I am visualizing a panel dataset with geom_point where y = var1, x = year, and color = var2. The problem is that there are many overlapping points, even with horizontal jitter.
Reducing the point size or setting a low alpha value is undesirable because both reduce the visual impact of the second variable, which has a very long right skew. I would like ggplot to place the points with the highest values of var2 on top of all other overlapping points.
Reproducible example:
df <- data.frame(diamonds)
ggplot(data = df,aes(x=factor(cut),y=carat,colour=price)) +
How does one place the points with highest values in df$price on top of an overlapping stack of points?
It looks as though grid plots in the order of the data,
d <- data.frame(x=c(0.5,0.52),y=c(0.6,0.6), fill=c("blue","red"),
with(d,grid.points(x,y,def='npc', pch=21,gp=gpar(cex=5, fill=fill)))
with(d[c(2,1),], grid.points(x,y-0.2,def='npc', pch=21,
gp=gpar(cex=5, fill=fill)))
so I would suggest you first reorder your data.frame, and pray that ggplot2 won't mess with it :)
df <- diamonds[order(diamonds$price, decreasing=TRUE), ]
# alternative with plyr
df <- arrange(diamonds, desc(price))
last_plot() %+% df
In ggplot2, you can use the order aesthetic to specify the order in which points are plotted. The last ones plotted will appear on top. To apply this, create a variable holding the order in which you'd like points to be drawn; in your case you might be able to specify rank(var2).
For the reproducible example, to put the points with the highest df$price on top:
df <- data.frame(diamonds)
df$orderrank <- rank(df$price,ties.method="first")
ggplot(data = df,aes(x=factor(cut),y=carat,colour=price, order=orderrank)) +
Here is the difference in outputs between the example in the question and the chart with specified plotting order by price:
(The jittering makes the comparison a little less clear but the difference still comes across.)
I am trying to build from a question similar to mine (and from which I borrowed the self-contained example and title inspiration). I am trying to apply transparency individually to each line of a ggparcoord or somehow add two layers of ggparcoord on top of the other. The detailed description of the problem and format of data I have for the solution to work is provided below.
I have a dataset with thousand of lines, lets call it x.
x = data.frame(a=runif(100,0,1),b=runif(100,0,1),c=runif(100,0,1),d=runif(100,0,1))
After clustering this data I also get a set of 5 lines, let's call this dataset y.
y = data.frame(a=runif(5,0,1),b=runif(5,0,1),c=runif(5,0,1),d=runif(5,0,1))
In order to see the centroids y overlaying x I use the following code. First I add y to x such that the 5 rows are on the bottom of the final dataframe. This ensures ggparcoord will put them last and therefore stay on top of all the data:
df <- rbind(x,y)
Next I create a new column for df, following the question advice I referred such that I can color differently the centroids and therefore can tell it apart from the data:
df$cluster = "data"
df$cluster[(nrow(df)-4):(nrow(df))] <- "centroids"
Finally I plot it:
p <- ggparcoord(df, columns=1:4, groupColumn=5, scale="globalminmax", alphaLines = 0.99) + xlab("Sample") + ylab("log(Count)")
p + scale_colour_manual(values = c("data" = "grey","centroids" = "#94003C"))
The problem I am stuck with is from this stage and onwards. On my original data, plotting solely x doesn't lead to much insight since it is a heavy load of lines (on this data this is equivalent to using ggparcoord above on x instead of df:
By reducing alphaLines considerably (0.05), I can naturally see some clusters due to the overlapping of the lines (this is again running ggparcoord on x reducing alphaLines):
It makes more sense to observe the centroids added to df on top of the second plot, not the first.
However, since everything it is on a single dataframe, applying such a high value for alphaLine makes the centroid lines disappear. My only option is then to use ggparcoord (as provided above) on df without decreasing the alphaValue:
My goal is to have the red lines (centroid lines) on top of the second figure with very low alpha. There are two ways I thought so far but couldn't get it working:
(1) Is there any way to create a column on the dataframe, similar to what is done for the color, such that I can specify the alpha value for each line?
(2) I originally attempted to create two different ggparcoords and "sum them up" hoping to overlay but an error was raised.
The question may contain too much detail, but I thought this could motivate better the applicability of the answer to serve the interest of other readers.
The answer I am looking for would use the provided data variables on the current format and generate the plot I am looking for. Better ways to reconstruct the data is also welcomed, but using the current structure is preferred.
In this case I think it easier to just use ggplot, and build the graph yourself. We make slight adjustments to how the data is represented (we put it in long format), and then we make the parallel coordinates plot. We can now map any attribute to cluster that you like.
