Glassfish docroot and unreachable crossdomain - glassfish-3

I am trying to access a webservice from Flex. The webserivce is deployed on Glassfish 3.1 application server. Now, Flex needs a "crossdomain.xml" file at the root (top-level) of the server.
Here is the problem: I searched and found that the crossdomain file should be inside the docroot directory (c:\Glassfish3\Glassfish\domains\domain1\docroot). That is exactly the where I put it, and yet I get a 404 when I try to reach it.
I also tried putting it under applications but it didn't work.
What should I do?
Thank you,

OK, I found the answer, though I'm not sure that this is recommended.
Inside Glassfish admin console, under configurations --> server-config --> Network config --> http-listener-1.
I changed the address from "" to the actual IP address of the server.
Now It works fine and I am getting access to crossdomain.xml, but as I said, I am not so sure that this action is recommended and won't make other errors.
Thank you.


Alfresco callling wrong ports after applying amps

Hello i am having a very strange problem that happens when i apply amps in my local alfresco installation. The process of applying amps goes smoothly, and alfresco starts up normally, but if i try to open share the following exception happens:
2014-05-27 17:53:49,205 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-apr-8584-exec-5] Exception calling (GET) http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/remoteadm/has/alfresco/site-data/template-types/org/alfresco/simple-guest.xml?s=sitestore
Has anyone got any ideas why is this happening? I know for sure that the problem is in the port share is trying to call, because i do not have it set up on 8080, but i do not know why is share calling this port?
Your AMP file must contain one share-config-custom.xml under which one of the config is pointing to this 8080 port. This issue is most probably because of that only.
So, extract your entire AMP.
Check for that 8080 port reference.
Replace it with port you are using for alfresco.
Again create AMP.
Apply new AMP (Change version of AMP to next version)
Hope this will solve your issue.

deploying meteor on my own server

I want to deploy my meteor app on my Ubuntu server, I used
and everything went successfully, But i simply can't launch my app from the browser.
I'm putting my ip address and getting a 404 The requested URL / was not found on this server.
I have apache2 running, and i removed its redirection to 8080 (i used it to tomcat before)
(the reason i didn't use is because i don't have my source code on git)
Which port are you using? It seems a proper export PATH=nnnn; is missing... or maybe you are not including the port number in your browser's address bar, like for port 1234.
I am in a similar adventure of yours, and I've just posted the results of my experience here!
I didn't use nor, but ended up following their path...

How to PUT and POST image files to Apache2 using vhosts? (without PHP)

I want to simply POST and PUT image files to a server, using apache2. This should result in storing the image file at the desired location. Lets say /srv/web/images/
What would be a working vhost configuration? Are there any modules that need to be activated? I am using apache2 on an ubuntu 12.04 server.
I think by default this is disabled in apache for obvious resons, nobdoy should be able to write to a server in the default configuration.
I want to simply secure it with http auth ("user1" / "pass1").
All the documentation and questions I find deal with PHP, but I thought should be possible using simply a REST URI and apache2 without PHP or cgi or a C program.
(Note: I am interessted in a solution without webdav (but I am not sure if the webdav module supports HTTP PUT which would be OK). And this question has got nothing to with forms or browsers, As an example the upload could use the program curl.)
Update: I found this message:
It seems there once was a module mod_put, which is no longer in the repos of ubuntu. And that webdav has built in the functionality of PUT and DELETE.
If so, I am still unable to understand how to do the right VHOST configuration for simple FILE PUT operations.
I think nowadays for this kind of stuff you configure apache with WebDAV.

URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration

In my site i am getting problem as like following.....
Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /homepages/46/d390162509/htdocs/public_html/sugapps/wp-content/themes/grizzly-theme/base/shortcodes/image.php on line 89
Warning: getimagesize( [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /homepages/46/d390162509/htdocs/public_html/sugapps/wp-content/themes/grizzly-theme/base/shortcodes/image.php on line 89
I am trying various way but I am not succeeded . It's working locally as well but looking problem in server. Also I have no php.ini file Becaused it's sheared hoising....
If it's possible for anyone to solve this or give me any well information to solve this problem , I will pleased with you. If you want to see this problem in my site, you can visit:
I understand this error to be related to a setting in the php.ini file when allow_url_fopen and or allow_url_include is set to OFF. If it's possible for you to host the file(s) locally, that would be best. Assuming by the file path it's a theme, that shouldn't be a problem. Good luck!
This means that the hosting company you are using has disabled this feature in php, you can not do it. I suspect it's turned off specifically for remote files since many hosts turn that off.
I encountered the same issue. I am going to inquire with my 3rd party web provider but I also found a work around. That is have all *.php files in the same directory.

Developing ASP.NET Facebook App Locally

I've searched around and found a lot of advice saying to modify the hosts file as such:
I've done that, but my actual site at is still being used. Any other troubleshooting steps I could take? Any other suggestions?
Restart your browser, try ipconfig /flushdns (I'm a bit hazy on Windows DNS caching so that may or may not help here) or restart your computer. Unless you've done something really weird, the hosts file should have priority, so something must be caching the DNS result.
simply setup your canvas address as localhost. Unless you're using FBML, it works. See for an example.
Just make your redirect_uri your localhost address like:{consumerKey}&redirect_uri=http://localhost:4403/Handshake
I have mine set up in visual studio to switch between localhost and live return_url's depending on whether debug or release is selected
