MVC3 AsyncController - Can we send heartbeat data to the client? -

In order to overcome the (apparent) 4 minute idle connection timeout on the Azure load balancer, it seems necessary to send some data down the pipe to the client every now and again to keep the connection from being regarded as idle.
Our controller is set up as an AsyncController, and it fires several different asynchronous methods on other objects, all of which are set up to use IO Completion Ports. Thus, we return from our method immediately, and when the completion packet is processed, IIS hooks back up to the original request so that we can render our View.
Is there any way to periodically send a few bytes down the wire in this case? In a "classic" situation, we could have executed the method and then just spun while we waited, sending data every few seconds until the asynchronous method was complete. But, in this situation, the IIS thread is freed to go do other business, and we hook back up to it in our completion callback. What to do? Is this possible?

While your particular case concerns Windows Azure specific (the 4 minute timeout of LBs), the question is pure IIS / ASP.NET workwise. Anyway, I don't think it is possible to send "ping-backs" to the client while in AsyncController/AsyncPage. This is the whole idea of the AsyncPages/Controllers. The IIS leaves the socket aside having the thread serving other requests. And gets back only when you got the OutstandingOperations to zero with AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement(); Only then the control is given back to send final response to the client. And once you are the point of sending response, there is no turning back.
I would rather argue for the architectural approach of why you thing someone would wait 4 minutes to get a response (even with a good animated "please wait")? A lot of things may happen during this time. From browser crash, through internet disruption to total power loss/disruption at client. If you are doing real Azure, why not just send tasks for a Worker Role via a Queue (Azure Storage Queues or Service Bus Queues). The other option that stays in front of you for so long running tasks is to use SingalR and fully AJAXed solution. Where you communicate via SignalR the status of the long running operation.
UPDATE 1 due to comments
In addition to the approach suggested by #knightpfhor this can be also achieved with a Queues. Requestor creates a task with some Unique ID and sends it to "Task submission queue". Then "listens" (or polls at regular/irregular intervals) a "Task completion" queue for a message with given Task ID.
In any way I don't see a reason for keeping client connected for the whole duration of the long running task. There are number of ways to decouple such communication.


High response time vs queuing

Say I have a webserivce used internally by other webservices with an average response time of 1 minute.
What are the pros and cons of such a service with "synchronous" responses versus making the service return id of the request, process it in the background and make the clients poll for results?
Is there any cons with HTTP connections which stay active for more than one minute? Does the default keep alive of TCP matters here?
Depending on your application it may matter. Couple of things worth mentioning are !
HTTP protocol is sync
There is very wide misconception that HTTP is async. Http is synchronous protocol but your client could deal it async. E.g. when you call any service using http, your http client may schedule is on the background thread (async). However The http call will be waiting until either it's timeout or response is back , during all this time the http call chain is awaiting synchronously.
Since HTTP uses socket and there is hard limit on sockets. Every HTTP connection (if created new every time) opens up new socket . if you have hundreds of requests at a time you can image how many http calls are scheduled synchronously and you may run of sockets. Not sure for other operation system but on windows even if you are done with request sockets they are not disposed straight away and stay for couple of mins.
Network Connectivity
Keeping http connection alive for long is not recommended. What if you loose network partially or completely ? your http request would timeout and you won't know the status at all.
Keeping all these things in mind it's better to schedule long running tasks on background process.
If you keep the user waiting while your long job is running on server, you are tying up a valuable HTTP connection while waiting.
Best practice from RestFul point of view is to reply an HTTP 202 (Accepted) and return a response with the link to poll.
If you want to hang the client while waiting, you should set a request timeout at the client end.
If you've some Firewalls in between, that might drop connections if they are inactive for some time.
Higher Response Throughput
Typically, you would want your OLTP (Web Server) to respond quickly as possible, Since your queuing the task on the background, your web server can handle more requests which results to higher response throughput and processing capabilities.
More Memory Friendly
Queuing long running task on background jobs via messaging queues, prevents abusive usage of web server memory. This is good because it will increase the Out of memory threshold of your application.
More Resilient to Server Crash
If you queue task on the background and something goes wrong, the job can be queued to a dead-letter queue which helps you to ultimately fix problems and re-process the request that caused your unhandled exceptions.

