IE8 refuses to load .aspx page -

In Brief:
My company is currently working on a small website to be used by a set of our customers. The site fails to load in only IE8 in our production environment, instead displaying a general page-not-found error (not a 404 from our server).
The website is deployed on two servers, QA and Prod. Both servers were cloned from the same image and should have identical settings. They have identical hardware and software. Both servers are outside of our company firewalls, accessible from the internet, as well as our company intranet. The website itself was deployed on both servers from the same build; the only difference is a single line in each site's web.config file pointing the site on Prod to the production database and the site on QA to a test database (whose data is cloned from Prod on a regular basis). I'll refer to our site on the QA server as and our site on the Prod server as
When is accessed from the company intranet in any browser the site loads and behaves correctly (this includes accessing it in IE8). When is accessed from the internet (as our end users will be accessing it), loads and behaves correctly in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE9. When we attempt to access it in IE8, IE8 returns a page-not-found error, as if the computer accessing is disconnected from the internet. is accessible on both our intranet and the internet in every browser (including IE8).
I should also note that accessing from both the internet and our intranet uses the same URL and should pass through the same security checks; there's not a special intranet-only way of accessing either or
More about the servers:
Both QA and Prod are running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Service Pack 1. We are running the website through IIS 7.5, and IIS settings are identical between the two servers (exporting their config files and comparing shows them matching down to the line).
At this point we are stumped about why our website fails to load in IE8. It's not an option for us to drop support for IE8, and cloning QA and using that clone as Prod is a temporary solution we're considering, but won't answer our core question, which is: why will IE8 completely fail to load the production site, and only the production site, only when accessed from the internet?
The website magically started working (it looks to be one of those errors). I'll post here anything we're able to uncover about this behavior and how it was fixed, in case others are experiencing similar problems.


Getting a 404 for resource.axd on one server, not the other

I’m getting HTTP 404 when I access this url from one of the web servers, but works fine on the other. The deployed code is exactly the same on both servers because it’s deployed using CICD. The web.config is identical between both servers as well. I compared the IIS configs between the two servers, they are same. It should be something on the server that I’m not able to figure out. Vendor says it’s not an application issue because it works elsewhere and something on the server needs to be fixed.
Stack: IIS, ASP.NET, Windows Server 2016
Note: Server IP and App Name is obscured in the url mentioned above.

Internet Explorer Compatibility issue with web page

I am developing a .NET application for my clients. One of my pages I have included a RadDatePicker and several other input methods. When I run my project it occurs an error only in Internet Explorer web browser (IE version 11.0.9600.18282).
When I access to the web page from the local host it displays the page as the top part of the image below which is correct.But if I access my localhost from another computer that is connected to the same network, it displays the web page as in the second part of the image with some errors in the style.
I already checked the versions of both web browsers and rendering models and compatibility view settings and still I have no idea where it went wrong.
Can you please help me with that.

Style sheet issues in Load Balanced SharePoint 2010 Application

I have researched quite a bit and found no answer so I decided to make a post on this.
I have a fully working SharePoint 2010 Site Collection with some CSS and JavaScript resources to customize the look and feel of the site.
Everything is checked in and published and the site was working fine until we load balanced the two Frontend Servers.*
The problem is that, if - and only if - the site is opened through the load balancer, everyone gets some disrupted design issues AFTER clicking Internet Explorer (8) refresh button.
Moreover, SharePoint Designer does not work while using the LB as well:
"An error occurred accessing your Microsoft SharePoint Foundation site files. Authors - if you are authoring against a Web server, please contact the Webmaster for this server's Web site. WebMasters - please see the server's application event log for more details."
So this situation is not a problem on the following situations:
Open the site inside any of the servers or using a direct hosts entry to one of the servers (not using the Load Balancer)
IE10+ or another browser is used
Ctrl+F5 on IE8 using the LB
Similar (unanswered questions):
Fiddler does not show any relevant output, apart for some suspicious 401s that also appear when the site works
ULS Logs do not show any relevant authentication, permissions or other entries when the issue happens
As any medium/large company with intranet restrictions, we really need to support IE8. Also, SharePoint Designer does not work even if IE10 is installed.
the frontend servers were behind an F5 load balancer.
for some reason, sites rendered through the LB were displaying with IE7 rendering.
the solution was to add IE7 support to the branding solution, although it could work with a local browser tweak (unchecking "show intranet sites in compatibility mode").
I now tend to ask that LB caches are cleared whenever I have FE specific design problems

Site functions locally, "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" on server

I have an ASP.Net Website (not a web app, fwiw) that builds and works just fine locally through IIS on my dev laptop.
However, when I publish it to our QA box and try to view while I'm remoting into that server, I get a message from IE saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Firefox just spits back a quick "Connection Timed Out"
There is absolutely nothing in the event log nor the IIS log about this. I'm unsure where I can look for more info.
I'm fairly confident it is an ASP.Net issue. I can install a sample site from our vendor, Ektron, into IIS and it will run. If I overwrite the sample's web.config with my own, it continues to run. If I then blow away the entire sample site and copy over my site from my local, I'll get the message about how "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
I've tried to keep the environments as close together as I can. Both boxes are running IIS 7.5 under an integrated app pool for .Net 4.0. I browse via localhost on dev and via an IP on the server.
I am not terribly familiar with the Website template, so I might be missing something obvious (I hope!). I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance into how I can get more info on what the heck is going on so I can resolve this issue.
I think I'm getting closer. By using Fiddler (thanks for the suggestion, Amy!) I notice that it redirects the request to SSL. SSL requires a different license from our vendor, so that might be it. I'm still trying to understand why that redirect is taking place, but at least I have something now to look at.
I'd look into the SSL settings in the web.config / IIS - settings for Mime Types and also into Ektron's MIME Types in the MimeType.config file. I found that some .aspx pages like (ekajaxtransform.aspx) weren't functioning correctly because of firewall/proxy issues/restrictions.
Hope it helps. :)

Website on IIS different than on Apache

I developed a website and published it on a LAN computer running IIS 6.0 all through my testing phase to make sure it looked correct and worked with all browsers. I heavily used CSS for my layout, a small amount of javascript and ASP only for Server Side Includes. The layout was tested in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8 and Safari. All working as intended.
When I went to upload my completed website onto my domains host, the website came out looking completely different as well as the css drop-down menu not working. The following URL shows the differences (sorry both screen caps are combined because of link limit on SO):
After investigating a little bit, I discovered that hosting site runs Apache as their server. I also ran the ASP command Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PROTOCOL") on both hosts and discovered that my IIS testing host returned SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1 while the Apache host returns SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.0
I am somewhat stuck on where to go from here. Is this difference in server protocols causing my css to be interpreted incorrectly on the Apache server? Can I do anything about it considering my domain hosted server is out of my control? Am I completely off track and should look elsewhere?
CSS is interpreted by the browser, not the web server. The problem probably has to do with the way your hosting provider supports ASP sites (if it supports that at all).
This smells like wrong file references.
Are you sure the live server is not just getting a fatal error and aborting the execution of the page?
Have you checked your error log in your host control panel?
there could be some \ (backslash) instead of / (slash) in some path definition. IIS interprets backslash or slash in the same way (Apache doesn't).
