CSS event on one element, changing an other - css

How can i change an element with CSS with an event on another element?
E.g. <div id="one"> ....., <div id="two">....
changing the visibility of #two...

In your case, with the element you wish to change being after the element you hover, meaning that you have a structure like:
<div id="one"></div>
<!--you could have some elements between them-->
<div id="two"></div>
or like:
<div id="one">
<!--maybe some elements-->
<div id="two"></div>
In the first case (#one and #two are siblings, that is they are on the same level = have the same parent), you use the general sibling combinator (~), like this:
#one:hover ~ #two { /* style changes */ }
DEMO for the case when #one and #two are siblings and #one is before #two in the HTML.
In the second case (#two is a descendant of #one), you use:
#one:hover #two { /* style changes */ }
DEMO for the case when #two is a descendant of #one.
However, if you wish to change an element that is before #one in the HTML, then that is currently (meaning that this could change in the future) impossible with CSS alone (if you would like to know why, then this article offers an explanation).
But in this case, when #two is before #one in the HTML, you can do it with JavaScript. For instance, if the opacity of #two is initially 0, then you could change it to 1 when hovering #one using:
var one = document.getElementById('one'),
two = document.getElementById('two');
one.addEventListener('mouseover', function(){
two.style.opacity = 1;
}, true);
one.addEventListener('mouseout', function(){
two.style.opacity = 0;
}, true);
And if you're using a library like jQuery, then it gets even easier:
$('#two').css({'opacity': 1})},
$('#two').css({'opacity': 0})

Use a combination of the :hover selector and the ~ General Sibling selector:
div.margin:hover ~.margin2
background: #00f;
Hover over div 2 and you'll see the other div change.
For this to work, the divs must be siblings (have the same parent element).


CSS: How do I select an element that is the first-of-type of one of the ancestors(not direct parent)? [duplicate]

How can I specify :first-of-type of the entire document?
I want to style the first <p> of the HTML, no mater where it is located (I don't want to write section p:first-of-type because it may be located elsewhere in a different HTML document).
p {
p:first-of-type {
p:last-of-type {
With CSS alone this unfortunately isn't possible. The documentation for the :first-of-type pseudo-class states:
The :first-of-type pseudo-class represents an element that is the first sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent element.
This means that :first-of-type is applied to the first element of its type relative to its parent and not the document's root (or the body element, in this case).
JavaScript solutions
We can achieve this by introducing some JavaScript. All we need for this is JavaScript's querySelector() method, which pulls the first matching element from the selector specified.
In this example I've altered your :first-of-type pseudo-class to instead be a class of "first-of-type", then used JavaScript to add this class to the element returned when using querySelector('p'):
document.querySelector('p').className += ' first-of-type';
p {
p.first-of-type {
background: pink;
:nth-child and :last-of-type
As for :nth-child and :last-of-type, we can instead make use of a similar method JavaScript gives us: querySelectorAll(). This method pulls all matching elements into a NodeList (which is similar to an array), which we can then iterate through or select specific elements from within through the index:
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('p');
// nth-of-type = NodeList[n - 1]
// e.g. to select the 3rd p element ("333"):
if (elems.length >= 2)
elems[2].className += ' nth-of-type';
// last-of-type = NodeList length - 1
if (elems.length)
elems[elems.length - 1].className += ' last-of-type';
p {
p.nth-of-type {
background: pink;
p.last-of-type {
background: yellow;
Note that I've included if statements around both selectors to ensure the elems NodeList has enough elements, otherwise an error will be thrown.

