glmulti runs indefinitely when using genetic algorithm with lme4 - r

I'm using glmulti for model averaging in R. There are ~10 variables in my model, making exhaustive screening impractical - I therefore need to use the genetic algorithm (GA) (call: method = "g").
I need to include random effects so I'm using glmulti as a wrapper for lme4. Methods for doing this are available here and there is also a pdf included with the glmulti package that goes into more detail. The problem is that when telling glmulti to use GA in this setting it runs indefinitely, even after the best model has been found.
This is the example taken from the pdf included in the glmulti package:
# create a function for glmulti to act as a wrapper for lmer:
lmer.glmulti <- function (formula, data, random = "", ...) {
lmer(paste(deparse(formula), random), data = data, REML=F, ...)
# set some random variables:
y = runif(30,0,10) # mock dependent variable
a = runif(30) # dummy covariate
b = runif(30) # another dummy covariate
c = runif(30) # an another one
x = as.factor(round(runif(30),1))# dummy grouping factor
# run exhaustive screening with lmer:
bab <- glmulti(y~a*b*c, level = 2, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti, random = "+(1|x)")
This works fine. The problem is when I tell it to use the genetic algorithm:
babs <- glmulti(y~a*b*c, level = 2, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti, random = "+(1|x)", method = "g")
It just keeps running indefinitely and the AIC does not change:
After 19550 generations:
Best model: y~1
Crit= 161.038899734164
Mean crit= 164.13629335762
Change in best IC: 0 / Change in mean IC: 0
After 19560 generations:
Best model: y~1
Crit= 161.038899734164
Mean crit= 164.13629335762
Change in best IC: 0 / Change in mean IC: 0
After 19570 generations:
Best model: y~1
Crit= 161.038899734164
Mean crit= 164.13629335762
... etc.
I have tried using calls that tell glmulti when to stop (deltaB = 0, deltaM = 0.01, conseq = 6) but nothing seems to work. I think the problem must lie with setting the function (?). It may be something really obvious however I'm new to R and I can't work it out.
Any help with this would be much appreciated.

I received the solution from the package maintainer. The issue is that the number of models explored is set by the argument confsetsize. The default value is 100.
According to ?glmulti, this argument is:
The number of models to be looked for, i.e. the size of the returned confidence set.
The solution is to set confsetsize so that it is less than or equal to the total number of models.
Starting with the example from the OP that did not stop:
babs <- glmulti(y~a*b*c, level = 2, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti,
random = "+(1|x)", method = "g")
glmulti will determine the total number of candidate models using method = "d"
babs <- glmulti(y~a*b*c, level = 2, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti,
random = "+(1|x)", method = "d")
TASK: Diagnostic of candidate set.
Sample size: 30
0 factor(s).
3 covariate(s).
Your candidate set contains 64 models.
Thus, setting confsetsize to less than or equal to 64 will result in the desired behavior.
babs <- glmulti(y~a*b*c, level = 2, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti,
random = "+(1|x)", method = "g", confsetsize = 64)
However, for small models it may be sufficient to use the exhaustive search (method = "h"):
babs <- glmulti(y~a*b*c, level = 2, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti,
random = "+(1|x)", method = "h")

Right, I've worked this one out - the problem is that the example (above) I was using to test run this package only contains 3 variables. When you add in a fourth it works fine:
d = runif(30)
And run again telling it to use GA:
babs <- glmulti(y~a*b*c*d, level = 2, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti, random = "+(1|x)", method = "g")
After 190 generations:
Best model: y~1
Crit= 159.374382952181
Mean crit= 163.380382861026
Improvements in best and average IC have bebingo en below the specified goals.
Algorithm is declared to have converged.
Using glmulti out-of-the-box with a GLM gives the same result if you try to use GA with less than three variables. This is not really an issue however as if you've only got three variables it is possible to do an exhaustive search. The problem was the example.


