Select older date - sqlite

I have a database limited to n records, if a new record has to be inserted and there's no space I want to delete the oldest one, mind that there could be more than a record with same date: in this case I just remove the first one.
Is it possibile to achieve something like this in sqllite which doesn't have date support?

First of all, to be able to sort your records by date, you have to insert them in the format YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHmm
Now to get one of oldest ones with same date, you can do this :


SQLite, Sorting a data base by a timestamp

this is my first time asking a question, so bear with me and thanks in advance for any response I get.
I am using sqlite3 on a Macbook pro.
Every record in my database has a time stamp in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and I need to sort the entire database by the time stamps. The closest answer I have found to letting me do this is SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY date(dateColumn) DESC Limit 1 from SQLite Order By Date but this returns the most recent date. I would love to be able to apply this but I am just learning sqlite can't figure how to do so.
Change the limit to the number of rows you want:
SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY dateColumn DESC Limit 10000000;
you can figure out how many rows you have using
SELECT count(*) FROM Table;
and give a limit greater than that number. Beware: If you want all rows you should really put a limit, because if you don't put a limit and simply do
it will limit the output to a certain number depending on your system configurations so you might not get all rows.
When you don't want a limit, omit it.
Please note that it is not necessary to call the date function:
SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY dateColumn;
Just leave off the "Limit 1". The query means "SELECT *" (the star means return all the columns) "FROM Table" (kind of obvious, but from the table name you enter here) "ORDER BY date(dateColumn)" (again, somewhat obvious, but this is the sort order where you put your data column name) "DESC" (backwards sort, leave this off if you want ascending, aka forward, sort) and "Limit 1" (only return the first record in the record set).

SQLite: select all rows made in a specific month

i want to get all entries from a SQLite table, which have the timestamp from the same month.
For example, the user can type in "July" and then i want to get all entries made in the 7. month.
The current "time"-column is a simple string and in the Format (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS)
Is there a way to do this with SQLite or will i need to use code in my program?
Assuming that your time strings have a fixed length, you could use a query like this:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE time LIKE '__.07%';
However, you should always stored dates in one of the supported date/time formats so that you are able to use the built-int date/time functions.

SQLite Query For Dates Equals Today

How to make the query to retrieve from database only the records that have the time equals to 'today'. I store my dates as long.
DateColumn (The name of my column) and the name of my table is MyTable
1360054701278 (Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:58:21 AM GMT)
1359795295000 (Saturday, February 2, 2013 8:54:55 AM GMT)
So how should I make the query for this example in order to retrieve the first record (because it is the date equal to today)?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
sorry for not seeing that, your problem were the additional milliseconds saved in your column.
The solution was to remove them by division ;-)
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE date(datetime(DateColumn / 1000 , 'unixepoch')) = date('now')
Use a range for fastest query. You want to avoid converting to compare.
FROM My Table
WHERE DateColumn BETWEEN JulianDay('now') AND JulianDay('now','+1 day','-0.001 second')
Note: I just realized your dates are not stored as Julian Dates which SQLite supports natively. The concept is still the same, but you'll need to use your own conversion functions for whatever format you're storing your dates as.

How do I select a column with the latest "datetime" data type?

How do I select a column with the latest "datetime" data type, in Visual Web Developer 2008, ASP.NET 3.5 ?
In the config data source dialog my WHERE options are greater than cookie, control, etc... but I would like to select where the datetime is the latest in the table.
(Select row from table where datetime is last updated....)
Thank You.
This will be for a specific user in the table, i.e.
Select row in table from specific current userid WHERE the row was his latest updated entry.
or you could use the MAX function like that:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE User='Me' AND DateColumn=(SELECT MAX(DateColumn) from myTable WHERE User='Me')
The previous solution works perfectly though but this one can be useful for more complicated cases I think.
Could you select top 1 and sort by the column descending e.g.
select top 1 ...
from MyTable
where User = #theUser
order by DateColumn desc
edit-- added in the where clause for user
that should get you a single row with the latest date from the table...i'massuming this table gets something written to it each time a user does 'something' you can grab what they last did...

Does a multi-column index work for single column selects too?

I've got (for example) an index:
CREATE INDEX someIndex ON orders (customer, date);
Does this index only accelerate queries where customer and date are used or does it accelerate queries for a single-column like this too?
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer > 33;
I'm using SQLite.
If the answer is yes, why is it possible to create more than one index per table?
Yet another question: How much faster is a combined index compared with two separat indexes when you use both columns in a query?
marc_s has the correct answer to your first question. The first key in a multi key index can work just like a single key index but any subsequent keys will not.
As for how much faster the composite index is depends on your data and how you structure your index and query, but it is usually significant. The indexes essentially allow Sqlite to do a binary search on the fields.
Using the example you gave if you ran the query:
SELECT * from orders where customer > 33 && date > 99
Sqlite would first get all results using a binary search on the entire table where customer > 33. Then it would do a binary search on only those results looking for date > 99.
If you did the same query with two separate indexes on customer and date, Sqlite would have to binary search the whole table twice, first for the customer and again for the date.
So how much of a speed increase you will see depends on how you structure your index with regard to your query. Ideally, the first field in your index and your query should be the one that eliminates the most possible matches as that will give the greatest speed increase by greatly reducing the amount of work the second search has to do.
For more information see this:
I'm pretty sure this will work, yes - it does in MS SQL Server anyway.
However, this index doesn't help you if you need to select on just the date, e.g. a date range. In that case, you might need to create a second index on just the date to make those queries more efficient.
I commonly use combined indexes to sort through data I wish to paginate or request "streamily".
Assuming a customer can make more than one order.. and customers 0 through 11 exist and there are several orders per customer all inserted in random order. I want to sort a query based on customer number followed by the date. You should sort the id field as well last to split sets where a customer has several identical dates (even if that may never happen).
sqlite> CREATE INDEX customer_asc_date_asc_index_asc ON orders
(customer ASC, date ASC, id ASC);
Get page 1 of a sorted query (limited to 10 items):
sqlite> SELECT id, customer, date FROM orders
ORDER BY customer ASC, date ASC, id ASC LIMIT 10;
Get the next page:
sqlite> SELECT id, customer, date FROM orders WHERE
(customer = 1 AND date = 1303837524 and id > 2645) OR
(customer = 1 AND date > 1303837524) OR
(customer > 1)
ORDER BY customer ASC, date ASC, id ASC LIMIT 10;
And so on...
Having the indexes in place reduces server side index scanning when you would otherwise use a query OFFSET coupled with a LIMIT. The query time gets longer and the drives seek harder the higher the offset goes. Using this method eliminates that.
Using this method is advised if you plan on joining data later but only need a limited set of data per request. Join against a SUBSELECT as described above to reduce memory overhead for large tables.
