Ext-JS Html Editor get selected text - button

I am trying to insert a button into HtmlEditor's ToolBar. Button should get selected text by mouse or keyboard and add '#' character at the start of that selected text for locating it as a url.
As i understand the best solution is creating a plugin for adding buttons into html editor toolbar. I found creation codes but the problem is; how can i get selected text? Ext-js version 2.2
And there is the code that provides to create a plugin for html editor toolbar button:
Ext.ux.form.HtmlEditor.NewLine = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
init:function (cmp) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.cmp.on('render', this.onRender, this);
onRender:function () {
iconCls:'newline', //your iconCls here
handler:function () {
this.cmp.insertAtCursor('<br> ');

You can get the selected text like this: window.getSelection()
That gives you a Selection object. If you want to get the text only: window.getSelection().toString()
but if you want to make stuff bold or something, you need to check if the selection is inside the editor. Everything you need for that is inside the selection object.
=> correction: the htmlEditor uses an iframe you can get the iframe window by the getWin function.
Note that this is only for modern browser (not < IE9) judging from the legacy Ext version you use, that might be an issue for you... but there are workarounds for IE.
more info


How to add a new navigation button in telerik radwizard

I want to add a new navigation button in telerik radwizard(reference). Is there any way to do so in ASP.NET, I read all the documents shared by telerik but couldn't find a way to achieve it. Any help would be appreciated.
I also had a similar requirement, but was not able to find a out of the box solution to include a custom navigation button for the Telerik RadWizard.
Please in-cooperate the the below JavaScript, which would to add a custom button to the navigation button area:
<telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server"></telerik:RadScriptManager>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* NOTE: This code block is inserted at this location, but not in the main Script block within RadCodeClock at the begining of this page due to the the below error;
'JavaScript runtime error: '$telerik' is undefined'
In order to avoid such errors, move the script tag below the declaration of the ScriptManager.
var $ = $telerik.$;
var oldInitializeEvents = Telerik.Web.UI.RadWizard.prototype._initializeEvents;
Telerik.Web.UI.RadWizard.prototype._initializeEvents = function () {
/*var myLi = $('<li>', { "class": "rwzLI rwzRight" }).appendTo('.rwzNav'); // Add the button adjacent to Next/ Previous*/
var myLi = $('<li>', { "class": "rwzLI" }).appendTo('.rwzNav'); // Add the button adjacent to Cancel/ Submit
var spanElement = $('<span>').addClass("rwzText").text("Save");
$("<button>", {
"id": "rwCustNavBtn_Save", "class": "rwzButton", "type": "button", click: function myfunction() {
CustNavBtn_Save_OnClick(); // Save the Grant
return false;
Ensure to include the above JavaScript tag below the declaration of the ScriptManager, to avoid runtime errors.
rwzRight CSS class determine the location of the custom button and make use it based on your requirement (refer the comments within the script tag)
Hope this is what you are after and Mark as Reply if so. Good luck!
Source: RadWziard navigation button templates/control

closing an open div when body / html element is clicked in meteor

so i'm working on a meteor project and am trying to get a drop down menu to close when the user clicks outside of it. i've done this before using jquery and normal html but this time we're using velocity.js and meteor.
so on the link that opens the drop down div, i have this:
'click #profile-btn': function () {
if (userTog == false) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeIn", { duration: 150 });
userTog = true;
else if (userTog == true) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
userTog = false;
and then i use a meteor package to deal with events on the body as this isnt supported right now..
'click html': function(e, data, tpl) {
userTog = false;
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
however the above is just not working.. it basically just makes the menu appear then disappear straight away. is it something to do with velocity.js, meteor or am i just doing it plain wrong ?!?
any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I just had to make a material design select box, so I feel your pain :-). Here's how I solved it:
Normally, you can only focus an input or an anchor. A trick I stumbled upon is that using tabindex="0" in your element attributes allows it to gain focus, even if it's a div. What's this mean? Well, if you can focus() an element, that means you can blur() it. So, when you click the button for the dropdown, add a line at the end of the event handler like $('.dropdown-menu').focus(). Then, to escape that, just create an event handler like 'blur .dropdown-menu': function() {*..hide..*}. That way, you don't have these ugly global event watchers.
The downside is that you get a glowing blue outline (for accessibility reasons). You can get rid of this by having a line like outline: 0; in your css.
PS, the reason why yours wasn't working is because 'click #profile-btn' bubbles up to the body, so it executes both. To fix it, you need to stop that bubblin via e.stopPropagation();.

