How to update a xcode project to Cocos2d- 2.0 - xcode4

I just downloaded cocos2d~2.0 and I'm having trouble figuring out how to start a new Xcode project using the cocos2d~2.0. I can't open the read me file in the download either. Could someone who's done this give me step-by-step help?

did you try following the migration guide on the cocos2d site?


New Update of Xamarin.Forms

Today, I opened an old project that I had to do some updates and noticed that I had an update in XAmarin.Forms. I updated, but when I updated my project started to give errors in InitializeComponent.The previous version and it worked. Has anyone had the same problem as me and has been able to solve it?
I think you can try to remove all "bin" and "obj" directories and do a clean of your Solution. Rebuild first the XF project then the Android / iOS project.

Issue with open and running already existing Magnolia-CMS project

I started looking at the Magnolia CMS system and found a project on the web and I can't open it and run it.
This are the files:
I tried to add the files into apache folder and run it, I tried with Magnolia CLI to run it, but with no success.
I miss something, but I'm completely new to Magnolia, so I have no idea.
Thanks in advance.
These pages should be sufficient to get started.
If you fancy CLI, then
Hope that helps,

Getting error while creating DataSet in SpagoBI Studio

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Lorg/mozilla/javascript/ScriptOrFnNode;
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
Getting this error while creating Dataset in Studio.
I added
rhino jar,
updated the mysql-connector jar with the latest one.
Added jars in the project still am getting this error.
Please give some solution as soon as possible.
I searched over the internet and found that now BIRT plugins are removed from the eclipse market place so many dependency which is required for BIRT is not available even after adding SpagoBI plugins.
I downloaded "eclipse-reporting-mars-2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar" for mac OS from
You can easily download the eclipse for Windows,Mac or Linux OS from DOWNLOAD LINK provided in the right side.
In this IDE, Reports jars are present so you will not face any issue while creating the report or cockpit.
You just need to add the SpagoBI studio plugins in Eclipse plugin folder after that it will work without any error.
Thanks, Hope this will help.

BuildTasks.Csc task could not be loaded from the assembly?

I feel guilty asking a question like this around here, but I'm at a loss and would appreciate some help.
A proof-of-concept like web application was built on one PC and put up on a repo to download on another PC at a different location. There was originally an auto-build feature set up where Azure would build and publish automatically on check-in, but that was removed. Things were working on both ends until one side included a bulk of excluded changes. Now I'm seeing the following error:
The "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BuildTasks.Csc" task could not be
loaded from the assembly
Could not load file or assembly
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the assembly
and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a
public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to begin looking for the issue?
It turns out that NuGet packages were committed to the repository and breaking everything. Deleting the project\project\packages directory from the repo solved all build problems since NuGet fetches the packages automatically on build.
I got this error when I created a new branch for my project.
It drove me crazy for an hour. I tried most of the suggestions over the internet including the accepted answer to this question.
I then closed the project, opened it again, cleaned it and the error is gone. So this means this could be cache issue.
Anyways, just wanted to share.
I too tried the top answer with no luck so deleted the contents of my bin and packages dir, closed and re-opened VS and everything fine now.
I have tried all solutions described before, but none worked.
What solved it for me, was to update the Microsoft.Net.Compilers from the NuGet Package Manager
Right-click on your solution.
Go to Manage Nuget Packages.
Search for Microsoft.Net.Compilers.
Install or update on dependent projects as necessary.
Re-build, clean solution and restart Visual Studio worked for me.
Deleting the package and cleaning the solution solved it for me.
Deleting these three directories solves the problem.
NOTE: delete both /bin and /obj from all projects included in the solution (including Test projects).
Problem hides on TFS, you need to remove folder TestProject...\packages from TFS, check in, delete it from your local dir and build again. Worked!
Use the below step:
1) Delete the package folder.
2) close the visual studio.
3) open the project and rebuild the project.
I delete all from packages folder and rebuild solution. It's worked for me.
In my case: this works for me.
It turns out my teammate had already started looking into Windows 10 development and had Microsoft Build Tools 2015 installed on his machine.
I installed the software from and the problem was solved.
In my case, the solution was:
Use Windows Explorer and navigate to the offending path:
Right click on bin folder > select properties > Uncheck ReadOnly.
In my case, the solution was:
Right Click on Solution.
Go to Manage Nuget Packages for this Solution.
Search for Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.
Uninstall the searched Package.
Restart the Visual Studio.
I just tried this on a clean install of a Windows 10 machine and the issue for me ended up being that I didn't have the .NET 3.5 framework installed. This stackoverflow question helps explain why.
Cannot build WIX project on windows 10
Right Click on Solution.
Go to Manage Nuget Packages for this Solution.
Search forMicrosoft.Net.Compilers on Browse Section.
Deleting the bin folder worked for me
In vs2017 community there appeared a new item in the "build" menu. It disappeared after I used it and was called something like "Optimise project build packages". I clicked it and it fixed everything, just restart etc. I did it on two machines.
What it did was removed 2.10.0 and replaced with Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform 2.0.1
So there you go - more automagic...
My project was built with .Net Core 2.2 but I had .Net core 3.0 preview installed. I uninstalled .Net Core 3.0 from my system and went through all my class libraries, removing Microsoft.Net.Compilers 3.0, then rebuilt and it worked.
I moved my solution from one drive to another, and one of the files could not be copied because "in used", for which I click ignored, producing the error described in this post. Copying the missing file manually fixed it.
file: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis.dll
Destination directory: packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.1.0\tools
For me I was trying to open a MVC5 project in VS 2013 and I was getting this error, Opened it in VS 2017 and up it worked just fine.

How do you stop the www folder getting overwritten using phonegap in xcode 4

I followed the instructions for using a phonegap template in xcode 4 and dragged and dropped the autogenerated www folder into the project. The problem is that on each build it re-autogenerates the index.html which is overwriting my code. How do I stop this happening each build?
That was a bug with the release. Try downloading again and reinstalling the package. It should work now. You may need to set up your project again though.
For anyone having this issue see this link:
There will be a new installer soon apparently
