Multi-Bundles in Symfony 2 - symfony

I create project from Symfony 2, but I have a problem:
In project have multi-bundles(ex: AdminBundle and FontEndBundle)
Case 1: Doctrine orm and Entities generate on FrontEndBundle, then from AdminBundle, I will call Entity via FrontEndBundle:Object it work OK.
Case 2: I want to config structure folow
Bundles(contains FontEndBundle & AdminBundle)
In case 2, How do I config Entity mapping to generate Entities to src/Model/Entity directory ? Because when I using Command: doctrine:generate:entities Project/Model/Entity,
error : Namespace "Project\Model\Entity" does not contain any mapped

How do you declare your entities ?You should put your entities within a bundle. You cant have them outside a bundle .

Usually, Symfony developpers create a third bundle called "CoreBundle" (for example) where you place all the shared resource between your three bundles, namely the entities, some services (like twig extensions), config (with service.xml/yml), ... Also, you can delete the controller and views directories in this bundles, which are useless (don't forget to clean the app/config/routing.yml file by removing the CoreBundle controller injection) !
Then just call your entities in the right bundle with:
use MyName\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\MyEntity;
Never create a model repertory not in a bundle, this is not the Symfony philosophy and you are really wrong !


Symfony 4, a way for generate Entities from an Existing Database?

With Symfony 3 and its console, we can generate entities from an already existing database via the command "php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import" (very usefull !).
From symfony 4, the command "./bin/console doctrine:mapping:import" needs a bundle name but symfony 4 doesn't work with bundle now.
With the new version of symfony, is there a way I didn't see for generate entities from an existing Database (mysql by example) ? Or must I wait a new version of doctrine for have a "doctrine:mapping:import" compatible with Symfony 4 ?
I found a(n) (ugly) solution yet. I deploy a disposable symfony 3, I link the symfony 3 to my database and I generate entities in a bundle. Then I copy generates files to symfony 4.
It's ugly but it works haha
You can use
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:convert --from-database annotation ./src/Entity
which should create the entities based on the database setting. Don’t forget to add the namespaces, and you will still need to add the getters and setters, but the bulk of the properties, including annotations and some of the relationships are already included. (Source)
Please also note, that Doctrine will not support this anymore in the next Doctrine version. As written in the Symfony docs
Moreover, this feature to generate entities from existing databases will be completely removed in the next Doctrine version.

How to use variables in Symfony Doctrine ORM annotations?

In short, I would like to use something like:
but replacing the "schemaname" string with a variable, that can be set as a configuration parameter somewhere (like in parameters.yml file)
I understand your context as a reusable bundle entity with cross domain relation to an other bundle.
I don't find anything about doctrine mapping customisation, but as your bundle can only be included once per project, I recommand you to use your bundle name as a prefix for the table.
Like yourapp_tablename
For the crossdomain constraint, your bundle, if it is reusable can't have dependencies to external bundles. It is your business bundles which have to use the reusable bundle, not the way around. I guess you have to use interfaces if you want an external bundle to be extending your model class

Symfony2: Creating entity table conditionally

I have a bundle with entity defined in it. I want to be able to configure this bundle in such a way, that this entity will or won't be relevant. So if bundle is configured properly entity table shouldn't be created with app/console doctrine:schema:update etc, or should be - it should depend on configuration.
How to conditionally "disable" entity so its table won't be created by app/console doctrine:schema:update?
Your scenario requires you to disable the auto_mapping, but it seems to be set to false by default.
Next thing to do is make sure the build function of your bundle conditionally adds the wanted DoctrineOrmMappingPass as also is explained here:
As you can see in the source, build only is executed once the cache is empty so this is the place where you can do this. You can also take a look at how to add compiler passes there.
I think that although maybe you could find a way, you are complicating your self. If the back-end bundle is independent then always could be optional to install it and by consequence it's entities created or not.
You can find an example in Sonata bundles, you can manage the users as you want, but if you are using FOSUserBundle, the you have the option to install SonataUserBundle, then tell to fos_user configuration that the new class belong to the Sonata User and as consequence the new entity will be persisted with a lot of new attributes thanks to class inheritance, and all the crud operations for user will be already configured in sonata views. SonataUser also have it's own user entity for using in a standalone way.
I know that this is not what you asking for but may be you just need manage to follow a model like this.

Symfony2 environment specific doctrine mappings configuration

I've got a test bundle which has some doctrine entities. In AppKernel I added this bundle only to the dev and test environments and also made the mapping definitions for doctrine in the config.yml. The problem is in prod environment doctrine can't find the entities as the bundle isn't loaded in kernel. I don't want to load the test bundle in prod env.
I also have other entities defined in different bundles for doctrine so I'd switch the test bundle off in the config_prod.yml or set it to null - is it possible somehow? I don't want to copy and redefine the whole mappings array/list in config_prod.yml.

Location of propel.ini for symfony2?

I am migrating from symfony1 to symfony2, I have hard time implementing propel behaviors. Where do I actually have the propel.ini in symfony2?
Well in sf1.4, it was inside root config directory. How about symfony2?
The Propel ORM Symfony2 page says this:
You can add a app/config/propel.ini file in your project to specify some configuration parameters. ... However, the recommended way to configure Propel is to rely on build properties.
You can define build properties by creating a propel.ini file in app/config like below, but you can also follow the Symfony2 convention by adding build properties in app/config/config.yml
So I believe you can come close to the Symfony1 behaviour by creating app/config/propel.ini, but the more idiomatic way is to use app/config/config.yml as that page illustrates.
Caveat: I haven't used Propel with Symfony2, so this answer is solely based on the manual.