# I start the same as you
x <- data.frame(a=runif(100,0,1),b=runif(100,0,1),c=runif(100,0,1),d=runif(100,0,1))
y <- data.frame(a=runif(5,0,1),b=runif(5,0,1),c=runif(5,0,1),d=runif(5,0,1))
# I find this an easier way to combine the two data.frames, and have an id column
df <- bind_rows(data = x, centroids = y, .id = 'cluster')
# We need to add id's, so we know which points to connect with a line
df$id <- 1:nrow(df)
# Put the data into long format
df2 <- gather(df, 'column', 'value', a:d)
# And plot:
ggplot(df2, aes(column, value, alpha = cluster, color = cluster, group = id)) +
geom_line() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("data" = "grey", "centroids" = "#94003C")) +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c("data" = 0.2, "centroids" = 1)) +
I have a dataframe with 3 columns, (Id, Lat, Long), you can construct a small section of this with the following data:
df <- data.frame(
Lat=c(58.12550, 58.17426, 58.46461, 58.45812, 58.45207, 58.44512, 58.43358, 58.42727, 57.77700, 57.76034, 57.73614, 57.72411, 57.70498, 57.68453),
Long=c(-5.098068, -5.314452, -4.914108, -4.899922, -4.887067, -4.873312, -4.852384, -4.840817, -5.666568, -5.648711, -5.617588, -5.594681, -5.557740, -5.509405))
The Id column is an index column. So all the rows with the same Id number have the coordinates for a single line. In my data frame this Id number varies from 1 through to 7696. So I have 7696 lines to plot.
Each Id number relates to an individual separate line of Lat and Long coordinates. What I want to do is overlay onto an existing plot all of these 7696 individual lines.
With the example data above this contains the Lat & Long coordinates for lines 1, 2, 3.
What is the best way to overlay all these lines onto an existing plot, I was thinking maybe some kind of loop?
Using ggplot2:
#dummy data
df <- data.frame(
Lat=c(58.12550, 58.17426, 58.46461, 58.45812, 58.45207, 58.44512, 58.43358, 58.42727, 57.77700, 57.76034, 57.73614, 57.72411, 57.70498, 57.68453),
Long=c(-5.098068, -5.314452, -4.914108, -4.899922, -4.887067, -4.873312, -4.852384, -4.840817, -5.666568, -5.648711, -5.617588, -5.594681, -5.557740, -5.509405))
ggplot(data=df,aes(Lat,Long,colour=as.factor(Id))) +
Using base R:
#plot blank
#plot lines
for(i in unique(df$Id))
with(df[ df$Id==i,],lines(Lat,Long,col=i))
To be honest, I think that any approach to take is going to result in a very cluttered plot since you have so many Ids (unless their lines do not overlap much). Either way, I would probably use ggplot2 for this.
if( !("ggplot2" %in% installed.packages()[,1]) ){
D <- data.frame(
geom_point()+ ## you might want to omit geom_point() in your plot
The reason I used group=Id, color=Id in aes() rather than passing Id as a factor to aes() and just using color=Id is that you will end up with a legend containing 7000+ factor levels (the majority of which will not be visible in the plot area).
I have a large set of data that consists of coordinates (x,y) and a numeric z value that is similar to density. I'm interested in binning the data, performing summary statistics (median, length, etc.) and plotting the binned values as points with the statistics mapped to ggplot aesthetics.
I've tried using stat_summary2d and extracting the results manually (based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22013347/2832911). However, the problem I'm running into is that the bin placements are based on the range of the data, which in my case varies by data set. Thus between two plots the bins are not covering the same area.
My question is how to either manually set bins using stat_summary2d, or at least set them to be consistent regardless of the data.
Here is a basic example which demonstrates the approach and how the bins don't line up:
df1 <- data.frame(x=runif(100, -1,1), y=runif(100, -1,1), z=rnorm(100))
df2 <- data.frame(x=runif(100, -1,1), y=runif(100, -1,1), z=rnorm(100))
g1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x,y))+stat_summary2d(fun=mean, bins=10, aes(z=z))+geom_point()
df1.binned <-
cbind(x=(xmax+xmin)/2, y=(ymax+ymin)/2, z=value, df=1)))
g2 <- ggplot(df2, aes(x,y))+stat_summary2d(fun=mean, bins=10, aes(z=z))+geom_point()
df2.binned <-
cbind(x=(xmax+xmin)/2, y=(ymax+ymin)/2, z=value, df=2)))
df.binned <- rbind(df1.binned, df2.binned)
ggplot(df.binned, aes(x,y, size=z, color=factor(df)))+geom_point(alpha=.5)
Which generates
In reality I will use stat_summary2d several times to get, for instance, the number of points in the bin, and the median and then use aes(size=bin.length, colour=bin.median).
Any tips on how to accomplish this using my proposed approach, or an alternative approach would be welcome.
You can manually set breaks with stat_summary2d. If you want 10 levels from -1 to 1 you can do
breaks<-list(x=bb, y=bb)
And then use the breaks variable when you call your plots
g1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x,y))+
stat_summary2d(fun=mean, breaks=breaks, aes(z=z))+
It's a shame you can't change the geom of the stat_summary2d to "point" so you could make this in one go, but it doesn't look as though stat_summary2d calculate the proper x and y values for that.
