How can I derive a variable in R showing the number of observations that have the same value recorded at earlier dates? - r

I am using R and I have a data frame containing info about the applications made by individuals for a grant. Individuals can apply for a grant as many times as they like. I want to derive a new variable that tells me how many applications each individual has made up to and including the date of the application represented by each record.
At the moment my data looks like this:
app number date app made applicant
1 2012-08-01 John
2 2012-08-02 John
3 2012-08-02 Jane
4 2012-08-04 John
5 2012-08-08 Alice
6 2012-08-09 Alice
7 2012-08-09 Jane
And I would like to add a further variable so my data frame looks like this:
app number date app made applicant applications by applicant to date
1 2012-08-01 John 1
2 2012-08-02 John 2
3 2012-08-02 Jane 1
4 2012-08-04 John 3
5 2012-08-08 Alice 1
6 2012-08-09 Alice 2
7 2012-08-09 Jane 2
I'm new to R and I'm really struggling to work out how to do this. The closest I am able to get is something like the answer in this question:
How do I count the number of observations at given intervals in R?
But I can't work out how to do this based on the date in each record rather than on pre-set intervals.

Here's a less elegant way than #Justin 's:
A <- read.table(text='"app number" "date app made" "applicant"
1 2012-08-01 John
2 2012-08-02 John
3 2012-08-02 Jane
4 2012-08-04 John
5 2012-08-08 Alice
6 2012-08-09 Alice
7 2012-08-09 Jane',header=TRUE)
# order by applicant name
A <- A[order(A$applicant), ]
# get vector you're looking for
A$app2date <- unlist(sapply(unique(A$applicant),function(x, appl){
seq(sum(A$applicant == x))
}, appl = A$applicant)
# back in original order:
A <- A[order(A$"app.number"), ]

You can use plyr for this. If your data is in a data.frame dat, I would add a column called count, then use cumsum
dat <- structure(list(number = 1:7, date = c("2012-08-01", "2012-08-02",
"2012-08-02", "2012-08-04", "2012-08-08", "2012-08-09", "2012-08-09"
), name = c("John", "John", "Jane", "John", "Alice", "Alice",
"Jane")), .Names = c("number", "date", "name"), row.names = c(NA,
-7L), class = "data.frame")
dat$count <- 1
ddply(dat, .(name), transform, count=cumsum(count))
number date name count
1 5 2012-08-08 Alice 1
2 6 2012-08-09 Alice 2
3 3 2012-08-02 Jane 1
4 7 2012-08-09 Jane 2
5 1 2012-08-01 John 1
6 2 2012-08-02 John 2
7 4 2012-08-04 John 3
I assumed your dates were already sorted, however you might want to explicitly sort them anyway before you do your "counting":
dat <- dat[order(dat$date),]
as per the comment, this can be simplified if you understand (which I didn't!) the way transform is working:
ddply(dat, .(name), transform, count=order(date))
number date name count
1 5 2012-08-08 Alice 1
2 6 2012-08-09 Alice 2
3 3 2012-08-02 Jane 1
4 7 2012-08-09 Jane 2
5 1 2012-08-01 John 1
6 2 2012-08-02 John 2
7 4 2012-08-04 John 3

Here is a 1 line approach using the ave function. This version does not require reordering the data, but leaves the data in the same order as it was originally:
A$applications <- ave(A$app.number, A$applicant, FUN=seq_along)


unnesting list inside of a list, inside of a list, inside of a list... while preserving id in R

