Can background image extend beyond div's borders? - css

Can background image extend beyond div's borders? Does overflow: visible apply to this?

No, a background can't go beyond the edge of an element.
The overflow style controls how the element reacts when the content is larger than the specified size of the element.
However, a floating element inside the div can extent outside the div, and that element could have a background. The usefulness of that is limited, though, as IE7 and earlier has a bug that causes the div to grow instead of letting the floating element show outside it.

Following up on kijin's advice, I'd like to share my solution for image offsets:
* Only effective cross-browser method to offset image out of bounds of container AFAIK,
* is to set as background image on div and apply matching margin/padding offsets:
#logo {
margin:-50px auto 0 auto;
padding:50px 0 0 0;
background:url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat;
I used this example on a simple div element <div id="logo"></div> to position my logo with a -50px vertical offset. (Note that the combined margin/padding settings ensure you don't run into collapsing margin issues.)

not possible to set a background image 'outside' it's element,
BUT YOU CAN DO what you want with using 'PSEUDO' element and make that whatever size you want and position it wherever you want.
see here :
i have set the arrow outside the span
here is the code
<div class="tooltip">
<input class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="150" size="30" title id="text_13" name="name" type="text"><span class="msg">dasdasda</span>
strong text
.tooltip{position:relative; float:left;}
.tooltip .msg {font-size:12px;
border:2px #e1ca82 solid;
padding:4px 5px 4px 10px;
top:0%; left:104%;
z-index:9000; position:absolute; max-width:250px;clear:both;
.tooltip .msg:before {
content: " ";
display: block;
height: 20px;
position: absolute;
left:-10px; top:1px;
width: 20px;
z-index: -1;
see here example:

No, the background won't extend beyond the borders. But you can stretch the border as far as you want using padding and some clever tweaking of negative margins & position.

I understand this is really really late, and I am not even sure if this is best practice but I found a little way to do this with my footer. My last section had a background image that I wanted to overflow into the footer and I fixed it with a few lines of CSS. Also added a little padding the section with the background image.
background-color: transparent!important;
top: -50px;
margin-bottom: -50px;

I tried using negative values for background-position but it didn't work (in firefox at least). There's not really any reason for it to. Just set the background image on one of the elements higher up in the hierarchy.

After a little bit of research: No and No :)


Border on a side of a DIV

I want a border on the right hand side of a div.
I do:
<div class="span6" style="border-right: 2px solid #727272;">
the things is I'd like my border not to run to the top and bottom of the div. Maybe 5px from the top and 5px from the bottom. Or 90% of the height of the div. How do I do this?
You can use a pseudo element to hold the border. The following would make the "border" be 90% of the height of the parent element:
div {
position: relative;
div:after {
display: block;
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 5%;
bottom: 5%;
right: 0;
border-right: 2px solid red;
I could be wrong, but I don't believe there is any way to really make this happen that you would probably want to roll with. In fact, I thought of three "hacky" ways that might work, but all three can't get you to the desired state, assuming a variable height.
Assuming a fixed height, you could create a 2px wide by 90% div height image of the color you want, then set it as the background image of the div. Something like:
.span6 { background: #fff url(bgBorder.png) no-repeat right center; }
A variation based on what Tyblitz said in the comments. This allows for dynamic height. I am still inclined to go with the :after option, as it keeps your DOM cleaner, but in case that is not possible:
<div class="span6">The content div<div class="border"></div></div>
.span6 {
.border {
Note that to make it a fixed distance (say, in pixels), just change the top and bottom from a percentage to the px you want. See for the example.
This picture show's how border's work
You can either set margin to curtail the border or set padding to extend the border. Currently there is no option in CSS to target the border and make it bigger or smaller(not talking about width obviously). You can however use padding, margin, another div or pseudo element's to reach the desired effect.

