Site Crashing IE8 - forcing it into compatibility mode - wordpress

I have recently been working on the site and are running into several issues specifically in Internet Explorer 8. When I try to load the site in IE8, it crashes and reverts to compatibility mode. I looked around extensively online and it seems like some people had run into issues with the respond-ie.js file. I moved this to the bottom of the page to no avail.
In compatibility mode, the following issues occur:
1) The footer elements stack on top of each other
2) The navigation drop down does not work
Additionally, there is a white margin on the right hand side of the page. I am not sure what is causing this or whether it's related to the IE8 bug, because it's appearing in all browsers. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I use IE8 on XP SP3 with full update, and it's not crash.
Do you update the newest version of IE8?


Wordpress Dashboard layout broken

I have latest v4.3. The same happens in Chrome on my Mac... it happens once I start moving the mouse over links on the left.
I tried with WP 4.1.7 and 4.2.4 and it was the same...
It doesn't seem to happen in Safari, not sure about FF, I think it happened but now it doesn't..
How to solve this issue?
Chrome 45 has a rendering bug.
If you want to fiddle with internal settings, there is a workaround just posted here
I personally will wait until Chrome 45+ and edit in FF from now on.

Internet Explorer and Safari changes my CSS

I am running Thesis 1.8.5 on Wordpress and here is my site . Because I am kind of new to this whole web-design thing, it just occurred to me to check my site in both Internet Explorer and Safari browsers. Unfortunately, my site looks horrible in both of these. More specifically, my homepage fonts are showing up too large, my homepage sidebars aren't positions correctly, and some of my rounded edges aren't showing up.
I know this is quite a laundry-list of CSS issues but if someone could just give me some general direction I would really appreciate it.
Not sure if you've tried this already, but a CSS reset script usually does the trick for me.
It might break your webpage on the browser you are using, but the goal is to make the webpage look consistent across all browsers.

CSS different padding and margin does a different pc (x32 vs. x64 ) can be the cause?

I notice a strange problem with the padding of a Wordpress theme i am developing. In FF/Chrom/IE8 on my own pc everything is ok.
Client has two different pc's but with the same IE8 browser. On each pc the div padding on one page is different. Unfortunatly, can't recreate the issue on me own pc. But what could be the cause???
Any tips, suggestions?
check that the IE is not running in comapatibility mode on one system. This is indicated by a little broken page icon in the address bar.
Compatibility view is likely to break standards compliant styling, as it tries to emulate ie7 rendering.

Gradient for IE6 not working

I have several divs on a webpage that use the IE css filter to create a gradient effect for the background.
The page is viewed primarily in IE6 (I have no other choice unfortunatly) and displays fine on my development machine. I have also tried viewing the page using IETester and the page also displays fine in IE 5.5 to IE 8.
However, when viewing the page on the "live" machine, the gradients don't show up at all. The browser on the "live" machine is IE 6 with sp3. I have checked the div's and they all have "hasLayout" so that isn't the problem.
Are there any settings within IE that would stop filters working or could anybody suggest any other reasons why they would not be showing up. I can't work out why they work in one version of IE 6 but not another.
Unfortunatly I can't link to any examples.
The filter features of IE are not built into the browser; they are using external libraries (DLLs). This is what the 'progid' part is all about, and also explains why some of them are so clunky.
If those DLLs are not installed on the client machine, then the filter styles won't work. If it works in some IE6 machines but not others, then this is almost certainly the problem you're encountering.
Theoretically it should be possible for you to fix the problem by installing the missing DLLs.
However, the problem for you is that if the client is anal enough not to have upgraded their browser from IE6 yet, then it's pretty certain that they're not going to want to have you fiddling around on their machines installing unknown (to them) libraries. In any case, you would have to do it for every individual machine.
The bottom line is that realistically this is not going to be an option. Your best bet is to give up trying to make IE6 do fancy stuff, and go back to using background images for your gradients. It's not pleasant to write, but there is a reason why everyone used to do it that way when IE6 was the standard browser.

css rollover buttons- great in safari,and firefox/ ie but not chrome?

i've been trying out a bit of code posted to make image rollover buttons using only css,
this seems to work fine.
local testing showed no problems, IE, Firefox, safari all ok. even chrome displays as intended on the local version.
Once i move to a hosted test, IE, Firefox and Safari all display as intended but chrome offsets all the buttons right about 8-10 pixels.
here's the test page
can anyone enlighten me as to what's happening?
site built in Kompozer
I assume you're referring to the squares under the "architectural design..." phrase.
I can't recreate this problem in Chrome v5.0.375.125.
What version of chrome are you using? Chrome tends to doggedly cache resources. Have you tried a cache refresh?
What version of Chrome are you using? I looked at your site in Chrome 5 and can't seem to tell a difference between any of the browsers you've mentioned.
