how to stop user to use back button -

I have one button on page, page name abc.aspx . when user click on that button
it should redirect to finishwork.aspx page.
After finishwork.aspx page user must not go back to abc.aspx page. when user press back button in browser, he should be redirect to workallreadyfinish.aspx page

Disable caching on that pages and avoid caching the page.

location.replace() can be used to replace your page in the history.

There are many ways to accomplish this, but, as you are using ASP.NET and I'm going to assume, WebForms, why don't you make use of the <asp:Wizard> control?
You will be able to have a much detailed control over your steps and block the user to go back and all sort of nice things.
If you want to take the normal way, you can always warn the user that the page will no longer be valid using a javascript event.
You can also make use of hashing and submit the form by an ajax call instead of a normal POST
You can write a cookie once the form is submitted and the next time, show such warning, so even if the user goes back and press the Submit button again, you will not care. Remember to erase the Cookie on if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ... }

Having your user workflow around the browser back button is not such a good idea.
Browser back buttons are not entire in your control.
If you want to provide a logical back in your application, use a back button in your application.
If you only want that a user cannot go back to a page, you should tell the browser not to cache it set the page to expire.

You can use javascript function for this:-
function disableBackButton()
setTimeout("disableBackButton()", 0);


user input link will go back to login once the user logged in it will go to the link earlier input instead of dashboard

Sorry to ask but I don't what is the exact call on this.
I have a scenario for example I paste this link localhost/Dashboard/Treatment the user will go back to the login page once the user logged it will go to this localhost/Dashboard/Treatment instead of Main Page using
I need is only the exactly the call on this process so that I will do the research.
Sorry beginner :)
If you are using login control, you can use DestinationPageUrl property in your code.
If you just use things like text boxes and button controls, then in your Button_Click event, you can just use Response.Redirect("DestinationHere").
If you don't want change anything in your page, you can add return RedirectToAction({actionName}, {controllerName}); in your login method.

Validation using navigation

I have some pages in my website and a left menu control. Control helps to navigate from one page to another.
My query is -> While user try to navigate to another page, I want to impose some validation like in the current page if the form is not saved, user will be asked to save it by using a confirm messagebox and if user presses no button, then user will be allowed to navigate otherwise, system will first save the details and then navigate.
Edit - My page is a content page, I meant, this is using a master page.
Use the following steps
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
and a function that stops/continue the page execution.
function confirmExit() {
var email= document.getElementById("email");
if (email.value != "")
return "You have attempted to leave this page. If you have made any changes to the fields without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?";
The way I would do this is to have an onbeforeunload javascript event fire which gives the user the choice to save the form. I personally would also poll the form saving data back whist they are completing it. I think this is the method SO uses.
There is a pretty decent example over on Code Project that may help
If you only want to call the save method you can mark it with the [WebMethod] filter and call it using XmlHttpRequest or jQuery's $.post

how to disable back button in browser when user logout in classic ASP

I need to disable the back button whenever the user logsout or gets logged in VBScript. Currently when the user clicks it is going back to application again. I want the user to be directed to login page when he clicks back button or it is fine if I could disable the back button.could anyone help me on this please.
You CANNOT disable the back button of the browser. This is the way the web works, embrace it.
That said, you can expire the pages to prevent the browser from caching them:
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
Response.Expires = 0
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Check this article: A Thorough Examination of "Disabling the Back Button." for more info
It's a dirty trick, but you could include this little javascript in the head of every page:
Ofcourse, people that have javascript disabled will be able to use the back button just fine.
I agree with Eduardo, it's better to leave the back button functional, it frustrates users if it doesn't work as expected.
The best solution would be to have an include at the top of every page that checks if a user is logged in and if not, redirect to the login page.
You need to check that anyway, because if you don't check on every page it means that people can go to that page without logging in if they know the URL.
you can check session value on top of every page and if session value is blank then redirect to login page, so when user logged out it clear session value then if some one come on that page and do any operation it will not allow to do any operation on that page.