Chrome css issue using token input jquery plugin

I'm using jquery plugin token input for my dropdowns on this page
It works fine in firefox in that I can click the arrow and the dropdown opens with the contents and allows me to scroll up and down using the scrollbar. However in IE and Chrome I cannot seem to scroll by moving the scroll bar up and down. Its some css somewhere but I'm struggling to find out what..any css experts out there want to take a quick look? would be appreciated : -)
​Hello please take a look at the https://github.com/loopj/jquery-tokeninput/issues/130
The issue happens to be with the the way IE handles scroll bars versus chrome or firefox. The solution is to modify the inputtoken.js file as mentioned in the forum.
Here is the basic outline.
Declare a variable to hold the state
Check of the variable in the .blur event of the input_box
Add .mouseover, .mouseout to .dropdown
// 1. Keep track of mouse being over dropdown
var mouseOverDD;
// 2. IF the blur function
var input_box = $("<input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\">")
.blur(function () {
if (!mouseOverDD) {
// 3. Add over/out events
var dropdown = $("<div>")
mouseOverDD = true;
mouseOverDD = false;

jQuery UI Tooltip - Showing Inline Content

I'm having trouble displaying hidden inline content within a jQuery UI tooltip widget. Here's what I have so far:
content: function() {
return $('table');
The table in question is set to not display by default. The above code shows the table in the tooltip, however, if I hover off the link that activates the tooltip, and return to it, an empty tooltip displays, without my inline content. I suspect I want to invoke the destroy() method when mousing off the tooltip, but not sure where to put that exactly.
you need to rebind the content
$("a.tooltip").on('mouseenter', '.sourceItem', function(){
}).on('mouseleave', '.sourceItem', function(){
use jQuery which uses on functionality.place this in the ready event.

jQuery Mobile Button Enable/Disable & TextArea auto reSize after change

How to disable/enable a button? which is not in a form , in a navBar. I'v tried some examples , all fail.
I'm changing my textarea text $("textarea").val(x); The text is changing , the problem it doesn't get auto re-size , I see the ugly scroll bar on the side , If I manually resize it , its OK... is there a method to force refresh or something like that?
Update (TextArea):
If i click on the text area and then press any key -> it opens up as should be,
I'm trying to simulate it .. but fail , the binding is works , but the trigger for keypress/keydown doesn't , I tried some codes from googling, this should work , I think , mayb for nomral jQuery 1.6 , but not jQuery mobile.. My test are are on Chrome and iPhone 4
$('#textarea').bind('click', function() {
var e = jQuery.Event("keypress", { keyCode: 64 });
$(this).trigger( e );
Link button example:
http://jsfiddle.net/gRLYQ/7/ (Header button example)
var clicked = false;
$('#myButton').click(function() {
if(clicked === false) {
clicked = true;
alert('Button is now disabled');
$('#enableButton').click(function() {
clicked = false;
<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="content">
Click button
Enable button
NOTE: - http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.0rc2/docs/buttons/buttons-types.html
Links styled like buttons have all the same visual options as true
form-based buttons below, but there are a few important differences.
Link-based buttons aren't part of the button plugin and only just use
the underlying buttonMarkup plugin to generate the button styles so
the form button methods (enable, disable, refresh) aren't supported.
If you need to disable a link-based button (or any element), it's
possible to apply the disabled class ui-disabled yourself with
JavaScript to achieve the same effect.
Regarding your second question, you can cause a textarea to autogrow by triggering a keyup() event on it.
Considering your original example code, the following works for me:
/*Note: I'm using 'on' instead of 'bind', because that's what I've actually tested
with, but I'm pretty sure this will work with 'bind' as well*/
$('#textarea').on('click', function() {
//First we'll add some text to #textarea
$('#textarea').val('some dummy text to be added to the textarea');
//Then we trigger keyup(), which causes the textarea to grow to fit the text
Short and sweet version of the above, this time chained and with no comments:
$('#textarea').on('click', function() {
$(this).val('some dummy text to be added to the textarea').keyup();
Adapted from here.
