue that portfolio items don't show up. I had heard that permalinks may need a refresh but this hasn't helped me. I've refreshed a dozen times, restarted the server, checked and double checked .htaccess to no avail.
Again, all of this was working perfectly until a couple of weeks ago so really not sure what happened. Is there something I can debug or try? I've tried WP_DEBUG but for some reason the debug.log file is never created so not sure what's going on there. (Yes, I've tried wp_debug_log parameter also).
No errors relating to this in the apache error log.
Appreciate any help on this.
I have been running this on a ubuntu 11.10 box, with apache2 and varnish cache as a front end. Nothing has changed in terms of infrastructure since day 1 when it worked.
first of all category link you mentioned is not the correct category link, it must be as
which is by default.
2nd go to the permalink structure and use the default structure and save them check if is it working correct ?
if yes then again select the %postname% and save,
last you can also try by deactivating all your plugins then check if all the things working fine, after deactivation of plugins then try to reactivate plugins 1 by 1 , so that you can find, if there is any bug in any of the plugins that is making conflict with the permalinks.
Have you checked it after deactivation of all your plugins ? if it works then there may be a bug in any of the plugins.
then reactivate them 1 by 1, so that you can find the exact faulty plugin,