ASP.Net MVC Delayed requests arriving long after client browser closed

I think I know what is happening here, but would appreciate a confirmation and/or reading material that can turn that "think" into just "know", actual questions at the end of post in Tl,DR section:
I am in the middle of testing my MVC application for a case where one of the internal components is stalling (timeouts on connections to our database).
On one of my web pages there is a Jquery datatable which queries for an update via ajax every half a second - my current task is to display correct error if that data requests times out. So to test, I made a stored procedure that asks DB server to wait 3 seconds before responding, which is longer than the configured timeout settings - so this guarantees a time out exception for me to trap.
I am testing in Chrome browser, one client. Application is being debugged in VS2013 IIS Express
Did not expect the following symptoms to show up when my purposeful slow down is activated:
1) After launching the page with the rigged datatable, application slowed down in handling of all requests from the client browser - there are 3 other components that send ajax update requests parallel to the one I purposefully broke, and this same slow down also applied to any actions I made in the web application that would generate a request (like navigating to other pages). The browser's debugger showed the requests were being sent on time, but the corresponding break points on the server side were getting hit much later (delays of over 10 seconds to even a several minutes)
2) My server kept processing requests even after I close the tab with the application. I closed the browser, I made sure that the chrome.exe process is terminated, but breakpoints on various Controller actions were still getting hit for 20 minutes afterward - mostly on the actions that were "triggered" by automatically looping ajax requests from several pages I was trying to visit during my tests. Also breakpoints were hit on main pages I was trying to navigate to. On second test I used RawCap monitor the loopback interface to make sure that there was nothing actually making requests still running in the background.
Theory I would like confirmed or denied with an alternate explanation:
So the above scenario was making looped requests at a frequency that the server couldn't handle - the client datatable loop was sending them every .5 seconds, and each one would take at least 3 seconds to generate the timeout. And obviously somewhere in IIS express there has to be a limit of how many concurrent requests it is able to handle...
What was a surprise for me was that I sort of assumed that if that limit (which I also assumed to exist) was reached, then requests would be denied - instead it appears they were queued for an absolutely useless amount of time to be processed later - I mean, under what scenario would it be useful to process a queued web request half an hour later?
So my questions so far are these:
Tl,DR questions:
Does IIS Express (that comes with Visual Studio 2013) have a concurrent connection limit?
If yes :
Is this limit configurable somewhere, and if yes, where?
How does IIS express handle situations where that limit is reached - is that handling also configurable somewhere? ( i mean like queueing vs. immediate error like server is busy)
If no:
How does the server handle scenarios when requests are coming faster than they can be processed and can that handling be configured anywhere?
Here -
I found that IIS7 at least allowed unlimited number of silmulatneous connections, but how does that actually work if the server is just not fast enough to process all requests? Can a limit be configured anywhere, as well as handling of that limit being reached?
Would appreciate any links to online reading material on the above.
First, here's a brief web server 101. Production-class web servers are multithreaded, and roughly one thread = one request. You'll typically see some sort of setting for your web server called its "max requests", and this, again, roughly corresponds to how many threads it can spawn. Each thread has overhead in terms of CPU and RAM, so there's a very real upward limit to how many a web server can spawn given the resources the machine it's running on has.
When a web server reaches this limit, it does not start denying requests, but rather queues requests to handled once threads free up. For example, if a web server has a max requests of 1000 (typical) and it suddenly gets bombarded with 1500 requests. The first 1000 will be handled immediately and the further 500 will be queued until some of the initial requests have been responded to, freeing up threads and allowing some of the queued requests to be processed.
A related topic area here is async, which in the context of a web application, allows threads to be returned to the "pool" when they're in a wait-state. For example, if you were talking to an API, there's a period of waiting, usually due to network latency, between sending the request and getting a response from the API. If you handled this asynchronously, then during that period, the thread could be returned to the pool to handle other requests (like those 500 queued up requests from the previous example). When the API finally responded, a thread would be returned to finish processing the request. Async allows the server to handle resources more efficiently by using threads that otherwise would be idle to handle new requests.
Then, there's the concept of client-server. In protocols like HTTP, the client makes a request and the server responds to that request. However, there's no persistent connection between the two. (This is somewhat untrue as of HTTP 1.1. Connections between the client and server are sometimes persisted, but this is only to allow faster future requests/responses, as the time it takes to initiate the connection is not a factor. However, there's no real persistent communication about the status of the client/server still in this scenario). The main point here is that if a client, like a web browser, sends a request to the server, and then the client is closed (such as closing the tab in the browser), that fact is not communicated to the server. All the server knows is that it received a request and must respond, and respond it will, even though there's technically nothing on the other end to receive it, any more. In other words, just because the browser tab has been closed, doesn't mean that the server will just stop processing the request and move on.
Then there's timeouts. Both clients and servers will have some timeout value they'll abide by. The distributed nature of the Internet (enabled by protocols like TCP/IP and HTTP), means that nodes in the network are assumed to be transient. There's no persistent connection (aside from the same note above) and network interruptions could occur between the client making a request and the server responding to the request. If the client/server did not plan for this, they could simply sit there forever waiting. However, these timeouts are can vary widely. A server will usually timeout in responding to a request within 30 seconds (though it could potentially be set indefinitely). Clients like web browsers tend to be a bit more forgiving, having timeouts of 2 minutes or longer in some cases. When the server hits its timeout, the request will be aborted. Depending on why the timeout occurred the client may receive various error responses. When the client times out, however, there's usually no notification to the server. That means that if the server's timeout is higher than the client's, the server will continue trying to respond, even though the client has already moved on. Closing a browser tab could be considered an immediate client timeout, but again, the server is none the wiser and keeps trying to do its job.
So, what all this boils down is this. First, when doing long-polling (which is what you're doing by submitting an AJAX request repeatedly per some interval of time), you need to build in a cancellation scheme. For example, if the last 5 requests have timed out, you should stop polling at least for some period of time. Even better would be to have the response of one AJAX request initiate the next. So, instead of using something like setInterval, you could use setTimeout and have the AJAX callback initiate it. That way, the requests only continue if the chain is unbroken. If one AJAX request fails, the polling stops immediately. However, in that scenario, you may need some fallback to re-initiate the request chain after some period of time. This prevents bombarding your already failing server endlessly with new requests. Also, there should always be some upward limit of the time polling should continue. If the user leaves the tab open for days, not using it, should you really keep polling the server for all that time?
On the server-side, you can use async with cancellation tokens. This does two things: 1) it gives your server a little more breathing room to handle more requests and 2) it provides a way to unwind the request if some portion of it should time out. More information about that can be found at:

