first-child not working - css

Should this work am I going crazy? {
content: 'Projects';
.project.research:first-child:before {
content: 'Research';
<div class="project work">
<div class="project work">
<div class="project work">
<div class="project research">
projects:first-child works fine, research:first-child doesn't stick. Any ideas?
Demo It doesn't work, but whats the best way to achieve this?

:first-child only selects the first child of its parent. Nothing else.
As mentioned in a few of my other answers on the site (1 2 3 4), there is no :first-of-class pseudo-class. If you are looking to apply styles to the first of each class of your div elements, a solution is to apply the styles to all children of that class, and a general sibling selector to undo the styles from subsequent siblings.
Your CSS would then look like this: {
content: 'Work';
.project.research:before {
content: 'Research';
} ~,
.project.research ~ .project.research:before {
content: none;

From the specification:
Same as :nth-child(1). The :first-child pseudo-class represents an element that is the first child of some other element.
.project.research is not the first child of its parent.

I believe you want this CSS: p:first-child:before {content:'Projects';}
.project.research p:first-child:before {content:'Research';}
or > p:first-child:before {content:'Projects';}
.project.research > p:first-child:before {content:'Research';}
Updated fiddle
That matches the first child of an element with the classes "project" and "work" (or "project" and "research"). You don't have to use p:first-child if it may not be a p element, you could use *:first-child instead.


CSS Selector Within a Selector

Essentially what I am trying to do is have one element react as the hover state of a different element.
.page-template-page-services-new .imgBlock:hover { .page-template-page-services-new .ButtonService {color: #6395ce; background-color: #fff; } }
Not currently working - is this a thing? If not, how might I accomplish it. I know the selectors are correct, they work independently.
What I think you are referring to is that you've seen something akin to
//style definitions
//other style definitions
This comes from pre-processors such as SCSS (Sass) or LESS, I'll assume you can do a quick google on those.
For the other part of your question, yes, you can style an element differently if it's parent container or even a sibling is hovered.
.container-hover:hover .red-on-hover{
.sibling-hover:hover + .sibling-hover{
<div class="container-hover">
<h3>Other Text</h3>
<div class="red-on-hover">Background will turn red on hover</div>
<p class="sibling-hover"> When I am hovered, my sibling will be blue</p>
<p class="sibling-hover"> Blue? Blue</p>
For the sibling hover, please note that if you added more .sibling-hover elements that all but the first one would be able to turn blue if you hovered over it's immediately prior sibling.
It can work if they have a parent child relationship.
.page-template-page-services-new {
background: #ccc;
.page-template-page-services-new .imgBlock:hover .ButtonService {
color: #6395ce;
background-color: #fff;
<div class="page-template-page-services-new">
<div class="imgBlock">
<img src="" alt="">
<div class="ButtonService">
This is a test

CSS Select Sibling of An Element with A Specific Sub-Element?

The snippet below is a part of a much larger structure with many .step elements.
I need to match all .stepText elements that are next to .stepTitleAndImages ul.standard
In other words, match all .stepText elements that have .step parent that has .stepTitleAndImages child that has .stepImages.standard child
<div class="step">
<div class="stepTitleAndImages">
<h3 class="stepTitle"></h3>
<ul class="stepImages standard"></ul>
<div class="clearer"></div>
<div class="stepText "></div> **HOW TO SELECT ALL ELEMENTS LIKE THIS ONE?**
<div class="clearer"></div>
<div class="step">
<div class="stepTitleAndImages">
<h3 class="stepTitle"></h3>
<ul class="stepImages medium"></ul>
<div class="clearer"></div>
<div class="stepText "></div>
<div class="clearer"></div>
PS: I cannot modify the HTML. Cannot use anything other than pure CSS.
Just use this for selecting first case
.step:nth-child(1) .stepText {
... Your CSS here
For second one use
.step:nth-child(2) .stepText {
... Your CSS here
For selecting both use
.step .stepText {
... Your CSS here
Then you should require jquery for that
Selecting Parents sibling is not possible only with pure CSS yet, You can achieve this by a single line of jquery:
$('ul.standard').parent().siblings(".stepText").css(...your CSS here);
This cannot be done with your HTML structure and with pure CSS. The closest solution to your problem, changing the HTML structure and with pure CSS, would be to move the standard class to its parent tag:
<div class="stepTitleAndImages standard">
<h3 class="stepTitle"></h3>
<ul class="stepImages"></ul>
<div class="clearer"></div>
This would allow you to use the adjacent sibling selector (+), which matches the second selector if it's the direct next sibling of the first, like this:
.stepTitleAndImages.standard + .stepText {
/* Styles */
A more flexible approach would be to use the general sibling selector which would match any sibling preceded by the first selector, not only the direct next one:
.stepTitleAndImages.standard ~ .stepText {
/* Styles */
The :has pseudo-class is in development by Mozilla, but it hasn't hit any stable browsers yet. With it, and with your HTML structure, you could go:
.stepTitleAndImages:has(.standard) + .stepText {
/* Styles */
Unfortunately, currently you can't solve this in any other way with CSS (and with your HTML structure) only.