I imported a JSON file with below structure:
I would like to transform it to a dataframe with 3 columns: ID group_name date_joined,
where ID is a element number from "data" list.
It should look like this:
ID group_name date_joined
1 aaa dttm
1 bbb dttm
1 ccc dttm
1 ddd dttm
2 eee dttm
2 aaa dttm
2 bbb dttm
2 fff dttm
2 ggg dttm
3 bbb dttm
3 ccc dttm
3 ggg dttm
3 mmm dttm
Using below code few times i get a dataframe with just 2 columns: group_name and date_joined
train2 <-"rbind", train2)
sample file link
the following should work:
train2 <- fromJSON("sample.json")
train2 <- train2[[1]]$groups$data
df <- data.frame(
ID = unlist(lapply(1:length(train2), function(x),length(train2[[x]]$group_name)))),
group_name = unlist(lapply(1:length(train2),function(x) train2[[x]]$group_name)),
date_joined = unlist(lapply(1:length(train2),function(x) train2[[x]]$date_joined)))
> df
ID group_name date_joined
1 1 Let's excercise together and lose a few kilo quicker - everyone is welcome! (Piastow) 2008-09-05 09:55:18.730066
2 1 Strongman competition 2008-05-22 21:25:22.572365
3 1 Fast food 4 life 2012-02-02 05:26:01.293628
4 1 alternative medicine - Hypnosis and bioenergotheraphy 2008-07-05 05:47:12.254848
5 2 Tom Cruise group 2009-06-14 16:48:28.606142
6 2 Babysitters (Sokoka) 2010-09-25 03:21:01.944684
7 2 Work abroad - join to find well paid work and enjoy the experience (Sokoka) 2010-09-21 23:44:39.499240
8 2 Tennis, Squash, Badminton, table tennis - looking for sparring partner (Sokoka) 2007-10-09 17:15:13.896508
9 2 Lost&Found (Sokoka) 2007-01-03 04:49:01.499555
10 3 Polish wildlife - best places 2007-07-29 18:15:49.603727
11 3 Politics and politicians 2010-10-03 21:00:27.154597
12 3 Pizza ! Best recipes 2010-08-25 22:26:48.331266
13 3 Animal rights group - join us if you care! 2010-11-02 12:41:37.753989
14 4 The Aspiring Writer 2009-09-08 15:49:57.132171
15 4 Nutrition & food advices 2010-12-02 18:19:30.887307
16 4 Game of thrones 2009-09-18 10:00:16.190795
17 5 The ultimate house and electro group 2008-01-02 14:57:39.269135
18 5 Pirates of the Carribean 2012-03-05 03:28:37.972484
19 5 Musicians Available Poland (Osieczna) 2009-12-21 13:48:10.887986
20 5 Housekeeping - looking for a housekeeper ? Join the group! (Osieczna) 2008-10-28 23:22:26.159789
21 5 Rooms for rent (Osieczna) 2012-08-09 12:14:34.190438
22 5 Counter strike - global ladderboard 2008-11-28 03:33:43.272435
23 5 Nutrition & food advices 2011-02-08 19:38:58.932003

Getting Data in a single row into multiple rows

I have a code where I see which people work in certain groups. When I ask the leader of each group to present those who work for them, in a survey, I get a row of all of the team members. What I need is to clean the data into multiple rows with their group information.
I don't know where to start.
This is what my data frame looks like,
LeaderName <- c('John','Jane','Louis','Carl')
Group <- c('3','1','4','2')
Member1 <- c('Lucy','Stephanie','Chris','Leslie')
Member1ID <- c('1','2','3','4')
Member2 <- c('Earl','Carlos','Devon','Francis')
Member2ID <- c('5','6','7','8')
Member3 <- c('Luther','Peter','','Severus')
Member3ID <- c('9','10','','11')
GroupInfo <- data.frame(LeaderName, Group, Member1, Member1ID, Member2 ,Member2ID, Member3, Member3ID)
This is what I would like it to show with a certain code
LeaderName_ <- c('John','Jane','Louis','Carl','John','Jane','Louis','Carl','John','Jane','','Carl')
Group_ <- c('3','1','4','2','3','1','4','2','3','1','','2')
Member <- c('Lucy','Stephanie','Chris','Leslie','Earl','Carlos','Devon','Francis','Luther','Peter','','Severus')
MemberID <- c('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','','11')
ActualGroupInfor <- data.frame(LeaderName_,Group_,Member,MemberID)
An option would be melt from data.table and specify the column name patterns in the measure parameter
melt(setDT(GroupInfo), measure = patterns("^Member\\d+$",
"^Member\\d+ID$"), = c("Member", "MemberID"))[, variable := NULL][]
# LeaderName Group Member MemberID
# 1: John 3 Lucy 1
# 2: Jane 1 Stephanie 2
# 3: Louis 4 Chris 3
# 4: Carl 2 Leslie 4
# 5: John 3 Earl 5
# 6: Jane 1 Carlos 6
# 7: Louis 4 Devon 7
# 8: Carl 2 Francis 8
# 9: John 3 Luther 9
#10: Jane 1 Peter 10
#11: Louis 4
#12: Carl 2 Severus 11
Here is a solution in base r:
idvar=c("LeaderName", "Group"),
Member=which(names(GroupInfo) %in% grep("^Member[0-9]$",names(GroupInfo),value=TRUE)),
MemberID=which(names(GroupInfo) %in% grep("^Member[0-9]ID",names(GroupInfo),value=TRUE))),
v.names = c("Member","MemberID"),
#> LeaderName Group Member MemberID
#> John.3.1 John 3 Lucy 1
#> Jane.1.1 Jane 1 Stephanie 2
#> Louis.4.1 Louis 4 Chris 3
#> Carl.2.1 Carl 2 Leslie 4
#> John.3.2 John 3 Earl 5
#> Jane.1.2 Jane 1 Carlos 6
#> Louis.4.2 Louis 4 Devon 7
#> Carl.2.2 Carl 2 Francis 8
#> John.3.3 John 3 Luther 9
#> Jane.1.3 Jane 1 Peter 10
#> Louis.4.3 Louis 4
#> Carl.2.3 Carl 2 Severus 11
Created on 2019-05-23 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Find the favorite and analyse sequence questions in R

