Jmeter http requests get 400 response code in some random thread - http

I wrote an test plan by using JMeter. it's structured like this:
Thread Group
HTTP Cache Manager
HTTP Cookie Manager
CSV Data Set Config
CSV Data Set Config
Index Page
a few Http requests
Random Order Controller
a few Http requests
login page
a few Http requests
Random Order Controller
a few Http requests
Throughput Controller
a few Http requests
Simple Controller
a few Http requests
View Results Tree
I run 50 threads, however, some random http request fails with "Response code:400" in a thread, but it's successful for in other threads.
So I'm don't know how to investigate on this, as it works fine sometimes but it fails once or twice.
Can anyone give me some suggestions? I will really appreciate with your help.

you're possibly over hitting it with 50 threads (wild guess) Gateway Timeout perhaps .
Look at
Note to implementors: some deployed proxies are known to return 400 or 500 when DNS lookups time out
if decreasing number of threads eliminates issue than it's not a test issue it's elsewhere.
Resolution details from the user1488025 :
We found the bug in mod_jk. Basically the default configuration of mod_jk doesn't work under high load, it will become slow, unresponsive, causes http error and half closed connections over time.


How to handle HTTP STATUS CODE 429 (Rate limiting) for a particular domain in Scrapy?

I am using Scrapy to build a broad crawler which will crawl a few thousand pages from 50-60 different domains.
I have encountered 429 status code sometimes. I am thinking of ways of dealing with it. I am trying to set polite policies regarding Concurrent requests per domain and autothrottle settings. This is a worst-case situation.
By default, Scrapy drops the request.
If we add 429 to RETRY_HTTP_CODES, Scrapy will use the default retry middleware which will schedule the request at the end of the queue. This will still allow other requests to the same domain to ping the server - Does this prolong the temporary block in place due to rate limiting? If not, why not use this approach only instead of trying other complex solutions as described below?
Another approach is to block the spider when it encounters a 429. However, one of the comments mentions that this will lead to a timeout in other active requests. Also, this would block requests to all the domains (which is an inefficient way as requests to other domains should continue normally). Does it make sense to temporarily reschedule requests to a particular domain instead of pinging the server continuously with other requests to the same domain? If yes, how to implement it in Scapy?
Does this solve the issue?
When Rate Limiting is already triggered - does sending more requests (which will receive a 429 response) prolong the time period for which rate limiting is applied? Or will it have no effect on rate limiting's time period?
How to pause scrapy to send requests to a particular domain, while continuing its other tasks (including requests to other domains)?
The default Retry Middleware cannot be used as it has a max retry counter - RETRY_TIMES. After this has expired for a particular request, that request is dropped - something that we don't want in the case of a 429.

Load balancing TCP traffic using Apache Camel with Netty leads to transaction failures

I am new to Apache Camel and Netty and this is my first project. I am trying to use Camel with the Netty component to load balance heavy traffic in a back end load test scenario.This is the setup I have right now:
The issue is unexpected buffer sizes that I am receiving in the response that I see in the client system sending tcp traffic to Camel. When I send multiple requests one after the other I see no issues and the buffer size is as expected. But, when I try running multiple users sending similar requests to Camel on the same port, I intermittently see unexpected buffer sizes, sometimes 0 bytes to sometimes even greater than the expected number of bytes. I tried playing around with multiple options mentioned in the Camel-Netty page like:
Increasing backlog
stream caching (did not work)
disabled useOriginalMessage for performance
System level TCP parameters, etc. among others.
I am yet to resolve the issue. I am not sure if I'm fundamentally missing something. I did take a look at the encoder/decoders and guess if that could be an issue. But, I don't understand why a load balancer needs to encode/decode messages. I have worked with other load balancers which just require endpoint configurations and hence, I am assuming that Camel does not require this. Am I right? Please know that the issue is not with my client/backend as I ran a 2000 user load test from my client to the backend with less than 1% failures but see a large number of failure ( not that there are no successes) with Camel. I have the following questions:
1.Is this a valid use-case for Apache Camel- Netty? Should I be looking at Mina or others?
2.Can I try to route tcp traffic to JMS or other components and then finally to the tcp endpoint?
3.Do I need encoders/decoders or should this configuration work?
4.Should I continue with this approach or try some other load balancer?
Please let me know if you have any other suggestions. TIA.
I also tried the same approach with netty4 and mina components. The route looks similar to the one in netty. The route with netty4 is as follows:
I read a few posts which had the same issue but did not find any solution relevant to my issue.
I increased the receive timeout at my client and immediately noticed the mismatch in expected buffer length issue fall to less than 1%. However, I see that the response times for each transaction when using Camel and not using it is huge; almost 10 times higher. Can you help me with reducing the response times for each transaction? The message received back at my client varies from 5000 to 20000 bytes. Here is my latest route:
I also used certain performance enhancements like:
Can you point me in the right direction about how I can reduce the individual transaction times?
For netty4 component there is no parameter called defaultCodec. It is called allowDefaultCodec.
Also, try something like this first.
The above means the data being sent is normal text. If you are sending byte or something else you will need to provide decoding/encoding for netty to handle the data.
And a side note. Before running the Camel route, test manually to send test messages via a standard tcp tool like sockettest to verify that everything works. Then implement the same via Camel. You can find sockettest here .
I finally solved the issue with the same route settings as above. The issue was with the Request and Response Delimiter not configured properly due to which it was either closing the connection too early leading to unexpected buffer sizes or it was waiting too long even after the entire buffer was received leading to high response times.

