Wufoo is loading my stylesheet, but not displaying styles - css

This is quite a strange problem I'm experiencing. I've got a Wufoo form set up to load an external stylesheet. Wufoo is doing this properly and I can find the link tag and follow the href of that tag to the actual link and view the source of the stylesheet I've uploaded. So I know the stylesheet is indeed loading no problem (in fact, it's loading last), but not a single style is actually applied.
Right now I've even tried adding !important to my styles in an attempt to override the current styles. I don't see the styles loading into Firebug either.
Here's the link to the form.
Here's the link to the stylesheet.
The test I'm doing is in the latest version of Chrome to get the input and textarea tags to have a border-radius of 10px.

All that needed to happen was that I disable SSL for Wufoo because the protocol of my website isn't over secure HTTP. Apparently my stylesheet was being loaded, but not correctly implemented.
Here's more information on that from Wufoo.
By default, all accounts that are SSL enabled will have SSL forced
upon every form. In some settings, mainly due to browser
configuration, SSL is not desired. We can override SSL by slightly
modifying the URL for a form.


How to add styles to NetlifyCMS editor preview

I am in the process of integrating Netlify CMS to a Gatsby site. Right now, while editing or creating content, a preview of the content appears to the right of the screen in plain text. Is it possible to use the same styles for both the main page and the preview page so that they both look same?
I assume since the preview page gets rendered using the page template and the page template comes with its own styles, there would be no need for an extra stylesheet.
I've tried linking the stylesheets using CMS.registerPreviewStyle("link/to/my/css/file"); but nothing changes.
The developer console returns the error
Refused to apply style from 'https://my-site-name.com/admin/cms.css'
because its MIME type ('text/html')" is not a supported stylesheet
MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled."
However when I try to load the style sheet directly, I get a 404 error showing that it does not exist.
What you are doing is correct, just make sure that the path is right. For example, make sure that your CSS files are nested in the static folder.

Referrer header not included in stylesheet request inside iframe

I'm trying to load in an external font (using the font provider's hosted CSS) from inside a sandboxed iframe. The font provider seems to be authorizing whether the font can load or not based on the contents of the Referrer header. However, when the request is made from inside the iframe, that header is not present (according to Chrome's devtools). Setting referrerpolicy="origin" on the <iframe> element doesn't seem to change anything. Tested in Chrome and Firefox.
Do I need to add a special attribute to my <link> tag, too? Is there something else I'm missing?

Chrome created unknown css style snippet by itself?

I've created a micro page with absolutely no external references, even without any favicon.ico.
Instead I'm using base64 inline images.
The only CSS I'm using is inline of a <div> element.
The following code is not part of my source, so I don't know where it becomes generated.
Where and how does the following code come from?
What is it's meaning? What consequences does it have?
Fulltext for copy&paste:
<style type="text/css" style="display: none !important;">object:not([type]),object[classid$=":D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"],object[classid$=":d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"],object[codebase*="swflash.cab"],object[data*=".swf"],embed[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"],embed[src*=".swf"],object[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"],object[src*=".swf"],object[codetype="application/x-shockwave-flash"],iframe[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"],object[classid$=":166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000"],object[codebase*="sw.cab"],object[data*=".dcr"],embed[type="application/x-director"],embed[src*=".dcr"],object[type="application/x-director"],object[src*=".dcr"],object[classid$=":15B782AF-55D8-11D1-B477-006097098764"],object[codebase*="awswaxf.cab"],object[data*=".aam"],embed[type="application/x-authorware-map"],embed[src*=".aam"],object[type="application/x-authorware-map"],object[src*=".aam"],object[classid*="32C73088-76AE-40F7-AC40-81F62CB2C1DA"],object[type="application/ag-plugin"],object[type="application/x-silverlight"],object[type="application/x-silverlight-2"],object[source*=".xaml"],object[sourceelement*="xaml"],embed[type="application/ag-plugin"],embed[source*=".xaml"]{display: none !important;}</style>
I can think of two possibilities:
1) Added by a browser plugin or extension.
Try running in Incognito mode with all extensions disabled, and if it's due to a plugin or extension the additional content will go away.
2) Added by the web server that is serving the web page
To see if it's #2, load the HTML file in your browser using a local file:// URL and check if it's still there.
Most likely it's related to an Ad-Blocking type of browser plugin that is setting { display: none !important } CSS attribute for all Flash, Shockwave, Silverlight, etc. content on the page.

Wufoo form is not loading custom stylesheet

I have a wufoo form that I am trying to customize with css. My css form is being uploaded as far as I can tell, but so far I haven't been able to change anything. Any tips?
The only thing I've tried to do is change the header color like so:
.wufoo .info h2 {
Here are the necessary links:
Stylesheet - http://crimsonroot.com/files/php/custom.css
Form - https://thedrawshop.wufoo.com/forms/r60xxmf0kwbb7j/
The issue as far as I can tell is that you are trying to link to a stylesheet, that is not on an secure connection. Basically it's http but your form is secured https. Many browsers by default prevent the loading of "mixed content" you will need them to both be on the same connection style before it will even begin to load.
Hope that helps.
Also try this, tested and works.
I ran into the same problem and then I hosted it on Github but it seems that Wufoo is still not loaded it even if it was imported correctly when you check the source.
What I did was to host it instead on Dropbox. I used the sharing link and then added raw=1 at the end.
E.g. https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2fhvsk83fnebw3/wufoo.css?raw=1
That did the trick for me. I hope it helps.

Web browser not loading full stylesheet after CSS changes on first refresh? Caching?

In both chrome and Firefox, the browser doesn't load the full stylesheet after a change is made. I have to refresh the browser twice. The styles are all in one stylesheet, so this makes no sense to me.
The main culprit is that ul elements set to display:none are over-ridden by the user agent styles of ul,menu display block. However, if I refresh again, then my entire stylesheet loads. All my files and folders are stored on the work server. Is it a caching problem?
To prevent caching of css files you can append a querystring. I do this when we update our main website.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://mysite.com/all.css?v=1.3">
I increment this whenever we do a release. If you are just testing your web server you can put in some dynamic code that generates the current time.
In Chrome, you can disable the cache when you're developing. Open the developer tools (F12, or Ctrl-Shift-J), click on the Gear at the very bottom right, and check "Disable cache".
