How can update ProgressBar and UI when using AsynTask in android - android-progressbar

I am using progress bar as well as showing completed process percentage in textview. But problem is generated force close when i use txtview.setText(proc+"% Completed") in doInBackground. I think using AsynTask UI not update but we need to update. So please give me a proper solution for that. Thank you very much in advance


Bar Chart in JavaFx

I'm new in JavaFx and i want to display a Bar Chart after choosing a date (for the SQL query) and clicking the button "display chart". I'm wondering if it is possible to display the chart in the same Tab Pane where the button is. What should i write in my button listener? Can anyone help me?
If this is possible, i want also to use the progress indicator while waiting for the result.
I'm not going to write the code for you, but I'll try to address some of the questions you raised.
I'm wondering if it is possible to display the chart in the same Tab Pane where the button is.
Yes, that seems to be what the sample image you provided is already doing.
What should i write in my button listener?
The code to fetch the chart data and display the chart. If you have trouble writing this, you should create an mcve which replicates just the specific thing which is going wrong.
If this is possible, i want also to use the progress indicator while waiting for the result.
See the sample code here, which is a "Sample for accessing a local database from JavaFX using concurrent tasks for database operations so that the UI remains responsive." The sample makes use of a progress indicator.
Aside: For future questions, you might benefit from just asking a single question in a question, providing some source code which replicates any issue you have, subdividing your problem into parts and asking a specific question on just one particular part you are having an issue with (for example displaying items in a bar chart could be a different question from asynchronously retrieving items from a database).

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX window

I want to develop a web app where login form will appear in a RadWindow, which will slide from top and on close will go to top again. I have read many resouces but it's Animation property doesn't work like this. Do you have any experience with. What should I do? Please answer with some online example too. Thanks
Indeed, they do not work like that. So, it would be easiest if you animate the control's popup element yourself.
You can start with the FlyIn animation (it may be suitable for you, so you may not need to animate the appearance)
Then, you can use the OnClientBeforeClose event to animate the popup away yourself (there are many libraries that can do this for you and you can even use CSS animations), then hide it.
A similar approach is shown here

Creating a progress bar in

I have been searching for awhile for a tutorial or anything, but cant seem to find anything. What im looking to to is in my web application build a progress bar similar to that in the window.form controls. Any help or any kind of direction would be very helpful. Im not looking for someone do it for me, just a link or some pointers of how to get started
A progress bar is a control that holds 3 major attributes : (you should look at System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar to have an idea of what ProgreeBar are made of)
a minimum
a maximum
a value
you have to re-render asynchronously and regularly to update status of the control to the user.
Basically the only big difference from WinForms ProgressBar and Net.UI. Progreebar are the graphical control used to render the progress . So you could use a size fixed graphical control (e.g a label) and from min to max add some content in it.
In most cases it is not the value changed that raise an event to be handled , but handling an event that update the value of your progress bar. Look at the example in this page :
PS : It exists some (free or not) .NET ProgressBar like Neat Upload.
Have fun with it :P
In the design page(.aspx) you can use ScriptManager control and a UpdateProgress control that are under AJAX Extension category in the Visual Studio’s toolbox. You can use your own GIF file, as well.
You can check the below link:

Reset/reuse a Flex Progress Bar

I'm using a progress bar to let a user know how much more live streaming video data is to be buffered before it starts playing. Have that much working fine.
Problem is, if the buffer gets used up, and I need to rebuffer, I can't seem to get the progress bar reset and visible again. Seems once it hits 100% on app start up it can't be reused. What am I missing here?
I'm catching the proper NetStream.netStatus events. The hook for the empty buffer is there and is executing. I'm just not seeing how I might redisplay and start a fresh bar there?
I've tried bar.visible = true and nothing appears. Also tried making a new one and setting visible each time the buffer is empty but no dice. Seems to just be ignored.
you can force the progress bar to reset "pBar.setProgress(0,100);", that will set it back to 0. just manually do that when you know that you have to rebuffer.
No, destroying the old one and making a new one with the same id.
That seems to be kind of working, but I'm not really sure what the best practice is here. Should I be making new ones each time I need to display one? Isn't there a way to simply recall the old one to the screen and reset it's progress to zero?

Extjs Custom TriggerField implementation

This is my first question here.
I hope I can contribute with answers too..
My need is to build an Extjs TriggerField implementation which open on trigger click a Panel with a custom loaded page inside...
example: When I click the trigger button I what to open a panel specifying an url as /Views/Test/Blabla.aspx and then storing the selection in the trigger field value.
I hope someone could help me
Thanks in advance
There is an example which pops up a Panel in your examples directory under examples/form/forum-search.html
It's based on a ComboBox (But it configures it to hide the trigger button)
BTW, probably a better idea to ask for help at