We have a daily meeting when participants nominate each other to speak. The first person is chosen randomly.
I have a dataframe that consists of names and the order of speech every day.
I have a day1, a day2 ,a day3 , etc. in the columns.
The data in the rows are numbers, meaning the order of speech on that particular day.
NA means that the person did not participate on that day.
Name day1 day2 day3 day4 ...
Albert 1 3 1 ...
Josh 2 2 NA
Veronica 3 5 3
Tim 4 1 2
Stew 5 4 4
I want to create two analysis, first, I want to create a dataframe who has chosen who the most times. (I know that the result depends on if a participant was nominated before and therefore on that day that participant cannot be nominated again, I will handle it later, but for now this is enough)
It should look like this:
Name Favorite
Albert Stew
Josh Veronica
Veronica Tim
Tim Stew
My questions (feel free to answer only one if you can):
1. What code shall I use for it without having to manunally put the names in a different dataframe?
2. How shall I handle a tie, for example Josh chose Veronica and Tim first the same number of times? Later I want to visualise it and I have no idea how to handle ties.
I also would like to analyse the results to visualise strong connections.
Like to show that there are people who usually chose each other, etc.
Is there a good package that is specialised for these? Or how should I get to it?
I do not need DNA sequences, only this simple ones, but I have not found a suitable one yet.
Thanks for your help!
If I am not misunderstanding your problem, here is some code to get the number of occurences of who choose who as next speaker. I added a fourth day to have some count that is not 1. There are ties in the result, choosing the first couple of each group by speaker ('who') may be a solution :
df <- read.table(textConnection(
function (x) {
who <- df$Name[order(df[x],na.last=NA)]
) %>%
replyr::replyr_bind_rows() %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(who,lead.who.) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>%
Name day1 day2 day3 day4
1 Albert 1 3 1 3
2 Josh 2 2 NA 2
3 Veronica 3 5 3 1
4 Tim 4 1 2 4
5 Stew 5 4 4 5
# A tibble: 12 x 3
# Groups: who [5]
who lead.who. n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 Albert Tim 2
2 Albert Josh 1
3 Albert Stew 1
4 Josh Albert 2
5 Josh Veronica 1
6 Stew Veronica 1
7 Tim Stew 2
8 Tim Josh 1
9 Tim Veronica 1
10 Veronica Josh 1
11 Veronica Stew 1
12 Veronica Tim 1