ASP.Net MVC Delayed requests arriving long after client browser closed

I think I know what is happening here, but would appreciate a confirmation and/or reading material that can turn that "think" into just "know", actual questions at the end of post in Tl,DR section:
I am in the middle of testing my MVC application for a case where one of the internal components is stalling (timeouts on connections to our database).
On one of my web pages there is a Jquery datatable which queries for an update via ajax every half a second - my current task is to display correct error if that data requests times out. So to test, I made a stored procedure that asks DB server to wait 3 seconds before responding, which is longer than the configured timeout settings - so this guarantees a time out exception for me to trap.
I am testing in Chrome browser, one client. Application is being debugged in VS2013 IIS Express
Did not expect the following symptoms to show up when my purposeful slow down is activated:
1) After launching the page with the rigged datatable, application slowed down in handling of all requests from the client browser - there are 3 other components that send ajax update requests parallel to the one I purposefully broke, and this same slow down also applied to any actions I made in the web application that would generate a request (like navigating to other pages). The browser's debugger showed the requests were being sent on time, but the corresponding break points on the server side were getting hit much later (delays of over 10 seconds to even a several minutes)
2) My server kept processing requests even after I close the tab with the application. I closed the browser, I made sure that the chrome.exe process is terminated, but breakpoints on various Controller actions were still getting hit for 20 minutes afterward - mostly on the actions that were "triggered" by automatically looping ajax requests from several pages I was trying to visit during my tests. Also breakpoints were hit on main pages I was trying to navigate to. On second test I used RawCap monitor the loopback interface to make sure that there was nothing actually making requests still running in the background.
Theory I would like confirmed or denied with an alternate explanation:
So the above scenario was making looped requests at a frequency that the server couldn't handle - the client datatable loop was sending them every .5 seconds, and each one would take at least 3 seconds to generate the timeout. And obviously somewhere in IIS express there has to be a limit of how many concurrent requests it is able to handle...
What was a surprise for me was that I sort of assumed that if that limit (which I also assumed to exist) was reached, then requests would be denied - instead it appears they were queued for an absolutely useless amount of time to be processed later - I mean, under what scenario would it be useful to process a queued web request half an hour later?
So my questions so far are these:
Tl,DR questions:
Does IIS Express (that comes with Visual Studio 2013) have a concurrent connection limit?
If yes :
Is this limit configurable somewhere, and if yes, where?
How does IIS express handle situations where that limit is reached - is that handling also configurable somewhere? ( i mean like queueing vs. immediate error like server is busy)
If no:
How does the server handle scenarios when requests are coming faster than they can be processed and can that handling be configured anywhere?
Here -
I found that IIS7 at least allowed unlimited number of silmulatneous connections, but how does that actually work if the server is just not fast enough to process all requests? Can a limit be configured anywhere, as well as handling of that limit being reached?
Would appreciate any links to online reading material on the above.
First, here's a brief web server 101. Production-class web servers are multithreaded, and roughly one thread = one request. You'll typically see some sort of setting for your web server called its "max requests", and this, again, roughly corresponds to how many threads it can spawn. Each thread has overhead in terms of CPU and RAM, so there's a very real upward limit to how many a web server can spawn given the resources the machine it's running on has.
When a web server reaches this limit, it does not start denying requests, but rather queues requests to handled once threads free up. For example, if a web server has a max requests of 1000 (typical) and it suddenly gets bombarded with 1500 requests. The first 1000 will be handled immediately and the further 500 will be queued until some of the initial requests have been responded to, freeing up threads and allowing some of the queued requests to be processed.
A related topic area here is async, which in the context of a web application, allows threads to be returned to the "pool" when they're in a wait-state. For example, if you were talking to an API, there's a period of waiting, usually due to network latency, between sending the request and getting a response from the API. If you handled this asynchronously, then during that period, the thread could be returned to the pool to handle other requests (like those 500 queued up requests from the previous example). When the API finally responded, a thread would be returned to finish processing the request. Async allows the server to handle resources more efficiently by using threads that otherwise would be idle to handle new requests.
Then, there's the concept of client-server. In protocols like HTTP, the client makes a request and the server responds to that request. However, there's no persistent connection between the two. (This is somewhat untrue as of HTTP 1.1. Connections between the client and server are sometimes persisted, but this is only to allow faster future requests/responses, as the time it takes to initiate the connection is not a factor. However, there's no real persistent communication about the status of the client/server still in this scenario). The main point here is that if a client, like a web browser, sends a request to the server, and then the client is closed (such as closing the tab in the browser), that fact is not communicated to the server. All the server knows is that it received a request and must respond, and respond it will, even though there's technically nothing on the other end to receive it, any more. In other words, just because the browser tab has been closed, doesn't mean that the server will just stop processing the request and move on.
Then there's timeouts. Both clients and servers will have some timeout value they'll abide by. The distributed nature of the Internet (enabled by protocols like TCP/IP and HTTP), means that nodes in the network are assumed to be transient. There's no persistent connection (aside from the same note above) and network interruptions could occur between the client making a request and the server responding to the request. If the client/server did not plan for this, they could simply sit there forever waiting. However, these timeouts are can vary widely. A server will usually timeout in responding to a request within 30 seconds (though it could potentially be set indefinitely). Clients like web browsers tend to be a bit more forgiving, having timeouts of 2 minutes or longer in some cases. When the server hits its timeout, the request will be aborted. Depending on why the timeout occurred the client may receive various error responses. When the client times out, however, there's usually no notification to the server. That means that if the server's timeout is higher than the client's, the server will continue trying to respond, even though the client has already moved on. Closing a browser tab could be considered an immediate client timeout, but again, the server is none the wiser and keeps trying to do its job.
So, what all this boils down is this. First, when doing long-polling (which is what you're doing by submitting an AJAX request repeatedly per some interval of time), you need to build in a cancellation scheme. For example, if the last 5 requests have timed out, you should stop polling at least for some period of time. Even better would be to have the response of one AJAX request initiate the next. So, instead of using something like setInterval, you could use setTimeout and have the AJAX callback initiate it. That way, the requests only continue if the chain is unbroken. If one AJAX request fails, the polling stops immediately. However, in that scenario, you may need some fallback to re-initiate the request chain after some period of time. This prevents bombarding your already failing server endlessly with new requests. Also, there should always be some upward limit of the time polling should continue. If the user leaves the tab open for days, not using it, should you really keep polling the server for all that time?
On the server-side, you can use async with cancellation tokens. This does two things: 1) it gives your server a little more breathing room to handle more requests and 2) it provides a way to unwind the request if some portion of it should time out. More information about that can be found at:

