Track WordPress Signups with Google Analytics - wordpress

I would like to track WordPress user signups/registration using Google Analytics.
I've done this with other platforms before but for some reasons it's not working on WordPress.
1- I set my Goal URL to: /wp-login.php?checkemail=registered (that's the landing URL fir a success sign up)
2- Match Type: "Exact Match"
3- Goal Funnel Step 1: /wp-login.php?action=register (that's the Registration form URL)
I have couple of sign ups lately but Google Analytics didn't track them.
Anything help would be appreciated. Thanks

Check to see if your GA code is even on the registration page? Even though I have my GA code in my header in all my pages WP left it out and I had to manually add it to the Registration Pages.


Why does Google Analytics attribute all Success Page completions to Stripe Checkout, and how to fix it?

I have a problem with google analytics and stripe checkout where all goal completions are attributed to, instead of the actual referring website.
I am using Google Analytics UA and have the Global site tag on all pages. Then I have a goal to track the success page, which stripe checkout redirects to upon successful completion.
User flow:
Website visitor comes from one of the referral pages.
Then they click on the stripe checkout button, which takes them to a stripe hosted page.
On stripe hosted checkout page, enter payment info.
Upon successful payment, redirected to success.html (which is the goal being tracked in analytics).
So when a user goes to success.html, Google analytics attributes the goal completion to stripe checkout, instead of the website that referred them to my site in the first place.
Has anyone else experienced this? Am I doing something wrong or is this just how Google Analytics works when using Stripe Checkout?
This seems like a GA configuration issue rather than Stripe. I'm not really familiar with GA, but if there's some way you can override the attribution, Stripe Checkout lets you set your success_url dynamically. For example, for each customer sent to Checkout, you could include the original referrer in the success URL they'd ultimately be sent to, in addition to getting the Checkout session ID in case you'd like to retrieve some session data (like metadata):
success_url: "{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}",
not sure if you have solved this yet but you can block certain referral urls. Go to analytics go to admin> set up assistant > tag installation> click on your data stream > more tagging settings > list unwanted referrals> then from there just exclude the url you don't want tracked so in your case it's

Two Google Analytics Datas Differ in User & Session

I'm currently running a website written by Wordpress:
I'm using two google analytics property: UA-147275396-2 and UA-147275396-3 (deleted UA-147275396-1 by the way).
UA-147275396-2 is connected to the plugin named 'ExactMetrics' which is 'Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP)'.
UA-147275396-3 is connected to Google Tag Manager.
What is weird is that the User & Session counts for these two differs.
Roughly, UA-147275396-2 reports twice of Users & Sessions counts than those of UA-147275396-3.
I tried to find whether I hardcoded the snippet of UA-147275396-2, but I was not able to find any.
Please teach me how to solve this problem.
Thank you!
There are 2 possibilities for this:
The plugin is is not working correctly and sending duplicate data
GTM is not installed on all pages thus GA property firing from GTM is not capturing all users.
I tried to visit your site but it was not loading. Is it live?

Problem with traffic source and virtual events. Google Tag manager Analytics

I'm having some troubles with GTM and iframe.
My website has a button that redirects to Shore for booking. On mobile a new tag opens.
I can see at Content on Google Analytics:
The problem is that I loose the medium. At the begining is Organic/cpc...
But on step 2 it creates a new sesion (none)/(direct). It's false.
Could you help me keep the medium on the /virtual/{{Event}}?
My GTM configuration is:
Custom Event
Event name: .*
Some custom events: Event -> matches RegEx -> (select)|(success)|(booking)
Tag config:
Track Type: Page View
Enable overriding settings on this tag (checked)
Fields to Set:
Field name: Page -> value: virtual/{{Event}}.
Tag firing options:Once per page
It's strange because medium is ok when the reservation is through Facebook or Instagram. It just fails on the website.
Thank you!
This is very likely an issue with the changing of domains as users navigate to the widget. Unless cross-domain tracking is specifically set up, when a user visits Site A and then Site B, and both sites have the same Google Analytics (or GA through GTM) tag, the visit to Site B will record a source/medium of either direct/none or {Site A}/Referral, depending on your referral exclusion setup. This is regardless of the source/medium was recorded for the visit to Site A.
In your scenario, hit 1 (/) is your own domain, and then (I'm guessing) hits 2-4 are on Shore's domain (probably according to the help page).
To remedy this, you need to setup cross-domain tracking. The official guide for GA through GTM is here, but another excellent resource is Simo Ahava's blog. Note that cross-domain linking needs to be setup with every page in the funnel. This means if you are using GTM to deploy GA for the booking virtual pageviews, but are using the direct embed code to put GA on your own site (step 1), with analytics.js, then you need to follow the guide to enable it there.