cpquery function of bnlearn always returns 0 for simple discrete artificial data

I want to calculate conditional probabilities based on a bayesian network based on some binary data I create. However, using the bnlearn::cpquery, always a value of 0 is returned, while fits a correct model.
# Create data for binary chain network X1->Y->X2 with zeros and ones.
# All base rates are 0.5, increase in probability due to parent = .5 (from .25 to.75)
# Fit bayes net to data.
res <- hc(dag1)
fittedbn <-, data = dag1)
# Fitting works as expected, as seen by graph structure and coefficients in fittedbn:
# Conditional probability query
cpquery(fittedbn, event = (Y==1), evidence = (X1==1), method = "ls")
# Using LW method
cpquery(fittedbn, event = (Y==1), evidence = list(X1 = 1), method = "lw")
'cpquery' just returns 0. I have also tried using the predict function, however this returns an error:
predict(object = fittedbn, node = "Y", data = list(X1=="1"), method = "bayes-lw", prob = True)
# Returns:
# Error in, allow.levels = TRUE) :
# the data must be in a data frame.
In the above cpquery the expected result is .75, but 0 is returned. This is not specific to this event or evidence, regardless of what event or evidence I put in (e.g event = (X2==1), evidence = (X1==0) or event = (X2==1), evidence = (X1==0 & Y==1)) the function returns 0.
One thing I tried, as I thought the small amount of observations might be an issue, is to just increase the number of observations (i.e. vertically concatenating the above dataframe with itself a bunch of times), however this did not change the output.
I've seen many threads on cpquery and that it can be fragile, but none indicate this issue. To note: the example in 'cpquery' documentation works as expected, so it seems the problem is not due to my environment.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

vegan::ordiR2step() doesn't find best-fit model

The vegan package includes the ordiR2step() function for model building, which can be used to identify the most important variables using the R2 and the p-value as goodness of fit measures. However for the dataset I was recently working with the function doesn't provide the best-fit model.
# data
RIKZ <- read.table("", header = TRUE)
# data preparation
Species <- RIKZ[ ,2:5]
ExplVar <- RIKZ[ , 9:15]
Species_fin <- Species[ rowSums(Species) > 0, ]
ExplVar_fin <- ExplVar[ rowSums(Species) > 0, ]
# rda
RIKZ_rda <- rda(Species_fin ~ . , data = ExplVar_fin, scale = TRUE)
# stepwise model building: ordiR2step()
step_both_R2 <- ordiR2step(rda(Species_fin ~ salinity, data = ExplVar_fin, scale = TRUE),
scope = formula(RIKZ_rda),
direction = "both", R2scope = TRUE, Pin = 0.05,
steps = 1000)
Why does ordiR2step() not add the variable exposure to the model, although it would increase the explained variance?
If R2scope is set FALSE and the p-value criterion is increased (Pin = 0.15) it adds the variable exposure corretly but throws the following error:
Error in terms.formula(tmp, simplify = TRUE) :
invalid model formula in ExtractVars
If R2scope is set TRUE (Pi = 0.15) exposure is not added.
Note: This might seem more as a statistic question and therefore more suitable for CV. However I think the problem is rather technical and better off here on SO.
Please read the ordiR2step documentation: it will tell you why exposure is not added to the model. The help page tells that ordiR2step has three stopping criteria. The second criterion is that "the adjusted R2 of the ‘scope’ is exceeded". This happens with exposure and therefore it was not added. This second criterion will be ignored if you set R2scope = FALSE (also documented). So the function works like documented.

R e1071 SVM leave one out cross validation function result differ from manual LOOCV

