Implementing Back button functionality in -

i need to implement a back button for my website.I am able to use the javascript method to acheive my requirement.But using this method sometimes I need to click on the back button multiple number times to go back to the previous page.It may be because we are using jquery tabs in our website.To focus on a particular tab,other than the 1st tab on page load I am using Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(....).So I am unable to take the user back to the previous page with just one click.
I also tried with methods mentioned in the following link.
I am able to go back to the previous page, but its state is being lost.Could someone please help me in acheiveing my requirement?
I have page1.aspx,page2.aspx(which contains jquery tabs view/edit).
In the page1.aspx there are 2 buttons(View,Edit).If I click on view button it takes me to page2.aspx View tab(1st tab) and if I click on the edit button it has to take me to page2.aspx with Edit tab loaded.both View/Edit tabs contain back button.
Also from the View tab I can navigate to the Edit tab,by clicking on another Edit button present in it.

The methods you have covered in your question are essentially what is available to you.
You can either
1. Provide a link that uses javascript to make the client go back a page.
2. Provide a link that posts back to the server that redirects you back a page.
I am not sure why the jquery in your webform as described in your question is causing you to click more that once to go back. If you know that it will always take 2 clicks to go back you could try this method:
javascript: window.history.go(-2)
When you are using the postback/redirect method you will always be using a http GET method to retrieve the page you are returning too. If you want to maintain state you will have to do this manually i.e. save the values when leaving the page somewhere, like session or a temporary database, and when returning to the page, during the page load, check to see if the user has these values saved and pre-populate them.

I've done something similar (with automatic redirections though) and I had to keep track of the number of pages to go back in my ViewState (or Session if you're jumping from page to page):
public void Page_Load()
Session["pagesToGoBack"] = ((int)Session["pagesToGoBack"])++;
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick='javascript:history.go(<%= Session["pagesToGoBack"] %>);' />
Be careful to reset the session variable when needed
Made me feel a bit dirty but it worked :)


Cross-page posting with target _blank leaves source page unfunctional

I'm trying to describe it in as few steps as possible:
I have Page1.aspx with lot of controls, and Preview and Save button among those. I also have Page2.aspx that is the redirection target of a Preview Button click.
Since I need all the controls selections from Page1 to draw a preview on Page2 the redirection is done with setting Preview's PostBackUrl.
I also must have preview shown on a new tab or window so I used onClientClick="'_blank'" for Preview button definition.
Save button-click callback, after storing data to a database does redirection to some Page0.aspx (initial list of reports - the subject of the code)
Preview button works fine - a preview renders in a new tab, but when I go to the old tab and click on Save, I see from debugger, that firstly Page2.aspx(?) and secondly Page1.aspx are loaded. Then all the data is stored in the db, but though Page0 redirection is executed Page1.aspx stays loaded in the browser.
I have no idea what processes are behind this. Could one who knows give me an insight? Or if you consider my approach impossible to implement give some idea how to do the same?
If it's of importance, everything on the Page1 is located in an update panel.
Thank you very much for replying
In ASP.NET there are basically zero (0) circumstances in which you will ever send form data from one page to another. Although what exactly you are trying to accomplish is vague, you can consider some of the following:
Isolate unique operations/systems to a single page. If you have something like a User Profile, don't have three different aspx pages; just use a single page for the user or admin to manage that data / functions. Postback events are your friend.
Understand the difference between ViewState and traditional form data. I'm guessing that if you're trying to post form data from one page to another, you probably don't understand the point of ViewState. Using a single page to maintain temporary data that the user is currently working with is a great use for ViewState. If you want the data to appear on another page then you need to consider the data from the previous page as final and thus should be saved to a database or some other medium.
These are just some general guidelines because there is no exact answer to your problem without saying something generic like "You're doing it wrong." I would recommend starting by never again trying to post form data from one aspx page to another.

Preserve selected option with back button, using jquery mobile & & ajax

I thought this would be a trivial feature, but I have lost a fair bit of hair trying to figure it out. I have a jquery mobile web page with a select menu. Users click an item in the drop down list, then later click on a link and navigate to another page. Users then click the back button. The desired result is that the selected item remains selected. Right now, the selection is lost, and it defaults to the first element in the list again.
Things I've tried:
1) Use an dropdownlist with autopostback. This preserves the selected option, but then I get a page flicker because the entire page is posted back.
2) Wrap above dropdownlist in an updatepanel. This preserves, doesn't flicker, but it wipes out the jquery mobile styling. Also tried some suggested workarounds with firing a jquery create event, but couldn't get anything working.
3) Write cookies on the select change event in javascript, and read them in the asp page_load event. However, page_load is not called when the back button is clicked, so this had no effect.
4) Tried creating a jquery ajax request to a web page method, but the method must be static and therefore I can't get it to modify the page.
Any other ideas? Is it just me or should this indeed be a problem that's been solved a million times?
As an FYI, I am a newbie at web programming, so please spell it out if you have an answer :) (come from a c++/database background).
Turns out even the date scroller could not survive a back button in some cases. For example if the user navigates to another site, and then uses the back button to come back to my jquery mobile site, all my javascript dom manipulations are lost. The solution is non-trivial. I store everything I need to maintain state of a page using html 5 local storage. On the jqm show page event, I detect if all my global variables have been wiped clean, and if so, reload state from local storage. Works perfectly, but it is quite an implementation task. And of course, if local storage is not supported by underlying browser, it all falls to pieces.

