Storing unparsed HL7 2.x messages into a sql database - biztalk

We are recieving HL7 2.x using the BTAHL7 accelerator. I want to dump the raw HL7 message to a sql table, with some discrete data including control id and others. My receive location is using the BTAHL72XRecievePipeline component. Is it possible to subscribe to the raw message, instead of the parsed xml format?

You'll have to us a custom pipeline component, something like this:
You can retrieve the raw message as the first step in the pipeline.

The UltraPort MS SQL Schema Engine does exactly what you're looking for. That's all that it does, it's very fast and very good at it, and has free fully functional trial. It sets up in literally minutes and they've got really good customer service. If you call in they'll walk you through a 10-15 minute example of importing HL7 messages (and actually encourage you to use your own HL7 data if you have any). 10-15 minutes will answer 90% of any questions you might ever have and it includes downloading and installing the software.
Home Page:
Online Help:
It stores both the unparsed HL7 message as well as breaking it into parsed data tables as well as (optionally) storing the unparsed SEGMENTS as individual rows.
Hope this helps.


Bi-Directional Sync on Android Using SyncAdapter

I am planning to create sqlite table on my android app. The data comes from the the server via webservice.
I would like to know what is the best way to do this.
Should I transfer the data from the webservice in a sqlite db file and merge it or should i get all the data as a soap request and parse it in to table or should I use rest call.
The general size of the data is 2MB with 100 columns.
Please advise the best case where I can quickly get this data, with less load on the device.
My Workflow is:
Download a set of 20000 Addresses and save them to device sqlite database. This operation is only once, when you run the app for the first time or when you want to refresh the whole app data.
Update this record when ever there is a change in the server.
Now I can get this data either in JSON, XML or as pure SqLite File from the server . I want to know what is the fastest way to store this data in to Android Database.
I tried all the above methods and I found getting the database file from server and copying that data to the database is faster than getting the data in XML or JSON and parsing it. Please advise if I am right or wrong.
If you are planning to use sync adapters then you will need to implement a content provider (or atleast a stub) and an authenticator. Here is a good example that you can follow.
Also, you have not explained more about what is the use-case of such a web-service to decide what web-service architecture to suggest. But REST is a good style to write your services and using JSON over XML is advisable due to data format efficiency (or better yet give protocol-buffer a shot)
And yes, sync adapters are better to use as they already provide a great set of features that you will want to implement otherwise when written as a background service (e.g., periodic sync, auto sync, exponential backoff etc.)
To have less load on the device you can implement a sync-adapter backed by a content provider. You serialize/deserialize data when you upload/download data from server. When you need to persist data from the server you can use the bulkInsert() method in content-provider and persist all your data in a transaction

Append invoice list EDI message on outgoing batch

One of our partners requires that a "summary" edi message is appended to any EDI invoice interchange (apparently known as "invoice list"). This message contains a reference that every individual invoice should have in an RFF segment, as well as the cummulated MOA values.
My question is: does BizTalk Server (in particular BizTalk 2009) provide a convenient way to append another EDI message to the outgoing EDI batch upon release? I cannot find anything on MSDN.
My current idea is to append it in the send pipeline of the port that will transmit the batch, but I really would like a more convenient way.
I'll put it this way, your Trading Partner has a rather unusual, perhaps unique, requirement that is itself inconvenient. So, sorry, there is no 'convenient' way to accomplish this in BizTalk, probably in any platform either.
Anyway, here's what I would do, or at least some things I would try.
Batch the Invoices normally, such as with the Batching Service.
Subscribe to the Batch with an Orchestration.
Map the Batch to the Summary, which ever transaction that is, but it has to be X12/EDIFACT.
Use a dual input Map to create the batch with the summary appended.
Send to Send Port with the EDI Assembler.
I'm thinking it would be easier to use a Custom Xslt for the appending Map. That would save you from having to create a Schema for the Batch message, which doesn't actually ship with BizTalk.
The Xslt itself would be pretty simple since you just copying the two Messages. FYI, the Batch Message Orchestration Type wold be Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Any. You can't use XmlDocument as a Map source.
I had the same requirement once, but instead of one specific summary message, I needed to be able to have full control over the the order of the EDI messages in the batch.
This is how I solved this at the time:
It does have some downsides, but it might be handy to know.

Customizing HL7 V2.4 ADT Messages with BizTalk BTAHL7 accelerator?