I created some grouped boxplots, basically for each dimension on the x axis I am showing various groups. Because my dataset is quite large, I had to precalculate the values for the boxes as ggplot did not have enough memory (I used ddply and did it in pieces).
I believe this is beter than just bar charts of the averages as it shows some of the variability.
I want 2 modifications, one was to not show the whisker lines, and I have done that by setting ymin=lower and ymax=upper.
I also wanted to add the means as well, but they show all in the center of each X category, and of course I want them each aligned with its box.
to make it easier on anyone helping, I recreated the same chart using mtcars - I tried position = "dodge" and "identity" with no change
Anyone knows how to do this? I searched and did not find a way. I am also attaching a picture of my latest chart. Code is below
data <- as.data.frame(mtcars)
data$cyl <- factor(data$cyl)
data$gear <- factor(data$gear)
summ <- ddply(data, .(cyl, gear),summarize, lower=quantile(mpg,probs=0.25,na.rm=T), middle=quantile(mpg,probs=.5,na.rm=T),upper=quantile(mpg,probs=.75,na.rm=T),avg=mean(mpg,na.rm=T))
p2 <- ggplot(summ, aes(x = cyl, lower = lower, middle = middle, upper = upper,fill=gear,ymin=lower,ymax=upper))+geom_boxplot(stat = "identity")
p2 <- p2 + geom_point(aes(x = cyl, y=avg, color=gear),color="red",position="dodge")
The problem is that the width of the points is not the same as the width of the box plots. In that case you need to tell position_dodge what width do use. ?position_dodge gives a simple example of this using points and error bars, but the principle is the same for points and box plots. In your example, replacing position="dodge" with position=position_dodge(width=0.9) will dodge the points by the same amount as the box plots.
How can I add text to points rendered with geom_jittered to label them? geom_text will not work because I don't know the coordinates of the jittered dots. Could you capture the position of the jittered points so I can pass to geom_text?
My practical usage would be to plot a boxplot with the geom_jitter over it to show the data distribution and I would like to label the outliers dots or the ones that match certain condition (for example the lower 10% for the values used for color the plots).
One solution would be to capture the xy positions of the jittered plots and use it later in another layer, is that possible?
From Joran answer, a solution would be to calculate the jittered values with the jitter function from the base package, add them to a data frame and use them with geom_point. For filtering he used ddply to have a filter column (a logic vector) and use it for subsetting the data in geom_text.
He asked for a minimal dataset. I just modified his example (a unique identifier in the label colum)
dat <- data.frame(x=rep(letters[1:3],times=100),y=runif(300),
This is the result of joran example with my data and lowering the display of ids to the lowest 1%
And this is a modification of the code to have colors by another variable and displaying some values of this variable (the lowest 1% for each group):
#Create some example data
dat <- data.frame(x=rep(letters[1:3],times=100),y=runif(300),
lab=paste('id_',1:300,sep=''),quality= rnorm(300))
#Create a copy of the data and a jittered version of the x variable
datJit <- dat
datJit$xj <- jitter(as.numeric(factor(dat$x)))
#Create an indicator variable that picks out those
# obs that are in lowest 1% by x
datJit <- ddply(datJit,.(x),.fun=function(g){
g$grp <- g$y <= quantile(g$y,0.01);
g$top_q <- g$qual <= quantile(g$qual,0.01);
#Create a boxplot, overlay the jittered points and
# label the bottom 1% points
ggplot(dat,aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_point(data=datJit,aes(x=xj,colour=quality)) +
geom_text(data=subset(datJit,grp),aes(x=xj,label=lab)) +
Your question isn't completely clear; for example, you mention labeling points at one point but also mention coloring points, so I'm not sure which you really mean, or perhaps both. A reproducible example would be very helpful. But using a little guesswork on my part, the following code does what I think you're describing:
#Create some example data
dat <- data.frame(x=rep(letters[1:3],times=100),y=runif(300),
#Create a copy of the data and a jittered version of the x variable
datJit <- dat
datJit$xj <- jitter(as.numeric(factor(dat$x)))
#Create an indicator variable that picks out those
# obs that are in lowest 10% by x
datJit <- ddply(datJit,.(x),.fun=function(g){
g$grp <- g$y <= quantile(g$y,0.1); g})
#Create a boxplot, overlay the jittered points and
# label the bottom 10% points
ggplot(dat,aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_point(data=datJit,aes(x=xj)) +
Just an addition to Joran's wonderful solution:
I ran into trouble with the x-axis positioning when I tried to use in a facetted plot using facet_wrap(). The problem is, that ggplot2 uses 1 as the x-value on every facet. The solution is to create a vector of jittered 1s:
datJit$xj <- jitter(rep(1,length(dat$x)),amount=0.1)