Why does .b:not(#a>.b) not work?

I'm working with some CSS and wondering why the following piece doesn't work:
Is there anyway else I can achieve the same thing? I'm open to JavaScript solutions.
You could use this selector :
:not(#topic-title) > .container
.container {
:not(#topic-title) > .container {
<div id="topic-title">
<div class="container">parent #topic-title</div>
<div class="container"> parent not #topic-title</div>
Take a look at the spec for the :not pseudo class: (bold is mine)
The negation pseudo-class, :not(X), is a functional notation taking a
simple selector (excluding the negation pseudo-class itself) as an
A simple selector is either a type selector, universal selector,
attribute selector, class selector, ID selector, or pseudo-class.
Hence #a>.b is not a simple selector and that's why the selector .b:not(#a>.b) doesn't work.
Here's an example with background-color, a margin example would be analogous. The idea: set a default page-wide, then cancel for instances where you don't want it.
.container {
background-color: red;
#topic-title > .container {
background-color: inherit;
<div id="topic-title">
<div class="container">A</div>
<div class="container">B</div>
<div class="container">C</div>

CSS event on one element, changing an other

How can i change an element with CSS with an event on another element?
E.g. <div id="one"> ....., <div id="two">....
changing the visibility of #two...
In your case, with the element you wish to change being after the element you hover, meaning that you have a structure like:
<div id="one"></div>
<!--you could have some elements between them-->
<div id="two"></div>
or like:
<div id="one">
<!--maybe some elements-->
<div id="two"></div>
In the first case (#one and #two are siblings, that is they are on the same level = have the same parent), you use the general sibling combinator (~), like this:
#one:hover ~ #two { /* style changes */ }
DEMO for the case when #one and #two are siblings and #one is before #two in the HTML.
In the second case (#two is a descendant of #one), you use:
#one:hover #two { /* style changes */ }
DEMO for the case when #two is a descendant of #one.
However, if you wish to change an element that is before #one in the HTML, then that is currently (meaning that this could change in the future) impossible with CSS alone (if you would like to know why, then this article offers an explanation).
But in this case, when #two is before #one in the HTML, you can do it with JavaScript. For instance, if the opacity of #two is initially 0, then you could change it to 1 when hovering #one using:
var one = document.getElementById('one'),
two = document.getElementById('two');
one.addEventListener('mouseover', function(){ = 1;
}, true);
one.addEventListener('mouseout', function(){ = 0;
}, true);
And if you're using a library like jQuery, then it gets even easier:
$('#two').css({'opacity': 1})},
$('#two').css({'opacity': 0})
Use a combination of the :hover selector and the ~ General Sibling selector:
div.margin:hover ~.margin2
background: #00f;
Hover over div 2 and you'll see the other div change.
For this to work, the divs must be siblings (have the same parent element).

How to properly select these elements?

<div id="main-content">
<div>target me
<div>don't target me</div>
<div>target me too
<div>don't target me</div>
I've tried this:
#main-content div>div {
But this ALSO targets the divs saying "don't target me" I wish not to target those divs.
Of course we can use Id's or classes, but the point is to declare a general rule for all.
Please advice.
Just refine the selector a bit to enforce the hierarchy: #main-content > div > div
As a note, when using structural selectors it's nice to reference non-generic tags.
Example: #main-content > NAV > UL is more meaningful than #main-content > DIV > DIV
If you want styles only to apply to the outer of the two divs, you need to use two style definitions. The first sets the style for the div targeted and the second for the inner div not to be targeted:
#main-content div>div {
/* set some styles */
#main-content div>div>div {
/* reset the styles defined before */
In general the inner div (not targeted) inherits all the styles of its parent div, so in order to nullify that effect, you have to explicitly reset all those styles again.
After all comments: If "targeting" does not include usual CSS inheritance, Tim Medora's answer is more suitable. My answer tried to account for inheritance as well.
How [dooes one] properly select [the specified] elements?
The "proper" way would be to give the items you want to select a class that is indicative of their status:
<div id="main-content">
<div class="someclass">target me
<div>don't target me</div>
<div class="someclass">target me too
<div>don't target me</div>
...and then you can simply use the class selector:
.someclass {
But if you're unable to modify the markup, you can still use the child selector chain:
#main-content > div > div {