Wrong height of DIV image wrapper with percentage width values

I want to wrap an image into an html DIV and, since I want this to be fully scalable with the size of the window, I want to set the width of the DIV in percentage as follows:
<div id="wrapper">
<img src="" />
#wrapper {
position: absolute;
width: 50%;
#wrapper img {
width: 100%;
The image should determine the height of its container. This is because the image width is set to 100% and the image height is calculated accordingly maintaining the correct aspect ratio.
The result is visible on jsfiddle:
My questions are:
Why do all modern browsers render the wrapper DIV 5px taller than the inner image?
How can I get rid of this 5px gap, while still setting all the sizes in percentage and without using javascript?
Surprisingly, this happens in Chrome (21.0.1180.89), Firefox (15.0.1) and IE8, while IE7 renders it correctly, matching the height of the DIV with the height of the image.
Check this out :
It's a line-height issue :-)
You need :
#wrapper {
width: 60%;
background-color: #aaa;
margin: 50px auto;
#wrapper img {
border: 1px dashed red;
I used box-sizing to make sure the width of the image doesn't overflow the container
Hi now add vertical-align:top in your img tag throw css
as like this
#wrapper img {
width: 100%;
border: 1px dashed red;
vertical-align:top; // add this line
live demo
OK, fiddling about, I found a good possible solution:
#wrapper img {
display: block;
width: 100%;
border: 1px dashed red;
Changing from the default inline display to a block display eliminates the line-height problem straight away.
This approach is also semantically correct because in this case what we really want is a single image wrapped in a DIV without any other elements in it, so the concept of line-height needs to be completely wiped off by displaying the image as a block.
It works on all major browsers:
I think you shuold set align property to force browser show correctly img tag.
<div id="wrapper">
<img align="center" src="" />
I think is because it doesn't see as a Table
i added the display:table in your code
And it looks fine now, check the link
Example Display Table
Your issue is that an image -- the <img> tag, to be exact -- is an inline element. All you need to do is set display: block on the image and the extra padding goes away. Demo.

Why is a horizontal scroll bar appearing if none of the elements are wider than the 960px container?

Everything is wrapped in a div with an id="main_wrap"
the main wrap has this style:
margin:0 auto;
Since everything is wrapped inside of this div, I don't understand why a horizontal scroll bar would appear at the bottom.
If any of the children have borders, padding (or sometimes margins) applied to them, that adds to the width and height. Using overflow: hidden; would avoid the scroll bars. But, if something has too much width, you probably want to find where it is coming from to avoid possible problems in the future.
Note that you may be able to use box-sizing: border-box to prevent borders and padding from adding additional width (or height). This is particularly useful when you are using something like width: 100%, but width: 100% also isn't necessary in most cases - elements with display: block applied will fill the width by default AND keep padding and borders from adding additional width.
For example:
html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
div {
background: #111;
color: #eee;
padding: 1em; /* This doesn't add to width - still at 100% width */
border: 2px solid #5e5; /* This also doesn't add to width - still at 100% width */
Try add overflow hidden:
margin:0 auto;
overflow: hidden;
That should work (but is hacky).
If the elements are side by side and have a combined width or , as BDawg says margins or paddings, that cause it to exceed 960px a scroll bar could appear. Post your entire code and we can figure it out very quickly. Hiding the overflow should work but it would not really explain why the scroll bar is appearing. Giving us your entire markup will help find the root of the problem.
Somewhere you've left any DOM elements unseen which occupies the extra width. it's better to find and fix the children than to use overflow:hidden . overflow:hidden will hide the scroll bar if user zooms in the page.
Working 100%
if you are using bootstrap it takes
margin-left & right 15px (or) -15px
you need to change 15px to 0px
.main_wrap .row{
If you change width to 100% it helped you, but if you don't want, just try add external <div style="width:100%"></div> like this:
<div style="width:100%">
<div class="main_wrap">
%your content%