I am very new to dealing with HL7 and my company recently began a very large project in which we will be receiving various ADT messages in the HL7 v2.4 specification. We already use BizTalk extensively here and the plan was to leverage the BTAHL7 accelerator for BizTalk 2010 to accept these messages.
My issue is this, the ADT messages we are receiving from our trading partner do not match the HL7 v2.4 specifications for pretty much all of the messages we are receiving (Even though the MSH segment is for V2.4 and they've told us that is the version they will be sending files in).
For instance they are sending us A04 messages and in the PV1-3 field the spec calls for 9 subcomponents (separated by the standard ^ delimiter). What they are sending in that field is 11 subcomponents.
instead of this (which would match the spec):
This also happens for the PV1-42 field.
After scouring the internet I can't find any help for dealing with this kind of situation in BizTalk using the accelerator. It seems to me that people can customize the data within the message and that happens often (for instance sending strings where the spec calls for an int) but cannot change the actual layout (the situation I have listed above) when dealing with HL7 and BizTalk. These messages fail even when I don't set up BizTalk to validate body segments or custom data types (which makes sense to me and is to be expected because they aren't sending strange data that still conforms to the layout of the specs, but rather an entirely different layout).
My question is this. Is there a way to deal with this utilizing the accelerator functionality without having to write custom code to "fix" the files before sending them to the accelerator pipelines? According to our trading partner this is just the way their product (Cloverleaf) sends the data and that they are already working with various other trading partners with this format.
Yes. Unless the Trading Partner is doing something that does not follow HL7 convention, you can handle such customization by modifying the HL7 message schema to accomodate the differences.
In this case, just add two additional child elements to the PV1 to accept the new data.
You will also have to change the TargetNamespace of the modified schema to isolate it to this Trading partner and set that of the tabs (sorry don't recall exactly) in HL7 Configuration.

Searching BizTalk MessageBox?

Need to make a tool to search XML data from BizTalk messagebox.
How do I search all XML data related to lets say a common node called Employee ID from all data stored in the BizTalk MessageBox?
The BizTalk Message Box (BizTalkMsgBoxDb database) is a transient store for messages as they pass through BizTalk. Once a message has finished processing, it will be removed from the Message Box.
You probably want to research Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) which will allow you to capture message data as messages flow through BizTalk; message data can be exposed through its generic web-based portal. BAM is a big product in its own right and I would suggest that you invest time in researching all of the available features to find the one that suits your particular scenario. There are many, many resources available, however you might start by taking look at Business Activity Monitoring. There is also a very good book specifically on BAM: Pro BAM in BizTalk Server 2009
Alternatively, take a look at using the built-in BizTalk Administration Console tools for querying the Tracking database (BizTalkDTADb) which will hold messages for later reference based on your pre-defined configuration options. See Using BizTalk Document Tracking.
Finally, you could consider rolling your own message tracking solution, writing message contents to a SQL Database table, as messages are received in a pipeline for example.
Check out the BizTalk Message Decompressor on CodePlex! I've been using this tool for a couple of years with excellent results. Since you're hitting the messagebox directly, you should be very careful and be very familiar with the queries that you choose to execute.
As noted by a previous poster's answer, BAM and the integrated HAT queries in the admin console are the official, safest, and Microsoft prescribed answers.

Reconciling Data in Synchronized Systems

I have a situation where a single Oracle system is the data master for two seperate CRM Systems (PeopleSoft & Siebel). The Oracle system sends CRUD messages to BizTalk for customer data, inventory data, product info and product pricing. BizTalk formats and forwards the messages on to PeopelSoft & Siebel web service interfcaes for action. After initial synchronization of the data, the ongoing operation has created a situation where the data isn't accurate in the outlying Siebel and PeopleSoft systems despite successful delivery of the data (this is another converation about what these systems mean when they return a 'Success' to BizTalk).
What do other similar implementations do to reconcile system data in this distributed service-oriented approach? Do they run a periodic dump from all systems for comparison? Are there any other techniques or methodologies for spotting failed updates and ensuring synchronization?
Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated. Thanks!
Additional Info
So why do the systems get out of synch? Whenevr a destination syste acknolwedges to BizTalk it has received the message, it means many things. Sometimes an HTTP 200 means I've got it and put it in a staging table and I'll commit it in a bit. Sometimes this is sucessful, sometimes it is not for various data issues. Sometimes the HTTP 200 means... yes I have received and comitted the data. Using HTTP, there can be issues with ordere dlivery. All of tese problems could have been solved with a lot of architehtural planning up front. It was not done. There are no update/create timestamps to prevent un-ordered delivery from stepping on data. There is no full round trip acknowledgement of data commi from destinatin systems. All of this adds up to things getting out of synch.
(sorry this is an answer and not a comment working my way up to 50 points).
Can the data be updated in the other systems or is it essentially read only?
Could you implement some further validation in the BizTalk layer to ensure that updates wouldn't fail because of data issues?
Can you grab any sort of notification that the update failed from the destination systems which would allow you to compensate in the BizTalk layer?
FWIW in situations like this I have usually end up with a central data store that contains at least the datakeys from the 3 systems that acts as the new golden repository for the data, however this is usually to compensate for multiple update sources. Seems like we also usually operate some sort of manual error queue that users must maintain.
To your idea of batch reconciliation I have seen that be quite common to compensate for transactional errors especially in the financial services realm.