Selecting only first match with CSS [duplicate]

How can I specify :first-of-type of the entire document?
I want to style the first <p> of the HTML, no mater where it is located (I don't want to write section p:first-of-type because it may be located elsewhere in a different HTML document).
p {
p:first-of-type {
p:last-of-type {
With CSS alone this unfortunately isn't possible. The documentation for the :first-of-type pseudo-class states:
The :first-of-type pseudo-class represents an element that is the first sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent element.
This means that :first-of-type is applied to the first element of its type relative to its parent and not the document's root (or the body element, in this case).
JavaScript solutions
We can achieve this by introducing some JavaScript. All we need for this is JavaScript's querySelector() method, which pulls the first matching element from the selector specified.
In this example I've altered your :first-of-type pseudo-class to instead be a class of "first-of-type", then used JavaScript to add this class to the element returned when using querySelector('p'):
document.querySelector('p').className += ' first-of-type';
p {
p.first-of-type {
background: pink;
:nth-child and :last-of-type
As for :nth-child and :last-of-type, we can instead make use of a similar method JavaScript gives us: querySelectorAll(). This method pulls all matching elements into a NodeList (which is similar to an array), which we can then iterate through or select specific elements from within through the index:
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('p');
// nth-of-type = NodeList[n - 1]
// e.g. to select the 3rd p element ("333"):
if (elems.length >= 2)
elems[2].className += ' nth-of-type';
// last-of-type = NodeList length - 1
if (elems.length)
elems[elems.length - 1].className += ' last-of-type';
p {
p.nth-of-type {
background: pink;
p.last-of-type {
background: yellow;
Note that I've included if statements around both selectors to ensure the elems NodeList has enough elements, otherwise an error will be thrown.

CSS for same level

If I have 3 divs at the same level ( not one in another ) . How can I change the color of the other div when hover one without using IDs and classes. I would like somthing like :
<div id="1" ></div>
And CSS :
#1 :hover < body > div
//Here I change the things
Use the general sibling combinator
#yourId:hover ~ div
Also note that Id's must begin with a letter. W3 ID Attribute
Put a wrapper around them, then put the hover on the wrapper.
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="element">foo</div>
<div class="element">bar</div>
<div class="element">baz</div>
.wrapper:hover .element {
color: red;
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/EB92r/

How can I apply a css rule to all descendants of an elements

How can you redefine a class if its in another specific class?
div.cls {
div.tst > div.cls {
<div class="cls">test</div> // text color = blue
<div class="tst">
<div class="cls">test</div> // text color = red
<div class="cls">test</div> // text color = blue
How to make the last one also red?
I used this, it work for me:
.name-of-parent * { color: red; }
Use the descendant selector [W3C]: div.tst div.cls
> is the child selector [W3C] and will only match children of an element.
Exactly like that. However, your second division won't be red text because it's also contained within another division. The > selector only matches to the immediate children under the element matched before it, so it's looking inside div.tst at only one level. Try removing the > from the selector:
div.tst div.cls {
Your updated jsFiddle

first-child not working

Should this work am I going crazy?
.project.work:first-child:before {
content: 'Projects';
.project.research:first-child:before {
content: 'Research';
<div class="project work">
<div class="project work">
<div class="project work">
<div class="project research">
projects:first-child works fine, research:first-child doesn't stick. Any ideas?
Demo It doesn't work, but whats the best way to achieve this?
:first-child only selects the first child of its parent. Nothing else.
As mentioned in a few of my other answers on the site (1 2 3 4), there is no :first-of-class pseudo-class. If you are looking to apply styles to the first of each class of your div elements, a solution is to apply the styles to all children of that class, and a general sibling selector to undo the styles from subsequent siblings.
Your CSS would then look like this:
.project.work:before {
content: 'Work';
.project.research:before {
content: 'Research';
.project.work ~ .project.work:before,
.project.research ~ .project.research:before {
content: none;
From the specification:
Same as :nth-child(1). The :first-child pseudo-class represents an element that is the first child of some other element.
.project.research is not the first child of its parent.
I believe you want this CSS:
.project.work p:first-child:before {content:'Projects';}
.project.research p:first-child:before {content:'Research';}
.project.work > p:first-child:before {content:'Projects';}
.project.research > p:first-child:before {content:'Research';}
Updated fiddle
That matches the first child of an element with the classes "project" and "work" (or "project" and "research"). You don't have to use p:first-child if it may not be a p element, you could use *:first-child instead.