I'm using e1071 svm function to classify my data.
I tried two different ways to LOOCV.
First one is like that,
svm.model <- svm(mem ~ ., data, kernel = "sigmoid", cost = 7, gamma = 0.009, cross = subSize)
svm.pred = data$mem
svm.pred[which(svm.model$accuracies==0 & svm.pred=='good')]=NA
svm.pred[which(svm.model$accuracies==0 & svm.pred=='bad')]='good'
conMAT <- table(pred = svm.pred, true = data$mem)
I typed cross='subject number' to make LOOCV, but the result of classification is different from my manual version of LOOCV, which is like...
for (i in 1:subSize){
data_Tst <- data[i,1:dSize]
data_Trn <- data[-i,1:dSize]
svm.model1 <- svm(mem ~ ., data = data_Trn, kernel = "linear", cost = 2, gamma = 0.02)
svm.pred1 <- predict(svm.model1, data_Tst[,-dSize])
conMAT <- table(pred = svm.pred1, true = data_Tst[,dSize])
CORR[i] <- sum(diag(conMAT))
In my opinion, through LOOCV, accuracy should not vary across many runs of code because SVM makes model with all the data except one and does it until the end of the loop. However, with the svm function with argument 'cross' input, the accuracy differs across every runs of code.
Which way is more accurate? Thanks for read this post! :-)
You are using different hyper-parameters (cost, gamma) and different kernels (linear, sigmoid). If you want identical results, then these should be the same each run.
Also, it depends how Leave One Out (LOO) is implemented:
Does your LOO method leave one out randomly or as a sliding window over the dataset?
Does your LOO method leave one out from one class at a time or both classes at the same time?
Is the training set always the same, or are you using a randomisation procedure before splitting between a training and testing set (assuming you have a separate independent testing set)? In which case, the examples you are cross-validating would change each run.

The xgboost package and the random forests regression

The xgboost package allows to build a random forest (in fact, it chooses a random subset of columns to choose a variable for a split for the whole tree, not for a nod, as it is in a classical version of the algorithm, but it can be tolerated). But it seems that for regression only one tree from the forest (maybe, the last one built) is used.
To ensure that, consider just a standard toy example.
data(agaricus.train, package = 'xgboost')
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(agaricus.train$data,
label = agaricus.train$label)
bst = xgb.train(data = dtrain,
nround = 1,
subsample = 0.8,
colsample_bytree = 0.5,
num_parallel_tree = 100,
verbose = 2,
max_depth = 12)
answer1 = predict(bst, dtrain);
(answer1 - agaricus.train$label) %*% (answer1 - agaricus.train$label)
forest = randomForest(x = as.matrix(agaricus.train$data), y = agaricus.train$label, ntree = 50)
answer2 = predict(forest, as.matrix(agaricus.train$data))
(answer2 - agaricus.train$label) %*% (answer2 - agaricus.train$label)
Yes, of course, the default version of the xgboost random forest uses not a Gini score function but just the MSE; it can be changed easily. Also it is not correct to do such a validation and so on, so on. It does not affect a main problem. Regardless of which sets of parameters are being tried results are suprisingly bad compared with the randomForest implementation. This holds for another data sets as well.
Could anybody provide a hint on such strange behaviour? When it comes to the classification task the algorithm does work as expected.
Well, all trees are grown and all are used to make a prediction. You may check that using the parameter 'ntreelimit' for the 'predict' function.
The main problem remains: is the specific form of the Random Forest algorithm that is produced by the xgbbost package valid?
Cross-validation, parameter tunning and other crap have nothing to do with that -- every one may add necessary corrections to the code and see what happens.
You may specify the 'objective' option like this:
mse = function(predict, dtrain)
real = getinfo(dtrain, 'label')
return(list(grad = 2 * (predict - real),
hess = rep(2, length(real))))
This provides that you use the MSE when choosing a variable for the split. Even after that, results are suprisingly bad compared to those of randomForest.
Maybe, the problem is of academical nature and concerns the way how a random subset of features to make a split is chosen. The classical implementation chooses a subset of features (the size is specified with 'mtry' for the randomForest package) for EVERY split separately and the xgboost implementation chooses one subset for a tree (specified with 'colsample_bytree').
So this fine difference appears to be of great importance, at least for some types of datasets. It is interesting, indeed.
xgboost(random forest style) does use more than one tree to predict. But there are many other differences to explore.
I myself am new to xgboost, but curious. So I wrote the code below to visualize the trees. You can run the code yourself to verify or explore other differences.
Your data set of choice is a classification problem as labels are either 0 or 1. I like to switch to a simple regression problem to visualize what xgboost does.
true model: $y = x_1 * x_2$ + noise
If you train a single tree or multiple tree, with the code examples below you observe that the learned model structure does contain more trees. You cannot argue alone from the prediction accuracy how many trees are trained.
Maybe the predictions are different because the implementations are different. None of the ~5 RF implementations I know of are exactly alike, and this xgboost(rf style) is as closest a distant "cousin".
I observe the colsample_bytree is not equal to mtry, as the former uses the same subset of variable/columns for the entire tree. My regression problem is one big interaction only, which cannot be learned if trees only uses either x1 or x2. Thus in this case colsample_bytree must be set to 1 to use both variables in all trees. Regular RF could model this problem with mtry=1, as each node would use either X1 or X2
I see your randomForest predictions are not out-of-bag cross-validated. If drawing any conclusions on predictions you must cross-validate, especially for fully grown trees.
NB You need to fix the function vec.plot as does not support xgboost out of the box, because xgboost out of some other box do not take data.frame as an valid input. The instruction in the code should be clear
Data = data.frame(replicate(2,rnorm(5000)))
Data$y = Data$X1*Data$X2 + rnorm(5000)*.5
gradientByTarget =fcol(Data,3)
plot3d(Data,col=gradientByTarget) #true data structure
fix(vec.plot) #change these two line in the function, as xgboost do not support data.frame
#16# yhat.vec = predict(model, as.matrix(Xtest.vec))
#21# yhat.obs = predict(model, as.matrix(Xtest.obs))
#1 single deep tree
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=1,params = list(max.depth=250))
#clearly just one tree
#100 trees (gbm boosting)
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=100,params = list(max.depth=16,eta=.5,subsample=.6))
plot(Data$y,predict(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2])),col=gradientByTarget) ##predictions are not OOB cross-validated!
#20 shallow trees (bagging)
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=1,params = list(max.depth=250,
num_parallel_tree=20,colsample_bytree = .5, subsample = .5))
vec.plot(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),1:2,col=gradientByTarget) #bagged mix of trees
plot(Data$y,predict(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2]))) #terrible fit!!
#problem, colsample_bytree is NOT mtry as columns are only sampled once
# (this could be raised as an issue on their github page, that this does not mimic RF)
#20 deep tree (bagging), no column limitation
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=1,params = list(max.depth=500,
num_parallel_tree=200,colsample_bytree = 1, subsample = .5))
vec.plot(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),1:2,col=gradientByTarget) #boosted mix of trees
#voila model can fit data