Erasing duplicates with NA values

I have a data frame like this:
names <- c('Mike','Mike','Mike','John','John','John','David','David','David','David')
dates <- c('04-26','04-26','04-27','04-28','04-27','04-26','04-01','04-02','04-02','04-03')
values <- c(NA,1,2,4,5,6,1,2,NA,NA)
test <- data.frame(names,dates,values)
Which is:
names dates values
1 Mike 04-26 NA
2 Mike 04-26 1
3 Mike 04-27 2
4 John 04-28 4
5 John 04-27 5
6 John 04-26 6
7 David 04-01 1
8 David 04-02 2
9 David 04-02 NA
10 David 04-03 NA
I'd like to get rid of duplicates with NA values. So, in this case, I have a valid observation from Mike on 04-26 and also have a valid observation from David on 04-02, so rows 1 and 9 should be erased and I will end up with:
names dates values
1 Mike 04-26 1
2 Mike 04-27 2
3 John 04-28 4
4 John 04-27 5
5 John 04-26 6
6 David 04-01 1
7 David 04-02 2
8 David 04-03 NA
I tried to use duplicated function, something like this:
But that does not work since some NA values come before the valid value. Do you have any suggestions without trying things like merge or making another data frame?
Update: I'd like to keep rows with NA that are not duplicates.
What about this way?
test %>% group_by(names, dates) %>% filter((n()>=2 & ! | n()==1)
Source: local data frame [8 x 3]
Groups: names, dates [8]
names dates values
(fctr) (fctr) (dbl)
1 Mike 04-26 1
2 Mike 04-27 2
3 John 04-28 4
4 John 04-27 5
5 John 04-26 6
6 David 04-01 1
7 David 04-02 2
8 David 04-03 NA
Here is an attempt in data.table:
# set up
# construct condition
test[, dupes := max(duplicated(.SD)), .SDcols=c("names", "dates"), by=c("names", "dates")]
# print out result
test[dupes == 0 | !,]
Here is a similar method using base R, except that the dupes variable is kept separately from the data.frame:
dupes <- duplicated(test[c("names", "dates")])
# this generates warnings, but works nonetheless
dupes <- ave(dupes, test$names, test$dates, FUN=max)
# print out result
test[dupes == 0 | !$values),]
If there are duplicated rows where the values variable is NA, and these duplicates add nothing to the data, then you can drop them prior to running the code above:
testNoNADupes <- test[!(duplicated(test) &$values)),]
This should work based on your sample.
test <- test[order(test$values),]
test <- test[!(duplicated(test$names) & duplicated(test$dates) &$values)),]

In R: add rows based on a date and another condition

I have a data frame df:
df <- data.frame(names=c("john","mary","tom"),dates=c(as.Date("2010-06-01"),as.Date("2010-07-09"),as.Date("2010-06-01")),tours_missed=c(2,12,6))
names dates tours_missed
john 2010-06-01 2
mary 2010-07-09 12
tom 2010-06-01 6
I want to be able to add a row with the dates the person missed. There are 2 tours every day the person works. Each person works every 4 days.
The result should be (though the order doesn't matter):
names dates tours_missed
john 2010-06-01 2
mary 2010-07-09 12
mary 2010-07-13 12
mary 2010-07-17 12
mary 2010-07-21 12
mary 2010-07-25 12
mary 2010-07-29 12
tom 2010-06-01 6
tom 2010-06-05 6
tom 2010-06-09 6
I have already tried looking at these topics but was unable to produce the above result: Add rows to a data frame based on date in previous row, In R: Add rows with data of previous row to data frame, add new row to dataframe, enter link description here. Thanks for your help!
dt = # or convert in-place using setDT
# all of the relevant dates
dates.all = dt[, seq(dates, length = tours_missed/2, by = "4 days"), by = names]
# set the key and merge filling in the blanks with previous observation
setkey(dt, names, dates)
dt[dates.all, roll = T]
# names dates tours_missed
# 1: john 2010-06-01 2
# 2: mary 2010-07-09 12
# 3: mary 2010-07-13 12
# 4: mary 2010-07-17 12
# 5: mary 2010-07-21 12
# 6: mary 2010-07-25 12
# 7: mary 2010-07-29 12
# 8: tom 2010-06-01 6
# 9: tom 2010-06-05 6
#10: tom 2010-06-09 6
Or if merging is unnecessary (not quite clear from OP), just construct the answer:
dt[, list(dates = seq(dates, length = tours_missed/2, by = "4 days"), tours_missed)
, by = names]