How to filter by query string in Google Analytics?

This is a question about Google Analytics state 06/2016.
We run a site and have decided to try out Facebook Ads. Now in Facebook ads we have defined a custom parameter src=fb.
I'd like to create a custom Analytics report that shows
How many visitors visited the site via Facebook Ads
and then which pages they viewed and if they clicked on Adsense ads and the usual Adsense statistics like cpc, rpm.
How do I create a filter for this src=fb query string so I can follow what they did on the target site?
Please be detailed, a "create a custom filter" doesn't cut it. How, where, what content? The target uri is /?src=fb.
Edit: More clear information
There is a target site:
There is a Ad campaign. To know that people came to the target site using this Ad campaign there is a parameter src=fb e.g.
Because we know the parameter we could filter visitors who landed on the target site through the ad campaign.
GET /?src=fb HTTP/1.1
This way we know people who clicked the ad came from the campaign.
People who did not click the ad visited the site from other sources. They don't matter in this context.
Now as the first step I'd like to display everyone who visited the site using /?src=fb uri. I could grep server logs but I wouldn't know if they clicked ads on the target site.
First, you should probably be using UTM parameters for offsite campaigns. Google Analytics automatically pulls UTM campaigns into standard campaign reports so you'd have to do only minimal sorting and filtering to analyze your Facebook ad performance.
But since you used a custom query string instead of UTMs you'll probably have to create a Custom Segment: Advanced > Conditions, and Include only Users (or Sessions, up to you) who hit a Landing Page that contains 'src=fb'. Like so:
Save that segment and view your reports through it and as long as your property is configured properly (you may have to define goals), you should see how your users behaved after hitting the ad.

Tracking conversion from marketing website to application using Google Analytics

I have:
- a marketing website: (www)
- a web application: (app)
(classic scheme in SaaS)
I want to visualize the X signups happening in (app) from Y visits on (www).
My question:
How do you configure your Google Analytics code + account (filters, ...etc) to achieve this?
Right now, this is my configuration:
- Same tracking code on (www) and (app) as described here.
- A master Google account with no filter
The problem: it combines (www) visits and (app) visits into the same report.
=> I have the right number of signups but a wrong conversion rate
(I would like to count the people who have only visited (www) and never (app))
I also created a profile that only counts the (www) visits and excludes the (app) visits. The problem is: this profile also excludes the signup events sent from (app). Therefore, I don't see any signup in this profile.
Do you have any implementation to solve this?
Thanks a lot.
You will want to set a session level variable on the app that tracks one of 2 states:
Returning logged in visitor
First time logged in visitor (i.e. just completed the signup process)
Then you should be able to set up a profile that includes all sessions apart from returning logged in users. This will give you visits to the marketing site + visits to the app where the user didn't signup + visits to the site where the user signed up.
You can then create a conversion rate signups/total sessions to get your conversion rate.
For such a requirement you can utilize a URL destination goal with funnel visualisation. For example, when a user signups at your app , let /thankyou , be the name of the page that is displayed. Then set up a goal in your profile, with /thankyou as the destination url. Now setup a funnel for this goal, with the required page in your marketing site as the first step and the linked page in your app site as the second step.
Now the funnel will be page in marketing site --> page in app site --> signup completion page and in the report under Converson > Goals > Funnel Visualisation , you can see the number of users entering each step and then how many proceed from there to next step or exit. So you can know :
1, How many users entered marketing site
2, How many users went to app site and how many exited
3, How many from app site, went to signup and how many exited at this stage.
You can also check the reverse goal path report to see a similar data and other possible paths.
NOTE : If you want to setup a goal and funnel with full url including domain name and page name, then use this advanced filter to extract full urls and setup the goal accordingly
Hard to answer without knowing the actual urls for the app and www. Assuming there's a sign-up page on each site, then you have your conversion funnel set up to track both pages. Don't click the required box. Then in the Funnel Visualizing report you'll see who signed up coming from the app-url and who from www-url, which perhaps you can already see?
(I can't post the image b/c I don't have a rep score on Stackoverflow.)
Above link is a screenshot from a client's analytics. The /user/register is signups from the wwww and /user/register/2 is via the app. I recommend a clearer naming convention. And the conversion rate is screwy in this example but you get the idea.
If it's not a page (separate urls to see via the funnel), then track clicking the sign up button as an event and use the label field to note if it's a click from the app or www.
Or if you need something really complex depending on the structure of the site, you could create custom variables to identify visitors who've signed up via the app vs. those who's signed up via the website. Then you can do custom profiles to look at each group's path through the site.