Ajax enabled search for products with multiple criteria

want to have search functionality as on this website
here whenever the user filters search(checks any checkbox), it updates results accordingly,
that can be understood as an ajax filter.
But at the same time, the query string also reflects for the change,
which helps the user to bookmark the filter search for later reference.
changing it through may cause the page to reload..
any hint or suggestions on implementing the same would be really helpful..
This can be done with the help of 3 things together
1) as #Aristos said, checkboxes with Auto Postback enabled
2) Ajax control toolkit Modalpopup, which gets fired automatically on every async postback ( or
3) History Points (
This can be done completely without the use of jQuery, if you dont want to use it.
-- For the first part, he have a set of check boxes list with autopostback.
In every post back the list is updated base on the selected check box.
All is simple until now, the cool is that is have a nice interactive interface (made with javascript and jQuery).
-- About the second part, how its change the url so can be bookmark with out reload the page. The trick here is that is place the parameters after the anchor # eg:
Using the anchor # the page is not reload and stay as it is. So when some one click on the check boxes, via javascript is also update the url, but only what is after the # so the page stay as is with out fully reload.
Now the parameters after the # can not read on code behind but only via javascript.
So when you have bookmark this page and you go direct to eg /new/search.aspx#budget=2 the javascript reads what is after the # and translate it to commands, check the appropriate checkboxes, and ask for refresh the content. All that can be done only via javascript.
I see that is use the jQuery history plugin as helper with this schema.
The same trick with parameters after # is done from amazon, when you navigate on catalog, from page to page.
-- One more clever trick that is done is that is open a full page wait, so the user can not interact with the page until the page is ready again. If it not do that, and the user make very fast two clicks on the check boxes, then this can cause a full page post back on updatepanel and this can lose the previous settings.

Validation using navigation

I have some pages in my website and a left menu control. Control helps to navigate from one page to another.
My query is -> While user try to navigate to another page, I want to impose some validation like in the current page if the form is not saved, user will be asked to save it by using a confirm messagebox and if user presses no button, then user will be allowed to navigate otherwise, system will first save the details and then navigate.
Edit - My page is a content page, I meant, this is using a master page.
Use the following steps
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
and a function that stops/continue the page execution.
function confirmExit() {
var email= document.getElementById("email");
if (email.value != "")
return "You have attempted to leave this page. If you have made any changes to the fields without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?";
The way I would do this is to have an onbeforeunload javascript event fire which gives the user the choice to save the form. I personally would also poll the form saving data back whist they are completing it. I think this is the method SO uses.
There is a pretty decent example over on Code Project that may help
If you only want to call the save method you can mark it with the [WebMethod] filter and call it using XmlHttpRequest or jQuery's $.post

Pass a value and reload User Control from Javascript

I have a User control (because I use the same in other page, so I thought I should reuse code and not double my work), but in this page I show a list of companies and each one has a company number, I need to pass this company number to that User Control and it has to reload using that passed company number.
How can I accomplish this?
what I have so far:
alt text
the Show company structure link is made of
<a href="javascript:showStruct('112:201334607','5564967221');"
class="showStructLink">Show company structure</a>
the showStruct method is written like
function showStruct(pid, cnr) {
if (_showStrut == 0)
// fancy stuff to be more apealing visually
// enable Search Results tab to be clicked in order to get back
.bind("click", function() { hideStructure(); });
// pass the company number and reload wcCompanyStruture web user control
// __doPostBack('RefreshWebUserControl', cnr);
I can make a simple aspx page with the control inside and from jQuery invoke $.get() to run and populate the control correctly, but I really want to learn how to do this properly, using the ASP.NET AJAX Method to send a number and call RefreshData on it
using code-behind it is easy to refresh the user control, just invoking
what do I need to do in my User Control side and well in the showStruct method to create this behavior?
All help is appreciated, Thank you.
I know this is not the answer to you question but I think you may be asking the wrong question.
It looks to me as if you have a search result+details view scenario that you are going about the wrong way.
When you click "Show Company structure" you want to see the details on the second tab right? If this is the case then the tab approach would be confusing to the user, it would be better with a modal popup that shows the details. No postback just AJAX load a page with the details into a modal popup window.
This is very easy with JQuery using the dialog widget in JQueryUI and the AJAX load function $('#SomeDiv').load('details.aspx?id='+companyid);
It would give a much better user experience and it is surprisingly simple to code.
I hope this helps.
You can use a LinkButton for each "Show Company Structure" link, and set the CommandArgument property with the corresponding company id. The LinkButton will cause a postback.
A second solution would be to use a hidden variable : <input type="hidden" id="hiddenCompanyNumber"> and set it's value in the showStruct method. You can then call __doPostBack(), for which you need a control upon which to postback I think.
All in all, I think the first solution is less hacky.
You can find it here
don't worry about the article title it has what you need Just do the four steps and you are ready to go.