Implementing Back button functionality in

i need to implement a back button for my website.I am able to use the javascript method to acheive my requirement.But using this method sometimes I need to click on the back button multiple number times to go back to the previous page.It may be because we are using jquery tabs in our website.To focus on a particular tab,other than the 1st tab on page load I am using Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(....).So I am unable to take the user back to the previous page with just one click.
I also tried with methods mentioned in the following link.
I am able to go back to the previous page, but its state is being lost.Could someone please help me in acheiveing my requirement?
I have page1.aspx,page2.aspx(which contains jquery tabs view/edit).
In the page1.aspx there are 2 buttons(View,Edit).If I click on view button it takes me to page2.aspx View tab(1st tab) and if I click on the edit button it has to take me to page2.aspx with Edit tab loaded.both View/Edit tabs contain back button.
Also from the View tab I can navigate to the Edit tab,by clicking on another Edit button present in it.
The methods you have covered in your question are essentially what is available to you.
You can either
1. Provide a link that uses javascript to make the client go back a page.
2. Provide a link that posts back to the server that redirects you back a page.
I am not sure why the jquery in your webform as described in your question is causing you to click more that once to go back. If you know that it will always take 2 clicks to go back you could try this method:
javascript: window.history.go(-2)
When you are using the postback/redirect method you will always be using a http GET method to retrieve the page you are returning too. If you want to maintain state you will have to do this manually i.e. save the values when leaving the page somewhere, like session or a temporary database, and when returning to the page, during the page load, check to see if the user has these values saved and pre-populate them.
I've done something similar (with automatic redirections though) and I had to keep track of the number of pages to go back in my ViewState (or Session if you're jumping from page to page):
public void Page_Load()
Session["pagesToGoBack"] = ((int)Session["pagesToGoBack"])++;
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick='javascript:history.go(<%= Session["pagesToGoBack"] %>);' />
Be careful to reset the session variable when needed
Made me feel a bit dirty but it worked :)

How do I remove a page from the browser history?

I have an have an ASP.Net page which contains a button. This Page contains a ServerSide Paypal button.
When pushed my server does various clever things on the back end and then rewrites the response as a form and some javascript which posts this form to paypal..
This all works great.
However, if the user then elects to click back, they will arrive at my generated self-posting form and that will forward them again to Paypal.
I thought if I could find a way to have my generated form page not exist in the history, then this will solve my problem. but I have no idea how to correct this.
How can I remove my page from the history or just have it never appear?
Update: Thanks to all... Those are some great answers. Upvoted all good ones but went with splattne on account of clever use of hidden field rather than cookies for basis of decision.
Replace the current document with the
one at the provided URL. The
difference from the assign() method is
that after using replace() the current
page will not be saved in session
history, meaning the user won't be
able to use the Back button to
navigate to it.
I'm not sure if that can be done. But here is an idea how you could prevent that resubmit of the form.
You could insert a hidden input in your form which at the beginning would be empty. On submit you'll write a value in that field and make sure you check on every submit attempt if this field is empty.
If it is not empty on submit you know that the form was previously sent and you could warn the user.
As a web application, you'll never have full control of the user's browser. Even if there was a way to instruct the browser to not store the page in history, which I doubt, you can't be sure it'll work. For example, a clever user could tweak an open-source browser to store every page in history, no matter what.
I think you should try to approach the problem from another angle. You could, for example, detect that it's the same form which is being forwarded and not send it to paypal the second time. The important thing is to do it server-side.
Perhaps you could set a cookie before submitting the form.
When the page is loaded, check for the existence of that cookie (meaning the form was already submitted). If found, instead of automatically submitting the form, automatically go back (window.history.back()) again.
I'm not sure if you can do this easily with PayPal integration, but the
"Post / Redirect / Get" pattern can be used to address this problem
A useful Hint for some might be this...
particularly in the advent of a load failure warning popup.
You could simply programme your page not to submit, or to do something / navigate somewhere else, if window.referer is the Paypal page you are trying to avoid invoking a second time.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("", "<script>if(history.length>0)history.go(+1);</script>");
