Symfony2 Group permissions with ACL - symfony

Where I work we are designing a webapp in which users may belong to multiple groups and each group has access on a set of resources not known in advanced. Plus, users can enter or leave groups and groups can acquire or lose access to resources, so the whole permission granting system needs to be dynamic.
We are using Symfony2 and the FOSUserBundle.
We like how the ACL system works, but we could not find a way to apply it to the Group object.
Has anyone done something like that with Symfony? Or do you have any suggestion on how to implement it in other ways?

According to the cookbook, you can use the RoleSecurityIdentity instead of just the UserSecurityIdentity. So from my understanding of it your Role is your Group. Im working on a similar issue now. When have have done a little more with it Ill try and update this with some code snippets.
But for now have a look at:
We have gone in another direction and are instead going more with a permission per controller action system. So every controller action is assigned a permission name using annotations.
* #Permissions(perm="")
public function indexAction(){ ... }
Then we have a permission bundle with a service that checks the permissions when a controller function is called. Our admins are given a GUI that will allow them to manage the permissions that groups will have and individual users.
Check out this gist that inspired what we are doing:
Im aware this isnt the acl system you were looking for but just thought i would update with what we are doing.


Giving access to specific organizational unit to group via ACL

I'm very new to openLDAP and I've been searching around in an effort to figure this out. Basically, I've been tasked with creating a group, we'll call it service-desk, then giving members of that group read/write access to a specific organizational unit, ou=People, and all of it's sub-nodes. Here is what I currently have, but it isn't working:
olcAccess: {0}to dn.subtree="ou=People,dc=example,dc=domain,dc=com"
by group.exact="service-desk,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=domain,dc=com" manage by * break
I've added my own user as a member of the "service-desk" group and it's failing to even authenticate. I feel like this is a pretty common configuration, so I was wondering if anyone could help out with some examples of how they've implemented said access roles.

Different Response based on ACL with FOS Rest Bundle

I search for a best practice method how I can send different users, different responses back based on the ACL from Symfony.
I use the FoS RestBundle. They provide the JMSSerializerBundle which I use. I've created models and serializer yml-files, so far, so good. Everything looks great and works.
Now I have different Users that access this REST API. Some of them have expanded permissions, so they are allowed to see more information. What is the best practice for handle them?
It's necessary that the URL is the same for everyone.
You can start by using serialization groups:
After that you can choose which group you want to your response:
You can still use the same YML you are using:
Check the groups attribute!
This should be enough, if you need more acl as well:
Good luck, I hope this helps you!

How should I handle permission/role checking in this situation?

I have a CMS system where admin can create user groups and can grant permissions to groups to do certain things. The permissions (CRUD) are granted on the objects (i.e: can add post, can edit own post, can delete someone else's post, ...)
It's easy to come to the conclusion that we should use something like the provided ACL and store permissions on object or class. However, the question is where should we put these security checking code?
One thing came to my mind was to put that in the controller, but now it means I have to edit every controller I have, or even if I don't I need to somehow identify the object/class that the specific controller action is trying to modify. Sometimes, the controller action will involve several objects/models at once and that makes things even more complicated.
I could also put that in the manager, so that whenever I invoke the save() method I can check for permission. For some reason, that approach seems wrong in term of performance and complexity.
I have read many posts explaining voters, acl and such for Symfony and I understand all that but I'm having trouble putting all that into a solution that would avoid dirty hacks such as editing every single controller.

Symfony dynamic firewall

On a large webapplication, I want our customers to be able to enable/configure their own sigle sign-on (SAML) identity provider. Each customer has it's own specific subdomain allowing our application to determine which firewall should be active.
However, I don't want to manually configure each new firewall and clear the cache before changes are taken into effect. Now I read about dependency injection, extensions, compilers and all that, but I just can't seem to find a way to load dynamic firewall settings from the database and apply them. Any idea how I would do this?
FYI, I am using the SamlSPBundle for SSO.
I may have figured this out just moments after setting a bounty! ;)
Symfony2 security allows specification of a request_matcher on a per-firewall basis:
Custom RequestMatchers must implement a single method that returns true or false based on the Request object. I think this could be used to activate a firewall dynamically. As long as you have a finite number of firewalls (I do), then a custom RequestMatcher could solve your problem.

Is post query permission checks possible with solr?

We have in one of our customisations implemented permission checks with dynamic authorities in Alfresco. When migrating to solr the search results for those nodes affected by our dynamic permissions became faulty. The reason seems to be that permission checks are done at query time, however our dynamic permissions are not taken into account :(
Here is a short explanations of how our dynamic authorities work:
Check if a node has an association to an authority, if the current user belongs to that authority (group) -> approve access. The node has a lot of different associations and everyone is checked and given READ or WRITE access depending on to which association it belongs.
Is there anyway to tell the Search service to do permission checking on the returned nodes instead (like lucene does)? One workaround I thought of would be to run the query as administrator, then iterate over the result and manually do the permission checks?
Could that be a way to solve it? Any other ideas you could share with me?
Alfresco will perform after-query permission checks on SOLR results when the security.anyDenyDenies property is set to true. This check will involve any dynamic authorities, i.e. it will be a standard check.
The main problem then would be to get the full results from SOLR without pre-filtering there. Other than setting the runAs user to System in a custom sub-class of (within / around super.executeQuery method call - bean(s) search.lucene.alfresco, search.solr.alfresco, search.fts.alfresco.index and search.solr.cmis in solr-search-context.xml), I see no simpler way to achieve this.
Note: This applies to Alfresco 4.2d and later - I don't know when after-query permissions for SOLR have actually been introduced, but they weren't present when 4.0 came out AFAIK.