Client Reconnection

My understanding of the (JavaScript) hub client is that if a connection is lost, it enters a 'Reconnecting...' phase which attempts to reconnect. If it can't do so, it will enter a 'Disconnected' state which is where it'll stay until asked to start again.
How long is the 'Reconnecting...' phase meant to last before it gives up? I've read 40 seconds before, but my client seems to take much less time - about 10, maybe less. [EDIT: Nevermind this part, I had configured a 10 disconnect on the server as a test... and forgot. I understand this is set by the server during the negotiate. Makes sense!] ... I'd prefer to have the client continually retry until it is told to abort - can this be done, and would it cause issues?
Another question; during the Reconnecting... phase, if I attempt to call a hub method (again, in JS) it never seems to complete. I'm using the returned Deferred to check for 'done' and 'fail' events, but neither seems to get called. Is this by design?
You can definitely have it continually reconnect.
Handle the disconnected event on the client and call connection.start:
$.connection.hub.disconnected(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000); // Re-start connection after 5 seconds
The only issues this would cause is that you could potentially be triggering infinite requests to a server that isn't there for client machines. This becomes even more troublesome when you introduce the mobile market into the situation (drains battery like crazy).
When you attempt to call a hub method while reconnecting SignalR will try to send your command. Since there are 2 channels, one for receiving data and one for sending, (for all transports except web sockets) in some cases it can still be possible to send requests while your offline. Therefore SignalR does not know if a request fails until the browser tells it that it could not successfully make the request.
Hope this helps!
I might have a clue... Touching the Web.config produces an appPool Recycle, meaning that a new worker process will be created for new requests while the existing process will continue for a while until the remaining requests end or the timeout is reached. Request that do not end in the timeout period are terminated.
Signalr client reconnects to the new process while the long running task is running in the old process, so when on the long running task you do
you actually get a reference for "old" hub while the client is connected to the "new" hub.
That's why the test preformed by Wasp worked: he was making a new request to publish on the signalr hub that was processed in the newly created worker process.
You could try to configure a singalr backplane (, it’s really easy to configure it using Sql Server ( The backplane should be capable of connect the two worker processes and hopefully you will get the notification on the client.
If this is the problem, notifications generated by new requests will work even without the backplane. Notice that the real purpose of the backplane is to scale out signalr, this is, to connect a farm of WebServers between them.
Also keep in mind that running long-running task inside IIS is as task hard to achieve as, among other things, IIS does regular appPool recycles and has timeout limits for the requests to execute. I recommend that you read the following post:
“If you think you can just write a background task yourself, it's likely you'll get it wrong. I'm not impugning your skills, I'm just saying it's subtle. Plus, why should you have to?”
Hope this helps