What is HTTP Status code 000?

Just switched some downloads over to the Akamai CDN network and I'm seeing some strange stuff in the log files they deliver. A number of entries have the status code 000. When I asked them they said that 000 is the status when the client disconnects without transferring the entire file. Since 000 doesn't appear to be a valid HTTP response code (from the RFC), I have to wonder if that's right.
There's a knowledge base article (requires login) which lists their log values:
Log Delivery Services (LDS) LDS will show a 000 for any 200 or 206
responses with a client abort: the object was served correctly from
the origin or edge, but the end-user terminated the
connection/transaction before it completed.
This is indeed a custom status because the standard log format doesn't include a field which can indicate a client abort.
000 is a common code to use when no HTTP code was received due to a network error. According to a knowledge base article for Amazon CloudFront, 000 also means that the client disconnected before completing the request for that service.
It normally means: No valid HTTP response code
(ie: Connection failed, or was aborted before any data happened).
I would guess that their are either network issues or Akamai isn't managing their webservers correctly.

HTTP 504 timeout after exactly 120 seconds

I have a server application which runs in the Amazon EC2 cloud. From my client (the browser) I make a HTTP request which uploads a file to the server which then processes the file. If there is a lot of processing (large file
), the server always times out with a 504 backend continuation error always exactly after 120 seconds. Though I get this error, the server continues to process the request and completes it (verified by checking the database) but I cannot see the final result on my client because of the timeout.
I am clueless as to why this is happening. Has anyone faced a similar 504 timeout ? Is there some intermediate proxy server not in my control which is timing out ?
I have a similar problem and in my case I believe it is due to the connection between the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) and the EC2 instance.
For a long-term solution I will go with the 303 Status response + back-end processing suggested by james.garriss above.
For short-term solution it may be possible for Amazon support to increase the ELB timeout (see their response in Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way to change the timeout yourself through either API or console.
[Update] AWS now does allow you to update the idle timeout either through console, CLI or .ebextensions configuration. See (thanks #Daniel Patz for the update)
Assuming that the correct status code is being returned, the problem is that an intermediate proxy is timing out. "The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI." ( It most likely indicates that the origin server is having some sort of issue (i.e., taking a long time to process your request), so it's not responding quickly.
Perhaps the best solution is to re-craft your server app so that it responds with a "303 See Other" status code; then your client can retrieve the data at a later data point, once the server is done processing and creates the final result.
Edit: Another idea is to re-craft your server app so that it responds with a "413 Request Entity Too Large" status code when the request entity size is too large. This will get rid of the error, though it may make your app less useful if it can only process "small" files."
Other possible solutions:
Increase timeout value of the proxy (if it's under your control)
Make your request to a different server (if there's another, faster server with the same app)
Make your request differently (if possible) such that you are sending less data at a time
it is possible that the browser timeouts during the script execution.
