Drupal - How can I let a Non-admin view (not edit) users - drupal

As an Admin, I can Find/View/Edit users in D6. I want a non-admin to be able to view user data (when they registered, their name and email) but NOT edit or change any info (esp. passwords).
Is there a module for this, or do I need to code a new permission.

how about a view that fetches user name and email?


Drupal maintain rejected user list and authenticate from among

Im developing a drupal website with multistep approval of users ,after
registration the admin rejects a user an email is sent to the user and the user
is deleted from drupal user table .
I want to perform a action where in after a user is rejected he will be kept in
a new table with the username and email .
If the same user contacts admin,the admin will remove the user from the rejected
users list ,because during registration for second time it should also check for
the user in the rejected user list.
Is i t something that is possible in Drupal?
Any pointers?
Everything is possible except the wooden stove! Show some effort, try something on your own and when you get stuck ask.
There's no out of box solution for this (that I know about it), but what I would do is make custom content type for storing users and use hook functions to insert/check existence of rejected users.
hook that is called when user is deleted:
hook that is called when node (rejected user) is deleted
But maybe your admin can just disable user instead of deleting it as first step - that way wouldn't need that extra table at all.

Wordpress Disable User Account?

I want to disable a user's account. When the user's account is disabled then the user should not able to login.
How can I disable user's accounts?
Well you could just delete it. Alternatively, go to the Users dashboard panel and change the user's role to "-- No role for this site --"
A quick Google search gave me the following plugin:
Disable Users
Once installed and activated, a checkbox appears on the user profile settings (only for admins). When checked, the users account will be disabled and they will be unable to login with the account. If they try to login, they are instantly logged out and redirected to the login page with a message that notifies them their account is disabled.
I think it's what you are looking for!
You can create a temporary user or disable user using the following plugin:
Temporary access for users
Temporary Access for users plugins creates the temporary user. If the admin wants to create a temporary user for some limited period of time like give temporary login to a user then this plugin is helpful to you.

drupal how to allow logged in user to edit specific content node?

I have a Drupal 7 site with single SSO via the LDAP module, which allows us to run the site as n Intranet and users that hit the site with IE will get automatically authenticated using their active directory credentials.
I have a personnel directory content type that holds a list of all of our employees and some of their stats (photo, email, phone number, etc.).
The problem I want to allow the logged in user to be able to edit the node in the personnel directory page that represents them, but because there is no relation between the logged in user and the nodes under the personnel directory content type I am not sure how to go about allowing users to edit their own entries?
The personnel directory page is automatically populated/updated via feeds (it looks at our AD, and pulls down users and updates them if it detects updates in AD meta data).
Somehow I need to tie the logged in user to the specific node, any idea how I could automate this as there are over 300+ nodes/users.
Ultimately, I'd like to have a "edit personnel bio" link that they can link, that will link based on their [current logged in user ID] it will allow them to edit the correct node in the [personnel directory] content type.
I hope this was clear enough to point me to some direction.
Thank you.
basically you want to create a user "role". Then in your permissions page (the one with 1000 checkboxes) you can add edit access to your "personnel bio" content type (or fields) for just that user role.
Then in your template you provide the user a link to the same page with /edit in the url.
Make sure the user has permissions to edit the node of that type. Upon creation of the node via feeds, create a rule (use the Rules module https://drupal.org/project/RULES) to change the creator of the node to that user's uid.
Add another field in the user's account to match their AD username to tie them together. To do this, create a module as seen at https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/8253/how-to-add-extra-fields-to-user-profile

Users are able to access old profile along with new one?

I have used Content Profile Module to make a content type of profile. I have then gone to my User management menu -> Permissions menu and given access to the "testuser" role to be able to create the new content type profile. Now when the user with the role logs on and clicks on "My profile" that has a path of sitename/user/username, he/she still goes back to the old profile and not the new content type I created. What am i doing wrong? All I want is users with "testuser" role to have a separate profile than the standard user. I sthis because my user has both roles of "standard user" and "testuser" ?
Yes. Drupal's access system is permissive: if any of a user's roles has a permission, the user will gain the permission as well.
It also sounds like you want to make the default tab for a user's profile to be your new content profile; if that's the case, check out this solution: Drupal - Set 'user/%/edit/uprofile' to default tab on 'user/%/edit'

drupal registration redirect and user details

After registration the user is redirected to a welcome page . How to get display the respective user details in redirected(welcome) page?.
for ex: welcome username . how to get user name in redirected page
When a user is logged in, you always have the global $user object available. So all you really need to do, is to access it and insert the name.
I'm not sure what page your users are redirected to, you can change that, but to alter the output you only need the normal theme/template overwrites that you can do with Drupal.
We do this using the Profile, Blocks, and Views modules. A view could include only the logged in username as you require, but ours also includes several profile fields that logged in users may choose to complete. The view has a block display - we configure that block to display only on certain page paths through the block administration screens.
You can use actions, and triggers.
Using them, you can define an action (show message to the user) that is triggered when a user logs in. The action to show a message to the user allows you to use tokens; one of them is for the username.