CSS: layer two elements centered

How can I do this:
an image
a simple small DIV on top of the image, centered vert/horiz, which doesn't appear until the image is rolled-over
Try this:
<div style="position:relative;top:0;left:0;">
<img src="path/2/img.png" style="z-index:1;"
<div id="hidden" style="display:none;position:absolute;z-index:10;"></div>
If it works for you, clean it up before you deploy it! :)
NOTE: div#hidden is not yet centered over the image. If you know the width and height of it in advance, you can use this method:
#hidden {
margin-top: -(heightOfHiddenDiv/2)px
margin-left: -(widthOfHiddenDiv/2)px
Otherwise you will need to get the computed values of width and height in JavaScript.
If you can have a fixed width and height for the <div>, then I’d suggest this:
<div class="hover_image">
<img width="250" height="300" src="" />
<div class="overlay">Hello!</div>
.hover_image {
position: relative;
float: left;
.hover_image .overlay {
visibility: hidden;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 100px;
height: 3em;
margin: -2em 0 0 -55px;
padding: .5em 5px;
background: #006;
color: #fff;
.hover_image:hover .overlay {
visibility: visible;
You may need to add some JavaScript to make .hover_image:hover work in earlier versions of IE, which didn’t support :hover on anything except links.
If you can’t have a fixed width/height, it’ll be a lot tricker to achieve.
Things aren't really clear to me, any way you can play with the CSS/style of the element to work around on this.
To center an element you can set the top and left by 50% where its position is set to absolute. Then set the margin-top the half size of its height in negative, and the margin-left the half size of its width in negative.
To place the div in top of the image, its z-index must be higher than the image. But first the image must have the higher z-index until its not rolled-over.
To show the div on top of the image change the z-index of the image lower then the div. Using hover or onMouseOver event. There other ways of doing this, base on your needs.
See jsfiddle in action
You can use z-index property with absolute positioning to place the div on top of the image. Since you want this to be hidden, set the "display" property in css to "none".
The second part of your question can be accomplished by using a javascript function that you can call onmouseover [ ]. All the function would have to do is change the "display" property of the element from "none" to "block".

Can a background image be larger than the div itself?

I have a footer div with 100% width. It's about 50px high, depending on its content.
Is it possible to give that #footer a background image that kind of overflows this div?
The image is about 800x600px, and I want it to be positioned in the left bottom corner of the footer. It should work sort of like a background image for my website, but I've already set a background image on my body. I need another image positioned at the bottom left corner of my website and the #footer div would be perfect for that.
#footer {
clear: both;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 30px 0 0;
background:#eee url(images/bodybgbottomleft.png) no-repeat left bottom fixed;
The image is set to the footer, however it doesn't overflow the div. Is it possible to make that happen?
overflow:visible doesn't do the job!
There is a very easy trick. Set padding of that div to a positive number and margin to negative
#wrapper {
background: url(xxx.jpeg);
padding-left: 10px;
margin-left: -10px;
I do not believe that you can make a background image overflow its div. Images placed in Image tags can overflow their parent div, but background images are limited by the div for which they are the background.
You can use a css3 psuedo element (:before and/or :after) as shown in this article
Good Luck...
No, you can't.
But as a solid workaround, I would suggest to classify that first div as position:relative and use div::before to create an underlying element containing your image. Classified as position:absolute you can move it anywhere relative to your initial div.
Don't forget to add content to that new element. Here's some example:
div {
position: relative;
div::before {
content: ""; /* empty but necessary */
position: absolute;
background: ...
Note: if you want it to be 'on top' of the parent div, use div::after instead.
Using background-size cover worked for me.
#footer {
background-color: #eee;
background-image: url(images/bodybgbottomleft.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
clear: both;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 30px 0 0;
Obviously be aware of support issues, check Can I Use:
Use trasform: scale(1.1) property to make bg image bigger, move it up with position: relative; top: -10px;
<div class="home-hero">
<div class="home-hero__img"></div>
transform: scale(1.1);
background: {
size: contain;
image: url('image.svg');
You mention already having a background image on body.
You could set that background image on html, and the new one on body. This will of course depend upon your layout, but you wouldn't need to use your footer for it.
Not really - the background image is bounded by the element it's applied to, and the overflow properties only apply to the content (i.e. markup) within an element.
You can add another div into your footer div and apply the background image to that, though, and have that overflow instead.
This could help.
It requires the footer height to be a fixed number. Basically, you have a div inside the footer div with it's normal content, with position: absolute, and then the image with position: relative, a negative z-index so it stays "below" everything, and a negative top value of the footer's height minus the image height (in my example, 50px - 600px = -550px). Tested in Chrome 8, FireFox 3.6 and IE 9.