Reliable WCF Service with MSMQ + Order processing web application. One way calls delivery

I am trying to implement Reliable WCF Service with MSMQ based on this architecture (
A message may be lost if queue is not available (even cluster doesn't provide zero downtime)
Take a look at the simple order processing workflow
A user enters credit card details and makes a payment
Application receives a success result from payment gateway
Application send a message as “fire and forget”/”one way” call to a backend service by WCF MSMQ binding
The user will be redirected on the “success” page
Message is stored in a REMOTE transactional queue (windows cluster)
The backend service dequeue and process the message, completes complex order processing workflow and, as a result, sends an as email confirmation to the user
Everything looks fine as excepted.
What I cannot understand how can we guarantee that all “one way” calls will be delivered in the queue?
Duplex communication is not a case due to the user should be redirected at the result web page ASAP.
Imagine the case when a user received “success” page with language “… Your payment was made, order has been starting to process, and you will email notifications later…” but the message itself is lost.
How durability can be implemented for step 3?
One of the possible solutions that I can see is
3a. Create a database record with a transaction details marked as uncompleted, just to have any record about the transaction. This record may be used as a start point to process the lost message in case of the message will not be saved in the queue.
I read this post
The main thing to understand about transactional MSMQ is that there
are three distinct transactions involved in a transactional send to a
remote queue.
The sender writes the message to a local queue.
The queue manager on the senders machine transmits the message across the wire to the queue manager on the recipient machine
The receiver service processes the queue message and then removes the message from the queue.
But it doesn’t solve described issue - as I know WCF netMsmqBinding‎ doesn’t use local queue to send messages to remote one.
But it doesn’t solve described issue - as I know WCF netMsmqBinding‎
doesn’t use local queue to send messages to remote one.
Actually this is not correct. MSMQ always sends to a remote queue via local queue, regardless of whether you are using WCF or not.
If you send a message to a remote queue then look in Message Queuing in Server Management you will see in Outbound queues that a queue has been created with the address of the remote queue. This is a temporary queue which is automatically created for you. If the remote queue was for some reason unavailable, the message would sit in the local queue until it became available, and then it would be transmitted.
So durability is provided because of the three-phase commit:
transactionally write message locally
transactionally transmit message
transactionally receive and process message
There are instances where you may drop messages, for example, if your message processing happens outside the scope of the dequeue transaction, and also instances where it is not possible to know if the processing was successful (eg back-end web service call times out), and of course you could have a badly formed message which will never succeed processing, but in all cases it should be possible to design for these.
If you're using public queues on a clustered environment then I think there may be more scope for failure as clustering msmq introduces complexity (I have not really used so I don't know) so try to avoid if possible.

Azure Web Role - Long Running Request (Load Balancer Timeout?)

Our front-end MVC3 web application is using AsyncController, because each of our instances is servicing many hundreds of long-running, IO bound processes.
Since Azure will terminate "inactive" http sessions after some pre-determined interval (which seems to vary depending up on what website you read), how can we keep the connections alive?
Our clients MUST stay connected, and our processes will run from 30 seconds to 5 minutes or more. How can we keep the client connected/alive? I initially thought of having a timeout on the Async method, and just hitting the Response object with a few bytes of output, sort of like chunking the response, and then going back and waiting some more. However, I don't think this will work, since MVC3 is handling the hookup of an IIS thread back to the asynchronous response, which will have already rendered a view at that time.
How can we run a really long process on an AsyncController, but have the client not be disconnected by the Azure Load Balancer? Sending an immediate response to the caller, and asking that caller to poll or check another resource URL is not acceptable.
Azure load balancer idle time-out is 4 minutes. Can you try to configure TCP keep-alive on the client side for less than 4 minutes, that should keep the connection alive?
On the other hand, it's pretty expensive to keep a connection open per client for a long time. This will limit the number of clients you can handle per server. Also, I think IIS may still decide to close a connection regardless of keep-alives if it thinks it need the connection to serve other requests.