Set G in prior using MCMCglmm, with categorical response and phylogeny

I am new to the MCMCglmm package in R, and rather new to glm models in general. I have a dataset of species traits and whether or not they have been introduced outside of their native range.
I would like to test whether being introduced (as a binary 0/1 response variable) can be explained by any of the species traits. I would also like to correct for phylogeny between species.
I was told that for a binary response I could use family =“threshold” and I should fix the residual variance at 1. But I am having some trouble with the other parameters needed for the prior.
I've specified the R value for the random effects, but if I specify R I must also specify G and it is not clear to me how to decide the values for this parameter. I've tried putting default values but I get error messages:
Error in MCMCglmm(fixed, random = ~species, data = data2, family = "threshold", :
prior$G has the wrong number of structures
I have read the help vignettes and course but have not found an example with a binary response, and it is not clear to me how to decide the values for the priors. This is what I have so far:
fixed=Intro_binary ~ Trait1+ Trait2 + Trait3
binary_model = MCMCglmm(fixed, random=~species, data = data, family = "threshold", ginverse=list(species=Ainv),
 prior = list(
    G = list(),    #not sure about the parameters for random effects.
    R = list(V = 1, fix = 1)),  #to fix the residual variance at one
  nitt = 60000, burnin = 10000)
Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated!
This one is a bit tricky with the information you provide. I'd say you can define G as a "weak" prior using:
priors <- list(R = list(V = 1, nu = 0.002),
G = list(V = 1, fix = 1)))
binary_model <- MCMCglmm(fixed, random = ~species, data = data,
family = "threshold",
ginverse = list(species = Ainv),
prior = priors,
nitt = 60000, burnin = 10000)
However, without more information on your analysis, I strongly suggest you plot your posteriors to have a look at the results and see if anything looks wrong. Have a look at the MCMCglmm package Course Notes for more info on how to set these priors (especially on what not to do in section 1.5 - you can also find more specific info on how to tune it to your model if it fits in the categories of the tutorial).
